Quitter tells me to “git gud”.

Okay, so usually I’m a survivor main, but I began playing as a killer yesterday because I want more rift points at level 20. (Level 5 survivor). I use a crap load of bloodpoints to get my Hillbilly up to level 50 and by today I’m down to level 17. The challenge I work on is to hit gens 15 times so that is my priority. I see people working on them, run over hit them twice if if I can, if I don’t down them in a quick enough amount of time I hit the gen and move on. I’m running tinkerer and overcharge (think that’s what its called). The game runs fairly long because I’m really not focused on hunting people down but one of the players (a jamie lee curtis with that obsession perk that lets you see her from far away) does wind up on her third hook probably seven minutes in. Eventually I keep whittling it down until I get down to one (a Blendette). She was one of the last on a hook but one of her comrades decides reluctantly to take her place. I find Blendette behind a bush shortly after and i ground her. The third person dies on the hook and I wait a while because I suspect decisive strike. Blendette begins crawling away so I follow. She finds herself at a hook, I figure its been long enough, pick her up and POOF! Rage quit.

I texted the player and lol’d, said it was a waste. I mean really, why waste the bloodpoints? Of course he immediately texted back with all sorts of phony excuses. I took too long. I suck because he ran me all around and couldn’t even see him, a Blendette, hiding in the bushes. And mocked me for being a level 17 killer and to get good. Which I really had to laugh at, because yeah while I’m admittedly not a top tier killer, I still managed to earn four iridescents and kill everybody without it even being my end goal. While he.... quit.

He was a good player, but he really wasn’t as good of a player as he thought. I knew most of the time when he was around I just didn’t really put much focus on him. He thought he was running me around but I usually was keeping him in my peripheral and away from gens while dealing with easier prey. But yeah, hard to see hiding in bushes but I did nail him at least once in one.

So yeah, I don’t know. Git gud?


  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited September 2020

    True, true. Most quitters I don’t bother with, but ones that quit literally the second before the end of the match always make me laugh. Guess I had to rub it in a little. The next round i had another 4k because one quit first down midway through. Didn’t say a thing to him.

    I didn’t make him disconnect though. He did that all by himself. I’ve had ######### down me as the last guy before and let me bleed out while they stand above me for three minutes hitting me. I don’t message them back or quit, I just go get a drink.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Blendettes are ALWAYS full of themselves. They're almost always green rank players too (the worst rank division).

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited September 2020

    He was at level 4. All the others were greens. He was clearly going to be the most pain in the ass which is why I didn’t chase him all that much. Laurie Strode was obviously trying to play distraction running that perk but she wasn’t very good at it. But I saw early on that Blendette was going to be the real distraction. He could’ve earned a ton just by the amount of escapes and hook saves I let him have. As I said, what a waste of time for him. Oh well.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Had someone dc then try to mock me for not killing them. Bro I see your corpse.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I'll say the same thing about this as I do for campers and tunnellers:

    "I can't 'git gud' unless I have half a chance to practice, and I can't do that with your sorry ass camping/tunnelling/DCing on me now, can I?"

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    That’s always the funniest. Disconnecting only makes your job easier plus you get a quitter bonus out of it. Unless you’re working specifically towards a trophy or challenge like 4 kills by your own hand, does anybody really get that mad about it? I sure don’t. It ######### your teammates over more.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Yeah, it can mess up challenges or trophies. But I've got plat on PS4 and challenges are multi-game affairs either way.

  • riotangel
    riotangel Member Posts: 176

    Why even have conversations with such people? What productive outcome do you expect?