Why do I get gen rushers at night

ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

I haven't gotten a single match yet tonight where there is only one toolbox. Why do people play like that. It doesn't seem fun at all and when I play survivor I take fun in looping not holding m1 as fast as possible


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's when people have the free time to play with their friends and there's no potato teammate or lack of coordination to exploit. It's a pretty huge flaw in DBD, but it's just how the game works.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    There was 3 toolboxes so that countered the coop penalty.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Cause this game is no fun with inexperienced potatoes who dont know how to play.

    So at night when most people are free get together and play with friends.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    When I play at night I get teams of green and yellow ranks. My last two games:

    1) a “red rank” Freddy who spammed pools and was face camping someone who did nothing to them

    2) a Nea who just stood there, while letting myself and a Bill die on hook (she wasn’t stuck or afk)

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    more survivor wif friendsies play at night is my guess because they have to job during the 9to5...

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited August 2020

    IMO any game that has a multiplayer aspect gets more intense after dinner time leading into midnight. That's usually when school/work is over, people have had their food and they are killing time till they go to bed.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    I cant speak for everyone but when I play survivor I always play with items, sometimes a medkit and sometimes a toolbox. In my case its to make up for the fact that I am playing solo and I want to have some advantage going in.

    As for when I play with Friends it depends. Sometimes its just fun seeing how stupidly fast some gens can go, and other times its to compensate for the fact we are a bunch of potatoes just trying to have fun. As for "gen rushers" you gotta explain what you mean by this term because a lot of people no longer use its original meaning, and I think you are one of them.

    Originally gen rushing was escaping so fast you all depiped, both killer and survivors.

    Now people just use it to mean "Why are survivors doing gens" which is a really silly quesetion. They do gens because its their main objective, luckily after the toolbox nerf they cant do it nearly as fast as before. They can do 1 gen faster than ever. But not all 5. Before the nerf true gen rushers would use 4 commodius toolboxes and still have charges left when they escaped. The new one has 32 charges, the old one had a whopping 180 charges.

    Its still not easy to play against but it can be beaten. Using corruption can save your bacon, but unfortunately the way spawn works it can just as easily spawn survivors behind you ontop of a gen thats not blocked, or spawn you in the middle of the map and basically do nothing, since it just blocks 3 random gens around the map instead of 3 gens in the opposite side end of the map.

    So in my oppinion the biggest current problem that the devs should fix is the spawns. Because what you usually lose a lot of gens on is that survivors just spawn on 4 different gens, start doing them, 1 gets found after 20 seconds, he gets chased for 50, you hook him after 10 and 3 gens pop. Thats an unfortunately rather common scenario, and one of the reasons why more and more killers are starting to just play spirit, freddy, using a mori etc. I played around 15 games or so yesterday with a friend of mine, and we face 3 moris, 2 freddys, 1 spirit and 1 iri huntress. Not to mention a couple of face camping pigs of all things.

    Now I cant say with any certainty that the reason I was facing them was because they all got tired of getting ######### by what im talking about. Some of them were clearly bad, ignoring people on gens right next to them just to try and down one specific player. Or just holding W around loops, never even attempting to mindgame. But that should be something the mmr system could potentially fix. That people that arent that good at the game shouldnt be facing people they cant deal with.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    School/work is usually over by that time.