Freddy Vs trapper


Why does Freddy have a teleport, slow down with the dream state, oblivious with dream state, non directional terror radius and an anti chase with snares, but trapper can only have one trap?


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,396
    edited August 2020

    Because a few of the OG killers like Trapper and Wraith for that matter have suffered from power creep. They aren't caught up with the game.

    Trapper and Wraith are both extremely addon reliant as their base kits are terrible. They need more of their addon strength pushed into their base kit.

    I'd say even a Trapper for example using his best addons only just puts him equivalent to most the other mid tier killers. That's pretty sad honestly.

    Clowns another example of the power creep. Freddy is everything Clown has plus lotsss more.