The Nurse is not fun to play against.



  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    Just because a killer takes skill to play doesn't make them balanced. If you can't even use vaults or pallets how is that even fair. The reason why people don't think Nurse is op is because you don't go against many at once. Maybe one every 10 or so games BUT if she was more prevelent and people had the skill she'd be above Freddy for requiring a nerf. The reason she hasn't been changed is because she does have a high skill ceiling but once that is masterd survivors are in for a bad match.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    Took the words out of my mouth. She would never be released today. Literal teleports that ignore the entire chase system? Not balanced at all. I don't care how hard it is to pull off playing Nurse well. She's fundamentally overpowered. I'm new to her and get 3ks and 4ks. Literally just hope she blinks short or blinks the wrong way. That's all you can do.

  • FastestVirginia
    FastestVirginia Member Posts: 68

    I would actually recommend you to play killers you hate to play against as survivor. In my case it was nurse and spirit, both sucked to go against because i didn't know how to loop either of them and now with 1200 hours i started to play any killer i have problems with. You get so much more experience because you know every little trick and mind of a person playing killer you verse, for instance i learned fake blinks, fast blinks to the left/right having my camera at the centre to have better look as to where the survivor is going etc. So you get the idea. With the spirit it's just learning time of how long she can use her power for, double backs at tiles, shack and buildings, faking vaults, running every time you see her standing still in the opposite direction and after gaining some distance starting wo walk in either of the direction you think would be safe to run away. Im starting to play pyramid head now, because the best players who play him are the worst to go against, because there is not so many of them at the red ranks out there, so in order to know how to loop him i want to become good PH myself. So to sum it up, just play killer you have hard time with to know what is going through their mind.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    I agreed with the original post so I commented. Thats it.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Nurse has the highest skill ceiling and highest skill floor. If you go against a good nurse you know they put time into her... unlike say a good spirit.... or even worse a good trapper.

    Nurse is fine, learn to counter killers rather then just crying about them

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    Some tips:

    1) use line of sight

    2) use 2nd floor buildings, double back on a powered up nurse

    3) Dont waste time dropping damn pallets

    4) Dont be predictable! (That ties into the first 3) if you both see a window and she starts to power her blink dont go for the window, fake the window).

  • Shadow_Da_Bagel
    Shadow_Da_Bagel Member Posts: 64

    Might be a bit late, but I definitely agree with this. Stealth is the counter to her and most people have played this game so much that the only fun thing about it is the chase. Very boring imo but if you have a stealthy playstyle, it can be somewhat fun.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I fully agree with this, minus the blending part (I play stealthy and try to go unnoticed, but I don't really try to camo or anything). You have to play very cautiously against the Nurse, and so few people do, that I find going against her a lot of fun. It gives me a lot of opportunity to play the tense, stalking sort of support role that I love so much as survivor. I don't have nearly the complaints against the Nurse that so many others do. I enjoy matches with her.

    The Hag? ######### the ######### Hag.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    No I don't have fun against her because I see her as often as Twins and the few are babies and it becomes a real M1 RB simulator.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    Apparently No Killer is Fun Nowadays...

    Every killer is Labeled as "Boring" or "Unfun"

    Gunna have to Nerf killers for Survivor's Fun =D


  • ARatherStrangeKiller
    ARatherStrangeKiller Member Posts: 101

    I can understand not having fun against a top percent Nurse, or even just a very good Nurse, given their ability to close out a game within minutes. That said, I'd much rather go against a good Nurse than a Spirit. At least even against a good Nurse I can get some good jukes, even if the time bought with them being only mere seconds, but with Spirit I feel helpless anytime during a chase.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Have you tried playing AS Nurse since her rework?