Higher Ranks are Making me Quit
I loved this game when I first started. By now I have gotten a couple killers to 50 and am pretty close to red ranks, but the survivors I get matched with have changed.
I get body blocked often and it is the only thing that infuriates me. It often doesn't work out, because it usually has counterplay unless its done right. Here's an example.
Be me on Haddonfield while carrying a David.
Offering to space out hooks and offering for Haddonfield, of course.
Nea and Jake under the nearest hook and Nancy blocking the only gap in the fence to walk through.
Hit Nancy, she runs under hook and Jake takes her place, drop David, hit Jake, pick up David, Nea body blocks, David escapes.
Get teabagged.
Get body blocked several more times by healthy survivors in chase and get hooks body blocked by multiple survivors.
I am Ghostface.
Can't use night shroud when being chased and exposed constantly.
All gens done, have one on hook.
Bombed by three healthy survivors.
Hit one, try to chase, Nancy crouches in a gap looking up at me.
Hit her and she turns white, BT of course, watch as three escape.
Nancy begins to run away, count to fifteen and hit.
Downed but afraid of DS, exit gate is close enough for her to crawl to.
Stand by exit, pick her up at the last possible second, get DS'ed.
0k lol.
Free escape for poor tunneled survivor.
Get flamed.
GG EZ. Baby killer. Git Gud. Ur trash. Uninstall. #########.
Survivors can break the game by simply deciding to do so. Then of course they complain when you tunnel the most toxic one out.
Like a Claudette who followed me around on Bedham.
Exposing me from a distance, flashlight clicking, and rushing in for flashlight saves on my downs.
SWF of course, so chasing Claudette means 3 gens being done on the opposite side of the map while I chase.
Eventually tunnel and face camp her out, team falls apart for the 4k at 2 gens left.
This is the best scenario, but really, if we all played fair and right it would have been better for both sides, but some people are just gigantic C U N T S and that may be why I quit playing. The game isn't fun anymore because the survivors have decided that it isn't.
Usually I would play like you suggest, but they arrived near the hook as I did from the garage with the car and pallet. I didn't walk into a bad situation, it happened as I arrived. Also, slugging doesn't work against teams like this. They just pick up the slug while you chase.
As for mad grit. I thought of running a build like Mad Grit, Iron grasp, Agitation, and Devour Hope to deal with squads like this, but I can't tell if this would be too weak or too strong.
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Welcome to the reality of the game - good survivors will win.
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I second what Starboard said. If survivors are sabo'ing hooks or bodyblocking and you know the survivor you're carrying is going to struggle out you can just drop and slug them. It still creates pressure for the survivors, and you can usually get some free hits/downs out of it since dropping a survivor only takes a second. Knowing when a survivor is going to wiggle free is just something you have to feel out with experience.
A few days ago I had a Blendette sabo 2 hooks while I was carrying a Kate. I knew the Kate would wiggle free so I dropped her, got a free chainsaw down on the Blendie, hooked her, then picked up and hooked the Kate the second her hook respawned.
Conversely, while there's no excuse for survivors being toxic, protecting their teammate from getting hooked is good gameplay. Don't let it get you tilted.
Also keep in mind that every time you drop and pick up a survivor it fills up about a third of their 'wiggle meter'. Seems like you were doing a lot of that and it definitely wasn't helping you.
And of course if body blocks are something that especially irritates you you can always run Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, or Agitation. I recommend Agitation above the others. OhTofu (a popular DBD streamer) runs Enduring on a lot of his builds specifically because he hates getting pallet stunned. There's nothing wrong with using a perk slot for QOL reasons.
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You don't understand the scenario. I appreciate your replies but they aren't applicable to that specific situation.
One person body blocks the only way to the hook. Two wait under hook. As I hit, the injured person switches with a healthy person from under the hook. If I drop and chase they heal the downed survivor, if I come back and pick up before that happens they can still body block one more time, letting them go free. It is not a counterable situation.
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I understand that now. It really does come down to waiting for mistakes, finding the weakest player, and hoping your perks work out. If not you lose no matter what.
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I seem to have failed in describing the situation well. They had a rotating body block strategy with no visible work around. Dropping isn't a viable counter. I also don't have an insta-down like Billy. I have to build mine up from stealth, which they denied me at every turn.
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I'm Pretty sure I understand the situation well enough. A "rotating body block strategy" is not a thing people do against skilled killers because it's just not viable. If they give you a bunch of free hits by body blocking - even if they get their teammate to wiggle free - they won't be able to body block the next hook because they'll all be injured. And they won't be doing gens because they'll all be healing to prep for the next body block.
