Console vs pc....
Keep saying what you will, but both sides can be good or bad. You wanna complain and all this making arguments, yet you fail to remember how potatoes have always existed and thats why rank doesnt matter so much. OF COURSE you're gonna play against or with dumb people, regardless of rank or system. Second just because it all started due to crossplay does not mean it can be generalized about the system the people play on. You have a bigger pool of players meaning you'll get way more crap players and way more good players. And frankly im disappointed in pc. I've not been so badly wrecked yet like I was expecting and how you guys make it sound. If anything crossplay has taught me that everyone is pretty much the same. My worst losses have been to console players. The best survivor I know is on console and the best killer I know is on console. But im not making generalizations about pc when I could. Have some decency, yeah you guys have better optimization and fps but that doesn't mean you are better players, if anything being limited and getting good enough to beat people who have advantages is a proof of skill in itself. I digress, just shut up with the arguments. Yeah console is tocic, but so is everyone else. Oh you got tunneled? Boo hoo pc streamers are the most popular so we see just as much pc trash as you guys see in console. And Honestly I havent even heard that many complaints about pc if anything I just heard 1 trash talking pc and that's it and for some reason pc wants to trash console. Just stop regardless of platform there is toxicity and trash players
Here is my take, console players dont get to complain about pc because you dont even know if that crossplay person in your lobby is pc. Pc players shouldnt complain about console players because, while we know you are console, we now have 3 extra pools of idiots to add to our pool of idiot players who are braindead. Every group has idiots in queue, and much like before crossplay, you are gonna get a lot of them before you actually find the good players.
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I have not had a console team finish the gens yet, I've gotten nothing but 4ks against them, well 3ks because I always give the last guy hatch or door.
I don't think it's their fault though. I've been griping about facing nothing but the top teams for months, everyone said I was a bad killer and there's no way I'm facing top teams that often. Pretty clear to me that they were dead wrong, because I've shot up the rankings since crossplay saturated my region with weaker players.
So the sao paulo region that I get stuck on has really strong pc survivors, but weaker console survivors. I'm sure there's a region where there are console gods, but I'm not getting them. Just like you're not getting the pc swat teams.
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Thank you I rambled more than I needed to state the point I just wanted to expand upon my reasoning but you've summed the main point perfect
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Yeah understandable but to blame it on console players is annoyinf because youre getting the types of people ive been playing with forever. Most of the time my teammates can't loop or do gens and even now. Its just how the game is its not even related to platform you got lucky Tbh you got the crap players. Hopefully when mmr is back people can go against their skill level
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I know I got lucky, facing those sweat squads every game pushed me to quit the game for a month. At least now i can enjoy the game.
Finally getting into the upper red ranks of console players and it's a fair challenge for both of us.
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No because you can't view any crossplay profiles the most reliable way is to have a friend from each platform and have them say who has a crossplay symbol for them or just one and you can use the process of elimination. Thats what I do with my girl she is on ps4 and im on Xbox so I just have her tell me if they are ps4 or not and then I know
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My experiences have been quite the opposite from yours whereas most PC players I play with have been fairly decent to really good and only a handful of console players that I can say were decent or good. Most teammates I’ve had as console players were really quite bad. Not saying I haven’t had bad PC players also but since cross play started the majority of bad players I come across have been console.
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You all say we can't identify pc players but we can. You guys are the only ones with legacy skins and the death garden mask.
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Thats like, maybe 60 something people at max. Most times when people complain about pc players, I know they dont have 3 megs with the mask or 3 dwights with legacy. I will say though, I completely forgot only pc players have that stuff.
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Switch is also in the queue of players, not sure why but they are there.
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I'm a console player, I've killed a many of PC players(you can tell from their lack of messages and playstyle) plus a PC twitch streamer. If that's the case for you, then don't be toxic to a generalization, just take your win and leave.
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You can't be sure its console when you see the globe because that person can also be on pc. Steam and the Microsoft pc see globes for each other too. Js
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That is true but there arnt that many windows store players, or at least from what I remember.
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Actually, voicecomm is a problem to be delt by the devs, not expected in the original game design. A lot of balancing with killers and solo queue must be done to adress this unavoidable topic.
Just saying...
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Ikr? I live in são paulo too, before crossplay i got decent matches, but now they are terrible. Even when everyone iS in the same platform as me the match sucks, it's like everyone just forgot how to play the game.
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Death garden mask?
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There was a game that BHVR had developed call death garden. The game no longer exist. For those who pre-ordered or bought the game were given a mask for Dead By Daylight. This was only for pc users.