Spirit change idea
An idea of change for the Spirit :
Normal speed; 4.6
Power Speed; 9.0
With this new power she can :
1) moves faster, allowing it to move across the map in a few seconds
2) completely invisible. Radius terror becomes breath (WIND, 24 meters from the survivors?)
3) The use of its power is unlimited (but with a small reuse cooldown, for the chases). She can't attack, but she can run normal speed in normal mode.
This change brings to mind the ability to move very fast on the map, to catch a survivor during a chase (reasonably), and to play its role of SPIRIT! The current role is similar to that of Wraith, attacking with its boost... She become annoying for teams looking for attention while the weaker members of the group work on the generators, but benefic for cautious players.
Members what do you think ? 🤗
Translat FRENCH sorry