The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

What are half of you even complaining about?

I'm a Longtime watcher, and on and off player of DBD. I feel like a good majority of the people who constantly rage and have problems with specific things in the game don't realize how far the game has come. Back when there was insta-blinding flashlights, infinite loops, no end game counter or hatch (if I remember these things correctly). Those who played during that time, killer or survivor main definitely understand why these things have changed the way they have. For example, all up and down forum people complain about the hatch, but games used to get taken hostage and would last FOREVER because a survivor could just hide until the killer gave up, or the killer could farm until the survivor quit. Back before there was a killer with ranged attacks (i.e. Huntress) or a killer with an ability to temporarily stop vaulting (i.e. Doctor), Survivors using broken infinite loops against the more basic M1 killers were not just difficult, they were impossible to overcome. Any survivor who knew a little bit about looping and had thumbs became instantly uncatchable. And as a killer, you still got teabagged and flashlight clicked, waved at, etc. all while it's happening. And some of you killer mains on here can't take being taunted at the exit gate. There are so many more killers and perks now, than there were back then. Take advantage of them and build a survivor/killer that is built for the things you don't like happening to you.

Tired of getting clicked at?

Franklin's Demise.

Tired of getting tunnelled?

(Switch off of p3 Claudette lol) no but really, Decisive strike.

Tired of survivors D striking?

Slug. Wait the timer out.

End game problems?

No ed, blood warden.

Early game issues?

Corrupt intervention, or a good gen slower like Ruin.

Stop taking bad chases as killer.

(chasing wounded survivors to parts of the map where there are no gens).

Stop getting caught out of position as a survivor.

(Being chased where there are no pallets, vaults, tiles, loops etc.)

Both sides can have it pretty rough at times but just do what you can to minimize the damage. DBD has come a long way to where its not so broken anymore, that it has most of what it needs to be enjoyable. Most games have Metas, DBD is no different. You can't stop everything but you can definitely create some builds that are pain in the ass for the opposition.

Anyway, obviously my first post so...

I play both sides but lean towards survivor even though I played nothing but killer when the game first came out. So I hope the above is relatively unbiased.

Just my two cents, and most of you probably have a better understanding of the game than I. I just think it's current state is leagues above where it stood previously, and take that into consideration before crying about every single update that's not exactly what you wanted.

Anywho, glad to officially be a part of the community.

Happy whatever it is you do. ๐Ÿ˜

P.s.: This likely has grammatical errors or a incorrect perk listed, I can't be bothered to proofread & edit on my phone.


  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Sick of Claudettes with the fitted button up cosmetic. I can't see them for the life of me. Is there a perk for that?

  • fckal0
    fckal0 Member Posts: 14

    Feels nice to come home after a long day off work to complain with like-minded people. Some of it doesn't make any sense, but I don't have any other place to complain about something in real life and actually be heard. It feels liberating my dude.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Id like to add a few things to the list. Remember the days of BNP, Insta heal medkits, when BT worked on both the hooked and unhooker. Last the dreaded days when you could recover SB while running.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    Sorry. My mind stuttered and wandered off at the part about survivors striking the D ๐Ÿ‘€

    But I'm quite sure the rest of your points were solid.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    i remember the old old ironworks infinite in the top of the foundry god people say this game is survivor sided now

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    is the game better than how it was years ago? yes

    does it still need changing? also yes

    these are not mutually exclusive ideas

  • Khyill
    Khyill Member Posts: 10

    You are correct, they may not be instant fixes but I think a lot of people need to be reminded that dbd is as big of a mental battle as it is a literal objective one. Changing how we battle our opposition should improve our results, which would probably open a new plethora of issues. Regardless, it's still one issue at a time. My post wasn't necessarily for those with a solid understanding of the game, but for those who are obliterated and can't understand why, and those who are slating the games current state, when imo it's seen worse days. It was kind of meant to be "if you're playing rock, paper, scissors, and keep losing to rock... Maybe throw paper." A lot of players would argue that there isn't a metaphorical "paper", but I'd disagree. We can't protect all angles but we can know which angles aren't protected, essentially. If that makes any sense at all lol.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    So your logic is that just because the game was more broken in the past, it's ok to still be broken now?

    In the past, you didnt have near as many players that knew what they were doing, and you didnt have swf helping them.

    Trust me, if you get a gen rush, meta perk, 4 man swf, this game is still broken.

  • Khyill
    Khyill Member Posts: 10

    No, not exactly. That is a fair point, but Killer by design Is hard. It's 4v1 and you're going up against what can feel like innumerable perk combinations. I will say though, i've been on the survivor end of more than a few vicious 3 gen set-ups that ended just how you'd think. Some games don't even really begin until that point. Killers have to be more optimal and better at prioritizing than survivors generally. Maybe I'll post about it later to get a wider range of feedback but I was thinking some kind of system could be enacted when it's a 4man. Something like no duplicate perks would go a long way. It would force survivors to mix it up, and I don't think getting hit with d-stike (for example) is so bad... But getting hit with 4 of them is ridiculous.

    I should have placed this question earlier in my response but,

    do you think 3 genning and gen rushing are similar?

  • tummyeyummies
    tummyeyummies Member Posts: 4

    Yeah...these are solutions...that are overkill and some of the arguments people make are just them being snowflakes. Most new players tend to watch a YouTuber who mains survivor and believes they could do the same and visa versa. Then they try to put it to practice and get rammed by the killer or survivor then complain about how they play. No one is happy, and there is no normal solution other than over killing it...

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I agree that balancing killer, heck this game in general is a nightmare. 3 gen is a strong strategy, but still worthless in a 4 man. If no one is dead by a 3 gen, they will take off the second they hear the terror radius. Sooner or later, you have to commit to someone, and the other three will hammer out that gen in under 30 seconds.

    I like the idea of no duplicate perks in swf. Treat them as one unit, rather than 4 individuals .

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    They are complaining about a game. Thatโ€™s the saddest thing of all. ๐Ÿ™