Nightmare on Switch

X_Scott Member Posts: 137

Now I can play against Freddy on crossplay, but when will switch users get to play the killer?


  • Siberia
    Siberia Member Posts: 353

    Depends on the legal case between WB / New Line Cinema & Wes Craven Estate.

    I heard it’s going over smoothly though, so it shouldn’t end up being a F13 situation. DBD may need to go through both parties in order to re-obtain the licensing. Whether they’ve already started the process or are waiting, I don’t know. We just gotta be patient for now.

    It does look like some hints have been dropped that SOMETHING to do with Freddy / ANOES is in the near future, but again, it’s all just speculation at this point.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    They would have had to get some rights to redo the Springfield maps. I would think.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Depends on how strict the contract they signed was. It could've said something along the lines of "You need to talk to us for changing ANYTHING" (In that case BHVR would need permission to remake the maps), or it could've said something like "You need to ask us for new content" (In which case BHVR wouldn't need permission).