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Do you ever feel bad?

I spend 99% of my time playing survivor, so my killer rank has never gone beyond 19-20. I mainly just play for fun or when I have a daily ritual or something. I won't be destroying any red rank swf groups anytime soon, but I do ok. Tonight, I got a group of survivors that I could tell were fairly new... and I mean brand new... 3 out of 4 were opening up DBD for the first time new (I didn't know that until after the match). After 3 were dead, I found the 4th still working on generators when most would have been scouring the map trying to find hatch (which I had found and closed, eventually). After I downed her, it dawned on me. This baby Meg probably doesn't even know what a hatch is. So, I picked her up and walked over to the door and let her wiggle off but she was so scared that she immediately ran. I just stood there watching, as she frantically dropped pallets along the way, thinking I was after her. She ended up letting the timer run out, I'm guessing because she was too afraid to try to open the other door. Had I known they were brand new I probably would have gone easier on all of them tbh.

Sorry for the novel but I needed context for my question, which is - Does anyone else ever feel bad like that? Or do you take a more 'rip the band-aid off' approach?


  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I feel like it's really easy to tell when you're facing survivors that really don't know how to play. IMO, if you play enough of either role you'll be able to tell right away. Some goes for when you face an obvious inexperienced killer.

    I am not one of those players that take advantage of these scenarios because I know how frustrating it can be towards them. As a community, we owe it to ourselves to not ruin their experienced due to wonky matchmaking. Unfortunately, everyone always take advantage, which makes people not want to touch the game again.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    Just imagine those noisy annoying kids in airplanes and regret nothing. xD

    I can stop destroying a team only, if they beg for mercy. They stop trying to get out and follow me.

  • RossSama
    RossSama Member Posts: 37

    I farm 100% of the time with people who don't know what they are doing. As a survivor main, it's just too painful for me to slaughter new players who are trying to learn. I look at them not as enemies but as potential future teammates, and maybe by letting them live and run some laps around the map, drop some pallets, vault some windows, etc. it could effect my own experience positively when they rank up.

    I've had some really funny moments with groups of four identical fengs circling me and tbagging or just yesterday I farmed with a group of players who all started rotating and jumping in and out of three lockers while I nodded and spun in circles lol

    It's amazing how friendly this community can be when we are just... you know... friendly?

    Also, if the survivors bring 2+ bps or cakes, I'm gonna try to farm with that. Hopefully everybody is leaving that game with 75k+ BPs.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I tried to give a hatch to baby Meg and it was really hard. When I approach her she was run into me. When I tought she come with me I get to the hatch. But then she tried to hide in locker. When I tried to bring her to the hatch in my grasp she wiggle out and hide in locker again because she was scared of the hatch. I can't blame her, on first tought hatch is really creepy. So I managed to drop her by the hatch and then she realised how to escape. She was a rank 20 baby Meg with Dwight heart. I always let any Dwight go even if he plays like toxic scum. I would feel bad if I killed her.

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40

    I am the same way when I know a killer is new. I went back to playing survivor right after and ended up being matched with a rank 17 Ghost Face. My teammates were sabo'ing hooks as he would go to hook someone and finally he was just defeated and stood in the corner. I felt even worse about that, to the point where I would have sacrificed myself (even though it was the randoms doing it) but he wouldn't even hit anyone after that. It was pretty sad. What even worse is that now you can't even tell them you're sorry if they're all on console. I just thought I was being overly compassionate or hormonal.

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2020

    I think that's my thing, too. It wasn't so long ago that I was that baby Meg... feeling like a couldn't catch a break.

    Farming with them is actually a good idea. I don't really play enough killer to take it seriously tbh.

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40

    lol @28_stabs

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40

    That's exactly what happened, only I was trying to give her the door. She went and hid and I didn't have time to find her. Actually I thought she would run to the other door and open it but she didn't. I'm guessing she didn't know what would happen once the timer ran out. I felt so bad that I just switched back to survivor, only to get a rank 17 Ghost Face that my teammates bullied into a corner... literally... and that concluded my time on DBD for the rest of the night. lol

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Yeah, I would always jus drop ‘em, then open up the exit gate... pick them back up and walk all the way to the barrier so they can wiggle free n escape. This way they aren’t worried about anything, an maybs have a boost in morale for their next trial.

    Everyone has their own playstyle tho.

    Most experienced players on both sides can get a feel for each player’s skill level during the match.

