Everything Sh#tty about DBD from a casual 50/50 players

Hey Guys I play both Killer and Survivor and i just had a bad pig game so imma vent here ENJOY HAVE FUN!!!!

Devs,not responding to player feedback

Devs, not releasing stats because they know survivors have too many clutch perks.

Devs,Not fixing bugs.... FIX THE ROCKS!!!

Entitled Survivor Main, "I can use DS,Unbreakable,Soul Gaurd, and BT and run with a key but you can't use noed!!!"

Entitled Killer Mains, "Dont play with your freinds and dont use items"

Survivor Tea Bagging, wow you pallet stunned me and used a in game mechanic your SOOOO good!

Archives, Why cant we switch challenges in a lobby?

Player Reporting, do yall even ban people?

Matchmaking, this shouldnt be a problem in year 5

Noob3, sorry but making fun of low rank killers is toxic

UnFun Perks, Noed,DS,Unbrakeable,Devour hope.

Spirit, ssly the only killer that needs nerfed rn is spirit lol

If you have any thing you want to add just leave it in the comments!


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The entitled survivor mains that complain about regression stacking and don't seem to realise that there's a total of 2 killers where it's even effective, and even then 1 of them is Legion.

    The entitled killer mains that complain about second chance perks whilst deliberately and unashamedly tunelling and camping.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    From a casual perspective, tunneling, camping, and genrushing are the [BAD WORD] things in dbd.