Difference that I have noticed between red/purple/green ranks

sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Red ranks are usually always running the same OP meta tier perks over and over, while I see more variety in builds in purple and green ranks.

Yesterday I got into red ranks, and games are alllways the same thing.

Seriously, you guys that run the exact same build over and over, are just boring. There are more perks in the game you know?

I've noticed that obviously, to reach red ranks you need a certain amount of skill, but another reason to reach red ranks, is because you are using meta perks, that's all.

I rather intentionally derank to purple/green ranks, before being forced to play meta perks in all of my games.

It's a vicious cicle. Killers or survivors, use meta perks. Then the ones that didn't use them, may feel bad about their performance. Then, they realize they "have to use" meta perks. Then they use meta perks and they make the other side think the same ######### again.

You see what I mean?

Please, try different new builds, don't be afraid of changing one perk slot for something you might have wanted to try before. Same with add-ons.

I know, It was so hard for me at first to get rid of my BBQ+pop, but it gets better, believe me. You feel better when you are experimenting and trying new stuff.

Finally, I'm not saying "NEVER EVER RUN META PERKS". Just that you know, there is a wide roster of perks and add-ons in the game, you can always try something new.

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