    Some show compassion, some don’t.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    I like to do a thing called 'bloody shepherd' when I notice the players are new.

    It's a bit tricky to pull off, as there's no way to clearly signal you want to farm, but if it works, I tend to (try and) show them what pallets do, how vault points get blocked after a while, etc.

    Most often this gets me a thank you.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I always try to play nice when I play Killer. I actually enjoy memeing around with Survivors more than I like actually playing the game. If it is super obvious that I’m a lot better than them, I’ll just 2 hook everyone and let them all escape.

    It’s different vs a Bully SWF squad. I will either do my best against them, if that means tunnel and camp, so be it, or if it’s obvious that they are far away above and beyond my level, I’ll hide in the basement.

    If they have OoO I don’t even try. I like playing trap Killers and that just ruins my match. Unless they fail to cleanse totems and risk coming to visit me in the basement after rushing all the gens......teehee.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    No never. I just play the game. There is no need to be obnoxious or abusive but I don't feel the need to be overly altruistic either. Sometimes I'll give the hatch sometimes not, sometimes I run with a mori sometimes not, sometimes I'll run around smacking people sometimes I'll go hard for the win, but in the end all I do is play the game.

    Remember while there is no need to actively go out of your way to ruin someone else's game, you are not responsible for anyone else's fun.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832

    Boys cry when 4 survivors escape.

    Men cry when that kind of thing happens.

    But if I run into a blendette, that B*tch is getting Mori'd.

    and no, don't feel bad. She'll learn.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    Nope. Play more killer and you will very quickly learn why yourself. That's the band-aid that needs ripped off.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    I'm much the same. I play Killer primarily for points, so I have no real incentive to be a jerk without provocation. If I can end a match fast I don't. I'll pay seriously long enough to get my Barbecue & Chili stacks then mess around to max out my non-Sacrifice points. If someone DCs or Suicides on hook, far as I'm concerned that's their problem.

    I remember one game I was doing a Ghost Face ritual and it was clear two people were very new. The other two dc'd or died on hook, I forget, but I contented myself with harassing them a bit for my own scores but otherwise letting them get the gens done and leave.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Oh, BOY! I look like an absolute saint. So many times I've let survivors go because of a DC or because I've railed their team harder than a Deathslinger who's replaced the Redeemer with a Tau Empire rail gun.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    I barely feel bad for survivors.

    The only scenarios where I do feel bad are those that you described, the ones where they don't even know what they are doing in the game, because they are extremely new players. Then I always give hatch.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    It's blindingly obvious when a new survivor has partied up with longtime players. Running from pallets and such. I tend to go a little easier on them.

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40

    I haven't had to play much killer to learn that lesson. I've already had a whole squad of red rank swfs come through my lobby. It didn't take long, either. Little shits running around, trying to copy moves from their favorite YouTubers because they can't come up with anything orginal. The ones who are overly toxic in the match then even more so in chat afterwards because I didn't play along, thinking they've really done something when they're not as good as they think they are.... My band-aid got ripped off pretty early on.. These days if I even suspect swf or see a lobby of 3-4 flashlights, I'm outta there. ######### that. But yeah, I can 100% see why killer mains feel the way they do.

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40

    Yeah, the ones that have obviously been around for a minute or two doesn't bother me. They know how this game works by now. I mean I knew these players were somewhat new but never thought they could possibly be as new as they were. Honestly they should make it to where new players are only matched with new players for their first so many games or something like that.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Oh my! Must breath......can’t contain myself.....huff....huff....*passes out*

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    One of the horror groups I'm in posted that. I write horror as part of my living, so that one got posted to FB back then. Took me forever to find it again. 🤣

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Sorry to disappoint Michael, but I’m not a “her”.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    Mike doesn't care. He poked Bob, too. 😂

    (I actually annoy my wife via playing poke-her. I poke her with my finger randomly in the car and tell her I'm playing it. 😂)

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah when match making was broken i took pity on a lot of babies

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Yeah, last night i had a match like that as Freddy. I could tell this one Meg was brand new to the game. So instead of hooking her a third time, I let her go. I got her to pallet stun me so she could get some more BP, and eventually I let the whole team go. Often I find survivors aren't very trusting when the killer tries to let them go. Had this one guy who I kept signaling to open the door, but he kept running away. (I couldn't open it because I had closed the hatch). Time was too short by the time I downed him, so I just hooked him to save us both some time.

