Why was Ruin nerfed?



  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited August 2020

    From the way I see it, it was changed for 2 main reason.

    1. Was used so much it messed with data recolection.
    2. Was too punishing with newer players, while older better skilled players could surpass it with ease.

    I argue that the new ruin is way better than the old one at high ranks if you apply enough pressure throughout the map, that, obviously, is not possible with every killer on every map, but its still pretty solid.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yes it can.

    i didnt say it was a consistent perk, i said it was a lot MORE consistent than its previous version, which was bound to skillchecks.

    you are also right that no one can hit greats 100% of the time, but i for myself got pretty damn close to that number. and ive seen people just plow through it without any problems whatsoever, so a hit rate of ~90% is realistic.

    the old version needed to be changed, no matter whether you like it or not. it was unreliable and was way too punishing for new players.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Because according to them, Lithe is more used than DS.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Monto liked it, tru3 hated it. The real test is use over time, which monto rarely uses it any more, because it's terrible.

    No hex is consistent because of the rng, thus it should be stupidly powerful, see devour hope. Ruin does not meet that criteria, hell surge is a better perk, and surge is awful.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    This. Ruin actually managed to give killers a better chance at combating the gen rush meta. Now there's just gen rush with no compensation.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    Monto uses a lot of different perks as survivor and killer. Like his Metal of Mither build that is clearly beyond big brain meta DS/UB. So him rarely using it doesn't matter that much. He also used it quite a bit when it came out and had no issues getting a bunch of kills with it on. It isn't terrible at all. I mean you are entitled to your opinion of it. But My opinion of it, is that it's a really strong perk as long as it sticks around. Arguably stronger than old ruin against veteren players in red ranks. Due to them hardly missing skill checks anyways. So an auto kick with double the regression speed is extremely valuable to me as I can just go immediately into chase. And it's extremely oppressive mid to late game if it hasn't been found. Which it's becoming harder and harder to do on newer maps, and reworked maps.

    As for Tru3 I basically take everything he says with a grain of salt. He is almost as killer biased as Space Coconut.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    exactly- yet old Ruin wasnt as powerful as most think it was. so they changed it. now it can be, considering you play well.

    regarding the consistency part: yes, no Hex perk is consistent. i never claimed them to be, however WHILE they are active they are. All but old Ruin, which even while it was active was still bound to RNG to ever take effect. Ive repaired whole gens without getting a single skillcheck, which means old Ruin would never have taken effect on me there -> it was inconsistent even while active.

    also, you are correct, Surge is better. thats entirely due to it not being a Hex perk though, Ruin has the by far superior effect, therefore its bound to a totem that can go boom any second.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    Because babies went "waaaahhhh!" while adults shrugged it off. BHVR only balances for babies most of the time.

  • jelly101
    jelly101 Member Posts: 14

    Thanatophobia + Ruin is still annoying. Games are so long and boring when killers are camping gens without getting in a chase.

  • GamingHulk123
    GamingHulk123 Member Posts: 244

    Aren’t we all forgetting that old or new ruin is a Hex Perk. It gave survivors a reason to find the totem and cleanse it. Tbh I do favor old ruin more because it slowed the start of the game by forcing survivors to look for a totem. It slowed the start of the game just like corrupt intervention. Not to mention if cleansed, it’s gone for the whole match. Now that it’s gone, killers will have to work harder to apply enough pressure to slow the game down. Tbh, without old ruin, The Clown couldn’t survive.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Personally, I like the new Ruin more than the old. Old Ruin was not as useful at higher ranks because the survivors hit great checks like it was nothing. It was so easy, they would meme around if they missed one. It was a joke.

    New Ruin rewards me if I pressure the area of gens I want to protect. Granted, like all totems, it depends on totem placement, but when the placement is decent, new Ruin buys me much more time in the higher ranks than old ruin ever did. I admit that it is much less affective vs rank 16's than old Ruin was, but old Ruin was also outright crippling to new players. It was a bad design in my opinion.

    If given the chance, I'd keep new Ruin over old. I don't usually agree with changes BHVR makes because they tend to overshoot or miss the mark by a lot. But this one is a rare goldilocks zone.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I think ruin change was the best thing the devs have ever done. Old ruin is just not the way to slow gens down. Way too passive. And they made a perk that's actually good at slowing gens down in return.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I’m repeatedly baffled (and exhausted) seeing this claim over and over again.

    Ruin was not nerfed. It’s just no longer passive. If anything if it manages stay up till mid to late game it’s 10 times stronger than old Ruin and a royal pain in the arse coming back to a gen you were previously chased off of (or had to do a hook rescue) to find the gen has pretty much regressed to zero.

  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135

    1. ts inconsistency due to the random nature of the appearance interval of skill checks.

    So inconsistency is a thing you don't want in your game. I don't mean to be a dick, this is not a bad intended question. Why don't you rework totems once and for all? They have a major issue related with inconsistency much worse than ruin had back in the day.

    You have adopted this strategy for quite some time which is to 'patch' bad design with perks (ds, any antigen perk). Hex undying is yet another example. Forgive me, but forcing a killer to run two perks in order to be able to actual get some value from one of them is just an insult to people's intelligence. Please, stop patching bad design with perks. Like you did with ruin, revisit totems design, revisit gen design. It's about time