Resolve Slug and Camping

Its kind of ez to resolve these two
For camping is just do an check every 5 seconds if the killer is at 15 meter from you the timer to the entety will not count
The timer will still count if an survival is in chase
Slug is the same as camping but instead of 15 meters put 8 or 10
Ez probleam resolved this will probably decrease the amount of people with DS and unbrakable
Dont say to that WoW CaMp Is An SrAtEgY because when you say that you just motivate the toxity of survival DS + UB and more DC
.... No
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Why, everthing that camping and sluging do is to increase toxicity and its not even funny from the two sides
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Because me slugging someone who got hook farmed instead of hooking them again immediately isn't toxic. Me staying around the area of a hooked Survivor because 1-3 others are in the area isn't toxic.
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Developers: *remove camping and slugging*
Killers: "well, tunneling it is then!"
Survivors: "always has been."
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You at least read that i said that if a survival is in chase the timer count
and why would you slug someone that was hooking farmed just pick him and put him in the hook again
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just do bones
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Slugging is fairer than tunneling.
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Yep but i dot had any idea to resolve tunneling and ds is alredy here so
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But.. why? It's not the dude's fault that he was hooked farm. And I'm not obligated to do anything. I can hook him again, slug him, or let him run away. So I do the middle ground that aids us both.
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People said the same thing 3 years ago. They tried these things in testing and found that they could become very exploitable and abusable.
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Except that there is NOTHING to resolve; there is no problem with either thing.
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So then if a survivor is near a body or hook within those distances and timers the entity kills them that much faster sounds fair to me 🤷🏻♀️
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Didn't the devs say that slugging is a valid strategy as long as it's not holding the game hostage?
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As would survivors less use those perks then. Good joke. There you have some false hope.