    I remember what it was like to start out. It wasn't that long ago. I still remember my first match as a survivor by myself (without friends telling me what to do). It was on old Lerys Treatment Theater. I spent the entire match having NO IDEA where I was going. Finding the exit gates was nearly impossible. Of course back then I didn't realize there were two, so when the killer was guarding the gate, I figured I was screwed. Funny enough, Lerys was also the first time I escaped. I hid behind the trash can while the killer carried my teammate off. I opened the exit gate and scampered off unaware that I was leaving my poor teammate behind.

    Starting out can be rough for survivors. So when I run into them, I tend to try to play pretty nice.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I let shirtless david live a lot.

  • Masochistic_Killer
    Masochistic_Killer Member Posts: 413

    Yea, I was facing teams like that at rank 18 as killer, they're usually just as toxic to solo queue too.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited August 2020

    I was starting to feel bad for this (turns out) Rank 18 Nurse in a match I just did. They blinked once, whiffed it, and then never blinked again in the match.

    I'm rank 19 Survivor, by the way, because I rarely play Survivor and BHVR loves rank resets. Anyway, I pop out two gens, heal some, and cleanse two totems while the Nurse is just slow hovering around the map not messing with blinks anymore.

    And yet, somehow, they managed to get a 3k because after she hooked one, the other two just kept swarming the hook (thanks Empathy). I grabbed the hatch and left.

    Like, how do you give a 3k to a non-blinking nurse? And they were survivor ranks 13-16, too.

    I was too stunned with disbelief to feel bad for anyone in that match. This was worse than the 4-man that swarmed the hook against my Leatherface resulting in a short match and a 4k yesterday, and I didn't think anything could top that one. In that match, the survivors were purple ranks.

    @Carlosylu, add this Nurse match to your list. 😂

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    The matchmaking is really broken.

    Red ranks are usually paired with low ranks, it doesn't matter if we have MMR or not.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    yes. I feel bad in situations like that.

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 97

    Yes it makes me feel bad and i play nicely with them. Go afk and stuff while they do gens and then always let last one escape but they never realise im the one letting them escape..

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I feel bad going against survivor babies All. The. Time.

    They really don't deserve to get matched with lil' old me, the rank 1 killer with 2k hours. I try to be nice and as chill as possible and give them some hands-on lessons (in murder), but I'm also not willing to wait 30 minutes for them to grow a pair and do the gens.

    This is why we need a working MMR ASAP.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    I feel like I owe survivor streamers some Thank You notes for teaching people these tricks and gimmicks. These days I'm constantly going against would-be bully squads armed with all the latest 'techs', but lack the basic fundamentals to actually play well. They seem constantly flabbergasted that I can counter their tricks - or at least learn and adapt instead of getting tilted and making the same mistake over and over again.

    And the salt! I don't normally like to engage in schadenfreude, but their salt is the seasoning for pure joy.

  • LeaderoftheSaints
    LeaderoftheSaints Member Posts: 162

    I feel bad for the people i run over on the sidewalk on saints row and gta. Oh whoops wrong game

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40

    A slow hovering Nurse? That's depressing and cute, all at the same time. lol

    That reminds me of my first ever rage quit, which was just the other day. I've never DC'd in a match before, no matter what. I usually just let it play out because I know how DCs can affect a match. Anyway, it was a trapper. They hooked their first person and stayed right by the hook, setting traps and camping it. Someone was running kindred, so everyone could see. One by one they went and immediately got trapped and hooked. No plan or anything.. just went in guns blazing. I saw an opportunity and unhooked one of them, then they immediately went back and did the same thing. This was all within 2 minutes of the match starting. I immediately DC'd and left their dumb asses there to die. I was annoyed with the Trapper for playing like that at first.. but this wasn't his fault. This was the fault of horrible teammates and the cluster ######### that is soloq. Worst part is that none of them were new. I don't remember exact ranks but they were not new.

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40

    Yeah, I completely understand that.. and like I told someone else, they shouldn't just throw new people into the mix immediately. Let them play against each other until they get a few hours under their belt, at least. The way it is right now.. It isn't fair to the survivors or the killer.

  • delilahsupastar
    delilahsupastar Member Posts: 40
    edited August 2020

    I know. It's like the system goes out of it's way to match complete opposite ranks atm.

    Granted, my killer rank is incredibly low but if the new system were working properly I still wouldn't have been matched with people that were that new to the game.