What tier is Demogorgon on?
S (high)
Demogorgon is SSS+++ tier and if you think otherwise you have -10000 hours in the game.
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Demo is an "honest" killer. He doesn't really have anything that he can do that's overwhelmingly strong or unfair. He's just too loud, being able to know roughly how many pallets are left in each location just because of his noises is pretty strong
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If you gave me five tiers I'd put him right in the middle. It was hard to decide between B and B+.
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I put it that way so that the results are more exact
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Wow really? C?
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Hes not bad, but hes not good either. If you set his portals up right he can be a nightmare, but that takes a long while in a game where every second counts. I think his portals need a few small buffs and a second look at his addons and he should be good to go.
Post edited by SCP_FOR_DBD on1 -
He's supposedly "one of the most balanced killers in the game" which can dominate when played properly, but honestly, the fact that there seem to be almost no demogorgon's around casts some serious shadows of doubt on how viable he truly is.
Seriously, I see Nurse more often than I see Demogorgon. And people still ride the "nobody plays Nurse" train to death yet Demogorgon is literally an extinct species. I've seen one in like 2 months.
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I agree.
I feel like it's a mid-level killer, but I find it strange that few people use it.
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hes a mediocre killer in the most expensive dlc in the game not to mention his addons are bad across the board
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low B. With Tiers from S to D, I cannot put him on C, because he does not belong in the second to worst category. So somewhat in the middle would be a good Spot for him.
He has the potential to be higher tho, depending what the Devs do with him. Rat Liver Basekit and a few Add On Tweaks and he could be high B or even low/mid A.
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He's decent. Close to the middle if not the middle of all the killers.
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His best addon is brown
That's a problem
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D (low)
If it wasn't pathetic, it'd be funny to see how on paper it should be amazing, but in practice it's bottom tier, together with Nurse, Legion and Wraith.
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He's underrated.
Teachables suck though
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Could be better. I feel like whatever he does, other Killers can do better. He's still not bad, but he's not great either.
Tho in my personal experience, he's proven to be extremely efficient at protecting Hex Totems. Playing around a Devour Hope with him can be crazy.
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Sometimes I feel like a beast with Demo, and that's always nice because no expects anything other than a literal dumb beast. :c Other times, it's just okay really. If we're factoring in base kit skills, Surge is the only one I ever even bother with.
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With his recent buff to his Shred, he moved up a bit, I think he's the most balanced Killer in the game!
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They're inbetween C and D for me mainly because their set up time and how hard survivors can counter it really puts them behind in games.
If they buffed his portals(By either making them replaceable or unbreakable(Not both)) or reworked their addons to use the offensive parts better(Shred/Portal stealth) then they'd be a solid B.
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Honestly I think five tier ratings are misleading because there are a few killers with both high map mobility and a solid chase ability (i.e. Spirit, Nurse, Freddy) who are much more forgiving of mistakes than all the rest. And by and large all the other killers have roughly the same kill rates and win percentages so the gap between these “average” killers is much smaller than the gap between the average killers and the top three or four. There are no “trash” killers at this point in the sense that all the killers can win if you outplay the survivors. Even Clown and Pig, for instance, who are often among picks for the weakest killers will win matches when you outplay the opponents. It’s just that the top killers allow you to play less well and still recover and win.
Demogorgon is average. He has good map mobility, but it does take a little time to set it up and his tunnels have a slightly long cooldown so if he tunnels and accidentally misjudges where people are and goes to the wrong spot for example it will cost him. His Shred is situational, you can threaten to hit with it to get someone to head away from a vault or pallet but mostly he’s a basic attack 115% killer in a chase. And his Undetectability when using a portal is marginal because he’s such a tall killer with a noisy movement.
