Can't have fun anymore now

Got to red ranks, played about 10 games in it, i hate it so much, can't play this for fun anymore, i despise this matchmaking
EDIT: I worded this poorly, I basically just want Red Rank to get a rework. There is way too many differences in how many hours someone has in this game and a simple number system will not work as well as we want it to. Ranks don't apply to skill that much, it's more of playtime, that's bad. It's a RANK system, we can check our hours whenever we want to. BHVR needs to stop worrying about adding new stuff, and fixing what they already have. Yea the game may not get much more immediate sales but in the long run when they start adding all that stuff again after they fix the game at least a little, it'll probably sell more than it is already. Ranks need to be fixed first of all, I know the amount of existing gameplay issues but fixing who we go against at least a little, will improve the overall gameplay experience tenfold
Isn't the matchmaking back to normal though? I thought they reverted it to work on it more
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It's either really bad rank system or godawful matchmaking, being red rank commonly pairs you with red ranks, i get nothing but the most infuriating things to deal with now
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Well, isnt that where you belong?
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If you're red rank matched with other red ranks that means matchmaking is working.
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Wait. So you are a red rank, getting paired with other red ranks, and thats...bad? This has to be poorly executed bait.
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no matter what i say at this point i just look like bait so forget it, long story short gonna have to leave crossplay off forever
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Hate to break it to you but you get used to it. I could have told you that red rank PC players are much worse than red rank console players.
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I'd rather get my rank destroyed by red rank swf pc players to get back to the rank i belong than be stuck in a temporal loop of winning and losing and forever being sentenced to rank 4 1 pip
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Eventually you will hit a point where you can consistently get three to four kills a game. But you have to put in the effort to practice
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Looks like I'm gonna have to learn even more I suppose, god man this has more things to consider than any other game I played it's like a juggling act with 10 balls
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That it is my friend. But every game you play you learn something new for the next one! If you ever play survivor feel free to add me. Don't know my ID off hand so I'd have to log in. But my tag on PS4 is crazewtboy9747
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This game takes a loooooooong time to git gud at. I consider myself a hair above mediocre and I have close to 2k hours.
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I think what OP is getting at is there is a huge skill gap among red rank players. A player who just made it to red ranks for the first time after 100 hours, and a player who has 3k hours and been consistently red rank can be matched together. This is something they want to solve with MMR, but unfortunately they haven't figured it out yet.
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I grinded on Dark Souls for hours and hours and not even that was as hard as this game. There's so much to consider about each and every second it can honestly become exhausting
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It's why people usually threw constantly to get back into lower ranks. Which is why they wanted to push out the MMR.
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Wow, matchmaking system working.
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I worded that part really poorly, I should have focused on what Ghoste said, the absolute gap between red rank players' experience
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I think that more ranks are needed.
20 are not enough to display the real skill of players.
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My sweet summer child.
Red ranks = basically an entire different ranking system. In there you have people who are about as good as most people in yellow/green ranks and people that can run the killer for the entire match/killers that only play nurse/spirit/freddy or Hag.
What im saying is Red ranks isn't an indicator of skill its an indicator of how much time you have put into the game. Sometimes that equates to skill but definitely not always, or even most of the time. Red ranks can be a massive pain to play against or just insanely easy. And unless you play a strong killer you can basically be doomed before the game starts.
While I dont always agree with Scott this is one where I definitely do.
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I think beige and green ranks need work, purple is fine, red ranks need a COMPLETE rework
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So, you're upset about being matched with people your rank.... and having tough games? Seriously?
I've said it over and over. Rank means nothing. Bit if you're one of the people who believes in it, you're where you belong. Supposedly. If you have tough game over and over against red ranks, while in red rank, perhaps you're not REALLY supposed to be in red rank.
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Made an edit to the main post