Letting someone wiggle free in exchange for injuring their entire team is well worth it. That's an insane amount of pressure you've just generated.
And dropping a survivor if you can't get them to a hook is both a 'viable counter' and greatly recommended. Letting them wiggle free and run off to do gens is not the preferred alternative.
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This. Exactly this.
Killers like to complain about gen speeds, but it's on you as killer to pull survivors off of gens by creating a lot of pressure. This is not just accomplished by getting hooks, but by getting injures, downs, and slugs. If an entire team wants to drop OBJ to body block you should graciously accept their offer. The free hits you get will only generate more pressure.
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Yeah look at it another way, all four guys on that hook means no gen progression so they paid all that gen time to try and deny 1 hook state. Its the survivors giving you free pressure. Drop the David or not just hit everyone and apply wounded, if you get to the hook great if not you have one health state off everyone for free and maybe one down if you dropped in time.
Shouldn't be to hard to get a second hit on at least one of them and get that down. If they block again its more downs this time.
So now you have 1 hook 3 wounded maybe one extra down. Its a gift.
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It's a survivor sided game. They can just get three friends, and if they decide that they want to win, they will win. It's just how it is.
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You are... true to your username, sir.
I LIKE going against SWFs. Demolishing them feels so much more sporting than bullying hapless solo survivors.
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A revolving body block strategy is a thing and very viable.
You go down? Unbreakable if you're slugged.
You get hooked? DS or BT to save you.
I guess the situation is too hard to understand without having seen it. If I knew how bad it was going to be I would have recorded it.
In my case the survivor wriggles free, injured survivors run away while I'm stunned, healthy survivor stays. SWF so comms, can't move without being communicated. Can't use nightshroud because I'm watched. If I chase the healthy survivor, others heal and go do gens or chase an injured survivor that is already a distance away, have to hope to catch up to them before they hide or find a good loop. Deal with Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing that extend the chase. Which allows Survivors to heal and go do gens. Get a down and repeat a similar situation. This is a losing situation that requires the survivors to have a massive mistake. Which they didn't. This was a drawn out game that was settled pretty quickly.
My complaint is that as I move up I continually run into these punishing 4mans that are very well coordinated in perks, items, and strategy. It isn't every game, but it has been often enough to realize that the trial is at the mercy of the survivors.
An irihead huntress or a killer nurse could have destroyed them, but you shouldn't have to play the most busted killers to compete. That is the essence of unbalanced.
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I like demolishing SWFs as well.
Too bad that NEVER HAPPENS
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Yeah, for me either.
I guess we just have to "git gud." 😂🤣
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How does no one understand that injuring a 4man with awesome perks and med kits isn't pressure? And how does no one seem to understand that what they are suggesting is literally impossible.
"Just drop and hit them all" body blocked at a fence, can't get to others. I hit one, dropped, hit another, picked up David as they ran away, they ran back to block and David wiggled out. Stunned they run away leaving the healthy survivor. With me.
"It's free pressure bro" have you played killer? Honestly? With four med kits, maybe three and a toolbox, I can't remember, they can spread out and heal pretty ######### quick, and get on a gen. No pressure exerted. I had surge, nurses, I'm all ears, and Barbeque. All good perks that didn't help much.
I am not asking about advice on how to get out of the bad situation that you are imagining, I am complaining about the bad situation that actually happened to me.
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It does feel good and it is more fun, but there is a playstyle that counters every killer except for the overlords like nurse and spirit. That is what I am complaining about. There can be situations that are unwinnable for some killers and that is exactly what this felt like.
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The right perks, items, and playstyle alleviate that pressure. I didn't once complain agouty a gen. It was a long, long game. But because of perks, playstyle, and items, I could not get ahead. Maybe this is a problem unique to a few killers. I didn't feel this way as Demo or Pyramid Head, but Ghostface seems to be really dependent on survivors. And as I play more, survivors get more and more like this group I am complaining about.
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Play Myers. Use Infinite Tier-3 and nobody will body block you... or if they do you get a quick 4K. Or use the Tombstone Piece, (they never know if you have it) and Mori away. Ignore anything they say. People like that don't have anything to say worth hearing anyway. I don't play Ghostface, but I can assure you that Myers gets a bit more respect.
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Respectfully, please stop telling us what we understand and what we've seen. I'm a rank 1 killer main with 2k hours of experience. There's certainly players out there with a lot more experience than me, but I can guarantee you that everything you're describing is something that I've seen before - many many times. Red rank SWFs are beatable. I do it ALL. THE. TIME. While playing as a variety of killers.
