Suiciding at first hook

So, well, looks like the DC penalty is up again.
Whats the effect?
Had a few matches today, where survivor killed themself at the first hook, resulting in 3.5k points, 5.6 k points and so on, for the survivors.
But how, ffs, can it be possible, that i de-piped every of this games, cause i didnt got the requested miniumum of hooks? Why should the killer get punished, when a survivor decides not to play the game, because he didnt liked the killer, the map, got grabbed, or just because of reasons.....
Bout 7 destroyed pallys, 3 gens kicked with pop, downed 3 survivors, and of course, one escape cause hatch mechanic is really just bs. And i depip.... I dont even had a chance to do my chases, hooks or anything for an emblem, cause this guys decided to kill themselves.
Please, for the love of god, after nearly 4k hours i´m used to bs when playing this game, but seriously....
What about the "husk", devs where talking a year ago, when someone dc´s. Literally everyone trying to play the game as intended gets fu by this behaviour, the other survivors having not that much chance of escaping, and the killers cause they de-pip.
What about that:
Survivor dc´s - give the killer the full aequvalent of hooks for this survivor.
Survivor kills himself intentionally - same.
Both mechanics should just work, if the killer doesnt trigger the proximity, so camping someone will not result in given points...
Same should work for the other survivors, give them the heals and the unhooks.
I believe the core element of DBD is infinite grind. I guess, this is all you can have.
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Man, I don't want to get the Fist hook. Better suicide just to be sure.
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There is definitely a point disparity, killer should get the equivalent of 3 hooks worth for a hook suicide and survivors should also get 1k BP each in altruism emblem wise the equivalent of a hook save each would be fair, the game will still be largely unbalanced if it's at the start but at least you get more points.
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Imagine thinking pips matter. In all honesty though, suicide compensation would be great.
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"Survivor kills himself intentionally - same." - They cant do this because there's no way to determine if the player actually killed himself.. so killers would just facecamp people to rank 1.
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I have to agree about the survivors suiciding on 1 hook, it really does mess up the game flow and points, and can even mess up a team if they're all solo. Pipping really doesn't mean much in this game anymore since you seem to be thrown to the red rank survivors at any rank anyway, but at the same time, Adept killer achievements/trophies are tied to the pipping system and 1 single survivor suiciding negates that achievement/trohpy instantly. But, what can anyone do really? We can't force a player to stay in a game and there's no real way to determine if the survivor just peaced out or maybe had a moment of lag hitting struggle and missed the cue for the button. But killers should get more points if a survivor dies on first hook.
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WEll, maybe read first, than think about it, and than write something.
"Both mechanics should just work, if the killer doesnt trigger the proximity, so camping someone will not result in given points.."
How do i know, someone intentionally killed himself? Hooked, tried to escape after a few seconds, and again, and again, and dead...
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Literally everyone shuts the match directly after the offerings were displayed, if a killer uses a mori. Same i ve seen for killers, when for example Haddonfield is dropped.
But, i agree, Moris are the same bs mechanic as keys.
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Not always. Like if I'm in a 4 man stack and we played 4 cakes we're going to try to play it out. But once we're about to get mori'd we just force quit. Well can't do that anymore. Even force quitting in loading screen with get you a timer sometimes. So I just AFK at this point. Can't do ######### else.
We just take turns afk'ing once it becomes clear the killer is going to tunnel one of us out the game. I'm usually that person so...meh.