Don’t be toxic and don’t try too hard to be nice

This goes for both sides, trying to play ‘nice’ is just a losing battle that will leave you frustrated. Because everyone plays their own way, you’ll be left upset when someone inevitably takes advantage of whatever you tried doing.

Just try to play to win, if what you’re doing is considered OP then that’s on the game to fix, not you. If you see a survivor out in the open who you just hooked, go for them, don’t worry if you get called a tunneler. Don’t bother not running DS for the sake of the killer.

Just please don’t be intentionally toxic, if you’re letting the whole survivor team bleed out slugged for way longer than any perk would help them, or t-bag a killer at every chance you get then you’re just doing everything you can to make their game worse. Please don’t do that.
