Perk Idea Dump

Only_Aesa Member Posts: 9

Thought I'd share my perk ideas let me know what you guys think.

Hex: Constrict - Survivors within 2/4/8 meters of this totem suffer tremendously from the hindered status effect

Bloodthirsty - You enter bloodlust tier 1 50/75/100% sooner

You're Next - After hooking a survivor the obsession suffers from the oblivious status effect for 15/30/60 seconds has cooldown of 120 seconds


Cripple - Injured survivors suffer from the broken status effect if they do not heal within 300/240/180 seconds after being injured.

Vengeance - After being stunned survivors further than 32/24/16 meters scream.

Hex: Marked - All survivors except the obsession cleanse totems 25/50/75% slower. Whoever cleanses a totem becomes the obsession.


Cursed Realm - Spawns 1/1/2 extra totems

Relentless Hunter - During a trial each time the obsession changes you gain a .5/1/1.5% movement speed increase

Interference - After a generator is completed the generator nearest completion is blocked by the entity for 5/10/15 seconds. Has cooldown of 300 seconds.


Deal With Darkness - At the start of the trial your aura is revealed to survivors for 5 seconds and survivors auras are revealed to you for 5/5/10 seconds

Sadism - Each time a survivor screams gain 1 token

At 4 tokens survivors are inflicted with the Hemorrhage status effect for 60/120/180 seconds. Stacks

At 8 tokens survivors are inflicted with the Hemorrhage and blindness status effect for 60/120/180 seconds. Stacks

At 12 tokens survivors are inflicted with the Hemorrhage, blindness, and suffer moderately from the mangled status effect for 60/120/180 seconds and all the tokens are consumed. Stacks

Hex: Dreary - Survivors within your terror radius cannot perform any rushed actions.


No Where to Run - At the start of a trial all windows, pallets, and lockers outside of your terror radius are blocked by the entity for 10/20/30 seconds

Hex: Imprison - Basement hooks take survivors 100/200/300% longer to unhook from.

You Will Die - If you hook survivors less than 4/5/6 times before the exit gates are powered. once the exit gates are powered they take survivors 100% longer to open


Hex: Obstruction - Great skill check zones are reduced by 70/80/90%

Crushing Blow - Every 90/60/30 seconds your next hit inflicts the exhausted status effect on a survivor for 15 seconds

In the Shadows - Hooking two survivors within 20/25/30 seconds of each other grants you the undetectable status effect for 60 seconds. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.


Hex: Soul Reap - The survivor that cleanses this totem will scream every 240/180/120 seconds for the remainder of the trial.

Fatal Wound - Survivors who miss a skill check while healing inflict the deep wounds status effect on the survivor being healed.

A Little Suprise - Items found in chests are consumed 100/150/200% faster



  • Doctor132
    Doctor132 Member Posts: 4

    Hex: Dreary is op, survivors have to rely on rushed actions, without rushed actions survivors wouldn't stand a chance against the killers.

    Hex: Imprison ... If you ever played dbd you should know, that if the killer attacks the unhooking survivor, he can attack again by the time the survivor is unhooked. So, if the killer is camping basement with this perk, the survivor can't even be unhooked, because the killer can attack multiple times before it is finished.

    Hex: Obstruction is just bad. -90% great skillcheck zones means survivors basically CAN'T hit greats, so it's just a worse version of the old ruin

    Relentless hunter - just don't make perks that will only work with other perks or specific killer powers. Changing your obsession is rare, but with perks like nemesis relentless hunter becomes insanely op

    Sadism - same here. not all killers have powers or addons that make survivors scream, but if you make a whole perk build around sadism, it becomes op.

    Hex: Constrict heavily depends on luck, can be unfair for the survivors or useless if they find it before a chase

    other perks are ok

  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    I like You're Next, Interference, Hex: Soul Reap (should be more often), and Fatal Wound.

  • Only_Aesa
    Only_Aesa Member Posts: 9

    I made these hex perks prior to undying being released so they're a little too broken now. And I nerfed relentless to be .25/.5/.75%.

  • Only_Aesa
    Only_Aesa Member Posts: 9

    Link to my second perk dump