I honestly think his best ability is the detection he gets from activated portals. If you intentionally activate portals right near gens then it forces the survivors to either ignore them, in which case you can detect exactly who is working on what gen whenever you want, or they cleanse them in which case not only do you still know someone is there from the noise notification but they have to spend 12 seconds cleansing a portal that only takes you two seconds to place. It’s kind of like a 10 second slow down every time they cleanse a portal instead of working of the neighboring gen. I have won quite a few games as Demo simply by playing him a little like Hag where I set up a web of already activated portals next to gens on one half of the map and then defend that 3-5 gen area in the mid to late game. If his Shred was slightly better in a chase he would definitely be a top killer in my opinion, it’s his chases being a bit weak that hold him back.
Interestingly, on a tangent, I suspect Blight will be in kind of that same category of a killer who has amazing map mobility but whose lack of a good ability in a chase at a loop will hold him back a bit. He in fact is even more mobile than Demogorgon since he can Rush instantly with minimal cooldown and go anywhere at will. But he lacks the tracking ability to know where to run to and his ability in a chase is maybe even a bit more situational then Demogorgon’s (maybe). So my guess is he’ll end up in the same average bucket more or less as Demo.
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I think he's one of the very few things that are balanced in this game. He's not too strong, not too weak. It's not often I play against Demos, but when I do, I usually see them putting a portal next to a hooked surv. 💀 But hey, I get it. It takes time to get through these portals anyway.
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He's a killer that looks amazing on paper but doesn't actually pan out that way.
I think the biggest thing hurting him that people don't account for is how much information he gives survivors. It's way too much.
He also has features that are just counter intuitive to one another and don't make any sense.
- You can see pings of survivors when they're near your portals...but by doing that you ruin any surprise you'd ever get from the portals because you had to put them that close to the gen...but if you put them further away for surprise attacks, no location pings.
- Portals give Undetectable to surprise the survivors...but you tell them you're coming first with a global notification.
- Undetectable from portals...but you're kept extremely freaking loud so the Undetectable is basically cancelled out.
Like I said, these don't make any sense. They're features designed to do something that they don't do.
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D (low)
C or D tier imo. There is a reason why he is one of the 3 least player killers, at least in my experience the 3 least played. The other 2 that I rarely encounter are Clown and Trapper, who are also quite weak.
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The biggest issue with Demo is he has the same.power as Freddy but worse.
Worse teleport
Worse power
And he has no passive unlike Freddy.
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A tier. I truly believe people gave up on Demo way too fast. He's a really solid killer once you know how too play him. I play him at red ranks and besides the occasional death squads he gets consistent wins. I would put him just under Pyramid Head since Pyramid Head can hit over pallets and through walls.
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S (high)
I say he's good but after reading some comments yeah, I'll say A-B. He is very versatile.
You have portals to get around easier. Those of which if they decide to get rid of them take time away from gens or if your running hexes that's 3 different things they have to complete, more time taken away from gens. You also get undetectable when using portals (portaling is what I call it). I set a portals a bit away from gens and move to the other side of the map then portal back. They couldn't see me come out, they couldn't hear my terror anyway, and the screams mean they should be looking the other way but I pop out right next to you.
The abyss. You can see people near portals. This isn't just good at making sure your portals stay up but can also help detect people. On Harpoon guys map, the hanging station, I put a portal underneath it and I can detect people on the platform. Theirs also a gen on the platform so I can at anytime tell if someone is on that gen. I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen (Dead by [bug]light). But it's still something that you can use.
Then you have shred. Yes, it's probably not the best ability but it's still nice to have. It's good against rank 20 new people but rank one experts it's useless against. The biggest problem that I have about it isn't that it's kinda easy to dodge but that you can't look while yelling meaning that if they do dodge that's time they have to hide.
Anyway, I think if you know how to use Demogorgon and are good at keeping up with multiple things he can be really good. Even if you don't know how to use him you can still just use shred or do some basic "I use portal to go faster" stuff.
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All I know is that every time I find out I'm up against a Demogorgon I feel immediately relaxed, and 90% of the time getting out proves to be easy breezy, and that's at purple/red ranks. The only time I ever have a problem against a Demo is when they camp (portal on the hooked survivor, move away only to immediately teleport back), but any killer becomes 'good' when they camp survivors to death, so it's not like that's the Demogorgon's special winning tactic.