How do i counter spinechill as ghostface?

Put a thing up for some builds last night and been trying them out but this perk always annoys the crap out of me. I go to check a gen and noones there. So im already guessing its spinechill so later when i come back this time i move at my side but when i go to look at them to stalk they run away without even seeing me. Its not the worse thing in the world but its certainly aggravating.
I've heard people moon walk across the map backwards to counter this. This sounds boring and stupid to me so I have not tried it.
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I'm a GF and Trapper Prestige 3 main, for GF, I use 3 reading perks, meaning Discordance, BBQ, Rancor and any other perk I feel like using, sometimes Ruin or Dying Light.
All I do is use my no TR to get to the survivors, that's it, I don't expect a gen grab or anything, mostly cause grabs are bugged as hell and will always be, aparently... I don't mark survivors unles there's two in a sinlge spot, they usually reveal me and I get in a chase with one of them and proceed to hook him, leaving the second one (who I let escape) half marked or more than half marked for me to fully mark him as soon as I find that person again. NEVER expect full marking in 1 sight, and always supose they have Spinechill and you'll be alright.
Edit: Don't crouch, and use addons for faster mark and extra survivors getting spotted if they reveal you, use your power of no TR not to mark them, but to reveal their position if they see you. May the entity be with you
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Best thing to do is approach them moonwalking if you know that they on a generator, and then go for the stalk as soon as you can and build it up as much as you can. Even if you dont get them exposed, getting them close is useful to save for later
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You are not allowed to counter Spine Chill as a stealth killer - thats against the rulebook!
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It's something I hope is addressed in the future. Undetectable shouldn't be countered by spine chill. It's just more baby gloves for survivors.
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You don't have to moonwalk, you can just look slighltly left/right while keeping your objective at the border of your screen. You won't be able to stalk them without them noticing, but you can easily get a surprise hit (or grab if dedicated servers are magnanimous) since their Spine Chill being off makes them relaxed.
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mnaybe if survivors are rank 20s but thats not realistic , not every player is a potato in the game.
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There's nothing much you can do really. Some people will say to look to the side or walk backwards but then that means you could be potentially missing out on spotting survivors as you aren't looking their way. Honestly the devs should just make the Undetectable status counter Spine Chill. As someone that always runs Spine Chill i'd be perfectly fine with a change like that.
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This. It's very simple really. I've done the same for Myers, Pig and Wraith. Stalking for me works leaps and bounds better from a distance anyway. When up close, if the survivors are decent they can often hear GF anyway, same with Michael who's also 15 ft tall on top of that and about as inconspicuous as a nuclear warhead.
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Always remember, Ghostface can stalk farther than Spine Chill can detect you from. Use the 99 stalk tactic when you're far away and then mark them when you're ready to chase them. If you can't get the mark right away, try it later, the strong thing about Ghostface is survivors don't know how close they are to being exposed. Chase them off the gen and try leaning off something during the chase to mark them, I've done this a lot at certain loops. Also, just because Spine Chill detects you, doesn't mean the Survivors know where you are, leaving them to usually get off the gen early in fear of becoming marked. Using Hex: Ruin in these situations is pretty nice as it allows you to immediately chase after them without worrying too much about the gen (unless someone else is there too).
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Your FOV is larger than Spine Chill's detection cone.
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Ok so there are a few things you need to do.
Step 1 is figure out that they have spine chill, or at least probably have spine chill.
You want to trust your instincts with this, but some clear signs are if they disappear before you get close with no scratchmarks.
Once you've established that you think a specific Survivor has spine chill there are 4 methods that can work, each exploiting one of the perks limitations or weaknesses. Use whichever method makes sense for the situation as not all of them work in all cases.
First is to focus on marking them from long range. On several maps you can see a gen from an elevated position, often from further than 36 meters away. That 4 meter gap is your chance to 99% them before you go in for the Kill.
Obviously this particular method presumes such an angle exists. Just look out for places to stalk from and if you can't find one oh well don't worry about it.
The second method is to mix up your approach locations. Spine chill tells them when you are coming, but not from where you are coming. Often this means trying to stalk from the outer edge of the map rather than from the middle or the side. They see spine chill light up and run off the gen and towards where you are hiding. Then you expose and down them.
The 3rd method is moonwalking. If you know where a Survivor is, for example because they keep working on the same gen, you can look away from them as you approach and then go for a standard M1.
The 4th and final method is to use Spine Chill against them as a pressure tool. Deliberately look at a gen you aren't approaching to scare any Survivors there off while you patrol other gens for Survivors without the perk. Then later you can ambush them for real once they've realized that the perk is lighting up even when you aren't coming.
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killers can't do that dc penalty remember not like killer kill them self on hook or something..
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Like -> 🦀
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Most people only run if spinechill is active for a while. Looking at the gen for a brief period of time will not make them run. Walk toward the gen looking away at a 90 degree angle and listen if there are people working on it.
I like running Surveillance, not only does it increase the distance you can hear gen repairs but this way you don't need to do the awkward walk to every gen, only the ones that light up.
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First of all, assume spine chill. Second, don't look directly at the gen's aura. Keep the aura on your screen and approach at an angle. Nine times out of ten, you'll catch survivors off-guard.
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You need to walk backwards while keeping a 3 dimensional map memorized in your head of all possible survivor actions and routes. Then you must remember if the path you can't look at has any clear line of sight to the path you memorized and can clearly not see because you are not looking at it but walking backwards. Then you finally approach your target and then realize that they already seen you and moved on to the next gen 5 minutes ago. Wait for the last gen to go off then its gg.
And that's how you counter Spine Chill as a stealth killer.
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Spam threads that Spinechill has no counterplay. /s
I don't play GF, but I do play Pig, so similar experiences. If you suspect somebody has Spinechill, don't look directly at the gen. I tend to wave back and forth to keep my bearings, but never for more than a split second. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
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Counter spine chill by arching your movement towards the gen instead of b lining to it. This can help escaping the cone of spine chill I would have thought.
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Crabwalk to the gen and don't bother with stalking. Just take the free hit
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It's gg because that's when you reveal it was an endgame build the whole time and bloodwarden them to death.
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That got a chuckle. I can imagine them fumbling around then going sicko mode when the gates are powered.
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Same way as hooking one person and seeing 4 across the map. Or exposing 4 people with 2 lit totem chances.
They're called "game experience changers" and without them it would be M1 all day both sides.
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Whispers counters Spinechill.
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Step 1: Moonwalk
Step 2: Lunge
Step 3: Profit
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You don't have to moonwalk to counter spine chill, it's silly and you have limited fov. Just slightly look to the side and approach with your A and D keys.
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It really doesn't but you should run it anyways
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It tells you if they're hiding and that's as good as it gets when they have spinechill.
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As useful as that is it's not a counter.
Spine chills value is in what it tells the Survivor, not in any info denial for the Killer. So info perks, while useful, have nothing to do with spine chill beyond possibly helping you figure out that it's in play.