is MMR already working?

recently i started playing killers i have not played for virtually years. In my first 5 games on bubba in each match someone made a suicide on hook at the beggining, i got 4k for 5 times in a row and in the sixth game i was destroyed without making a single hook.
i played on wraith about for 6-7 games making 3-4k and im quite sure this is not my skill, still have not faced any challenge. (previous time i played wraith a year ago)
i started playing on plague and out of 7 games i won 6. (before that played her mb 1-2 times).
this is not my braging because i know i suck on those killers and have little idea how to play well,i don't even get used to their abilities, but game seems easy/relaxing. Feels like im playing not vs usual rank 1-3 enemies but vs 5-7 ranks.
i dont get such easy games on ghostface/oni/michael i have x100 times more expirience on those killers.
So has mmr been lauched without warning us?
MMR is not currently active. They've announced in the past when it was enabled and disabled.
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It seems it is online. I get much harder survivors with freddy and ghost face which i played over 150 games with and the survivors against my huntress which i played maybe 15 games are much weaker.
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i know what they said
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I feel like it is active. Been finding fair opponents whilst all rank colors.
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Then that should answer your question
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i know what they said but i dont know what they did
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Exactly what they said.
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I been saying this and people think I'm crazy. I jump on trapper or wraith who I have almost no games with and I get paired with a bunch of rank 20's and completely new survivors.
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The first few matches you play a killer, it seems like the matches are way easier. I think it's designed this way to get you hooked on the high of those first good games.
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I've sort of experienced that--but then at the same time, I used The Plague for the first time and my rank 10 ass was matched against four rank 2s
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Whatever its status, my matches have felt balanced.
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The ranks are almost the same, but they play like scrubs. Maybe they have just not thousands of hours like the other ones.
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"Welcome to DBD where the rules are made up and Ranks dont matter"
There is a reason why most people say that rank doesn't matter. Granted one of the reasons is that there is no reward (or there wasnt until now) for being a higher rank. I can almost guarantee that its sheer luck that those games feel like that, either that or you might just be better on those killers than you think.
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My matches felt very one sided. Survivors always escape and I'm left with nothing since I'm just trying to use up my cakes to get BP so I can Prestige. Getting really sick of all these try hards... so ya if it is on it's not working....
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Yeah that would make sense if the survivors were rank 10 or 8 or whatever....but it paired me against rank 17s and 20's with 1 perk slot unlocked and these guys didn't have a single perk over level 1....several times in a row....