What’s with getting stuck in rocks??!!


Don’t know how much anyone else has experienced this, but it’s happened to me a handful of times. Either jumping off the edge of the hill or simply rounding the corner rocks of a hill and getting stuck in that corner. The player can turn and crouch but won’t move. Now a couple times I’ve seen a killer aware of this and try to help the survivor: either push them out or knock them down then let them wiggle out. I’ve tried helping other survivors out of the stuck, and found myself stuck too! Just wondering if anyone knows any tips or tricks to this, or maybe what’s being done to fix it. Thanks!


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,198

    Stay away from the hungry hill don't feed the troll lol but seriously if you do find yourself stuck try heading towards the hill to climb it almost at an angle and eventually you should get free or at least that's what alot of the community is saying , personally I've just been avoiding hills

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    4 more days of this crap. Why wasn't there a hotfix for this? I'm still seeing it every other game.

  • daggersnight
    daggersnight Member Posts: 119

    It's been a known thing for a while now and many threads have been made about it asking the devs to please fix it.

    The only way I've been avoiding it is to take a the wide way around the base of the hill if I have to 100% use the hill. Otherwise I just avoid it at all costs. If I am playing survivor and notice another survivor has gotten stuck then I will make noise and bring the killer to them. Every time the killer has gotten them out and given us a kinda grace period until they see us again. Kinda like a mini truce. If I'm playing Killer I will down them and either drop them outside of the hungry hill range or let them wiggle off. It's really the only thing you can do.

    Now I have heard of some killers taking advantage of this bug and using it to get easy downs and hooks but thankfully I only ran into that once when I got stuck in the hill myself.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    They for some reason decided to tie the fix with the Blight Chapter addition (At least we all hope...) as it's been pretty crummy for a while now.

    I've gotten free from the hill twice now by tilting my camera upwards and into the hill as much as possible and jiggling. It still took about ~30seconds each time even after trying to replicate the result and definitely enough to make you lose the game anyway