While it's true that there are some games that are unwinnable - this game does have a lot of RNG that survivors can skew against you - those games are by far the exception, not the rule. If SWFs want to get toxic with you because they won an un-losable match, ignore them. That's their issue, not yours.
Mostly though, killers will always have a chance to stage a comeback, even against an endless parade of 'second chance perks' (UB, DS, BT, etc). If a survivor is going to wiggle free, leave 'em to slug. Even if they have unbreakaBill you're still wasting their time, and they can only use it once. Get them to waste it early and they won't have it later when it might have been much more valuable. Same with DS.
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ivr had games like that and bit of help if your tired of it just start being ebonys and mori toxic players and use warden rrap them in with noed and mori them all at the gate
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You didn't see my game. So I can say that you didn't see it and don't understand it. I've never seen coordination like that before in my own games or games that I have watched. I also beat red-rank SWF ALL. THE. TIME.
I am complaining about an issue that I see more and more as I get better and get closer to rank 1. Not every game, but this game I am talking about is the perfect example of this problem. A group that knows a formula for a guaranteed win and is good enough to not make a mistake doing it.
I am also saying, "you don't understand," because your suggestions may fit many games and scenarios, in fact they do and I know this because I use those same tactics, but they don't fit this specific game. And I am complaining, once again, because elements of this epitome of unwinablity are appearing more and more in my games, though still not often. The only counter to these games and tactics that I see is to play a stronger killer, use moris, and/or run perks like NOED and DH and hope they aren't cleansed.
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I've been having a lot of fun playing Bubba with Agitation, Iron Gasp, Mad Grit and a perk of your choice. I have been using Lightborn when there are flashlights, Franklin's if there are keys, and BBQ for bloodpoints otherwise.
Been so many rage quitters that try to flashlight save, I hit them, they back up a little more and try again, then I down them and still have time to make it to the hook.
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Honestly, if you're going use the C word in your post.
Good riddance, uninstall please!
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I've been wanting to try bubba. I'm getting all killers to level 50, so I will eventually. Some killers just seem to be at the mercy of the survivor though.
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Fine, whatever. We're just trying to give you some helpful advice and tips. There's a chorus of different people above giving you support and telling you how to counter body blocking. If you're so certain that we just don't understand and that there was nothing you could have done to win that match... well, I guess you're right. That match WAS unwinnable for you.
Good luck with your future games. We'll see you in the fog!
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And I do feel your pain. The kind of coordination required to pull off the stuff you are describing usually requires a SWF who have honed their act so to speak. My personal view is the 5th Perk (Comms) employed by such groups is a problem that isn't going to go away; it is just going to become more acute as time goes on. Myself, if I load into a Lobby and all the Players spawn in at the same time, I decline. That is most likely a group that joined a Lobby as a group. I don't need the aggravation.
At some point there will be a new balance reached, but until then you have those groups which play like that. It is why when I'm Myers I pretty much take Infinite Tier-3 or Tombstone every time if I'm not Spooky Myers. We all are dealing with it.
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This isn't to flame you, just pointing out that you saying you are getting all killers to level 50 tells me you are pretty new to the game. Getting killers to level 50 doesn't really increase their power, it just means you have gone through a few blood webs and hopefully you have gotten some good perks, though that is not guaranteed.
As with most games, it can be a bit frustrating while you are learning how to play the game as well as get through the grind to get perks that are helpful to you. I would just say be patient. Eventually you will learn how to counter the different strategies that survivors have.
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I understand perfectly. The issue is, the answer to the problem is hit the survivors. If they are off healing then they aren't doing gens. This short inetrchange should not cost the game it should only slow down one hook state slightly for free hits on extra survivors. If they run off to heal what has been lost... nothing. With nurses you should be able to find at least one of them healing and that is an easy down.
If it is a problem then run sloppy and thana. The question is if this one event causes such a loss of momentum as to screw up your game what are you doing with the rest of the time?
We offered advice becasue this scenario shouldn't be the game changer you are describing. It can be annoying but if you look at it from an objective progress point of view its actually stacked in your favour as killer. I don't even drop anyone anymore I find I'm better off hitting folks in the way and keep pressing to the hook. Most times I get 2 to 3 hits and still end up hooking the carried survivor.
If they try that in chase then again the solution is smack them. DS, UB and the rest of the often lamented perks are most powerful in the endgame so if you haven't drawn them out early then its a lost cause anyway don't lament it just try and draw those things out earlier which is easier to do if the survivors are jumping into you for free hits.
If you didn't want people to offer up their thoughts why did you make the post? If its just to complain then all I can say is don't sweat it and try and take the game a little less serious.