I have asked this questions many times. When will matchmaking get sorted.

LuluTheLion14 Member Posts: 283

I’m a rank 11 killer. I cannot explain how annoyed I am. I just went against a SWF. One was rank 3, one was rank 4, one was rank 5 and one was rank 16. This wasn’t fair. I even thought about rage quitting I was so angry. I don’t play SWF often but honestly I feel bad for killers now. How hard can it be to sort matchmaking out? If there is one red rank survivor in the group of survivors, match them up with another red rank killer! That would hopefully stop SWF because the noob rank survivors won’t want to go against harder killers. I am just so angry. Please don’t hate on me. It really has just pushed the limit that has. So much I just want to throw my bloody controller at my TV. This ‘new’ matchmaking is crap!

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