Rank Rewards

I heard that ranks will give a reward(from King) on each 13th of a month. Well, if it is true, why is there mmr? They removed ranks because it was not showing skill and was showing playtime. Those people who are low rank but good and people who are high rank but trash are going to get rewards they don't deserve, making people play the game 24/7.
Thats for encourage people to play but indeed bloodpoints aren't enough for me. They should give iri shards
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Getting people to play more and more is always part of the model. Units sold isn't the only metric used when they're seeking all these big licenses. They're also showing player engagement: average number of players per month and average hours of engagement per player.
So, of course they want people to be logged in more. If the Battlepass system grind wasn't the first clue into that, rank rewards should make it clear.
And I'm not shocked that they don't give Shards, since Shards are already given for account leveling (i.e. time played) and can be used to by-pass paying cash for DLC content. I didn't imagine they would double-dip into that bypass system.
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I agree. Shards would be a better reward. BP is just not tempting enough.
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I feel it should be a daily reward of a smaller amount - preferably Auric cells.
Youre going to get people who derank just ranking up the day before and then deranking again after...
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So I doubt they like to give auric cells instead so Iri shards and everyone happy.
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They already give cells in the battlepass. Yeah, they can be used to buy a cosmetic instead of the next pass, but for players who complete each pass and get the next, they probably haven't made a battlepass sale beyond the very first one from them.
Don't get me wrong. I agree that BP is lackluster as a rank reward. But from a business standpoint, it's precisely what I expected.
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The Devs are not removing Ranks, but it is planned to remove Ranks from the Matchmaking. You will still have a Rank Reset and you will still have the opportunity to Pip or Depip, however, this will have no effect on your Matchmaking. It is a number for you to brag about.
Personally, I hope that they also bring back a real Rank Reset, so that the Rewards are a little bit more interesting. For me, I would totally be fine to get Reset to Rank 20 every month, if there is an actual reward for Ranking up.
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Shards would of been better but they greedy a little be I mean look at the blank spot on the rift that should of been fill with Shards I mean the free track sucks want people to keep playing then no more blank spot on the free track of the rift.
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Im not asking for great quantity
Rank 20 to 15: 25 shards per lvl
Rank 15-10:50 shards per lvl
Rank 10-5: 50 shards per lvl
Rank 5-1 :100 shards per lvl
So if you reach rank 1 you get like 1000 shards.
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Given away money. If tripple A game studios aren't doing it, there is no way that BVHR would even come close to doing that. Shards were the only thing that was close to a chance, but considering they are already doing that with leveling. It was probably too much to hope for.
Would love for devotion level to give additional shards. I see at least 2 ways this could be possible.
- A small amount of shards, maybe something like. Each Shard reward is increased by 1xdevotion level shards. So if you normally get like 300 shards at each level, gain 302 shards at devotion level 2. It wouldnt be much but it would stack up a lot.
- Or one thats probably better because its a larger impact and people like seeing big rewards at the end of a journey, so to speak. So when going up 1 devotion level you will get maybe 500 shards for the first level. Then maybe 600 for the seconds, 700 for the third and so on. It could be more, like 1000 the first level and then a similar increase per additional devotion level.
Essentially one is a small additional reward for each level within devotion and one is a large reward after 100 small levels. Again not entirely interesting but it would be something beyond a worthless number. And shards can actually be used for something, some killers/survivors and some skins. But would still leave Auric cells as a way for the company to make money.
And it needs to make money. If BVHR doesnt make money the game dies, I just want you guys to remember that. This isn't a "all dlc and all prices are ok because the company needs money". Its more like the servers cost money to run and the company needs to know that their game is still making money, if it stopped making money they would start making something else and slowly let the game die.
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100% agreed shards would be a nice addition but keep in mind this is likely just the start im sure more is gonna be added like skins charms etc.
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I mean BPs are better than the whole nothing we had since they leaked that info.