Can someone pls explain the counterplay to Doc shocking hooked survivors?



  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    This is not correct. Doctors shock has a .5 second delay before it shocks you. Unless hes running discipline, this won't work.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    you cant expect a survivor to not farm people infront of the killer and the complain about camping! That would take game sense and skill.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    If you can save someone from bubba then you sure as hell can from a doctor.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Really, quite honestly it was intended to make a few people laugh, and ease tension. I thought Yamoaka was pretty universally known as the disappearing survivor map lol. I know when I play killer on Yamoaka, I see some people blend into the environment so fast mid chase that David Blaine would be impressed.

    The joke was that they "camp" gens on Yamoaka because they never need to run... Just duck in the grass lol. I'm a killer main, and I actually chuckle when I'm out on Yamoaka... I may not do well, but it'll still entertain me.

    I apologise if my initial post seemed edged. That was actually the opposite of my goal.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Doc used to be much worse when it comes to camping near hooks. Pre-rework, he had to switch between treatment (Shocking) and punishment (hitting) mode.

    He could grab in treatment mode, and since he didn't swing his weapon in treatment mode the Doctor could mash M1 as fast as possible to "insta-grab" anyone going for an unhook. I used to do this to win hatch standoffs back when the killer was able to do a hatch-grab and the hatch wasn't closeable. (I sucked at timing, but M1 treatment mode spam had an almost 100% success rate.)

    A doc doing that was practically impossible to get an unhook on (Even if you try to "fake" it to bait him into swinging he'll manage to grab you even though you started the unhook for a 1/10th of a second) and he was almost as good (if not better) at camping as old Leatherface.

    Anyways while a Doc shocking the hook is infuriating you're going to have to try and lure him away from the hook. If he's committed to camping even with no one around (Maybe you have Kindred and see Doc standing in front of the hook) treat it as a Leatherface insidious camping and do generators uncontested so the killer depips.

  • Lentoro
    Lentoro Member Posts: 213

    You're not taking into account that his shock takes an extra second to take effect. He has a 1 second charge time and an additional second of detonation delay before the shock hits you. So if you dodge, you can technically manage to unhook.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    If you dodge you most likely have to at least get to the hook which also costs you time. I had that scenario now 3 times and never could do anything, even after dodging

  • Lentoro
    Lentoro Member Posts: 213

    I'm not saying it's easy or even consistent. I agree that facecamping docs are a pain in the butt but what I'm saying is unhooking in this situation is definitely possible albeit quite difficult.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    The only real counter play is swf.

    Ofcourse then the campers cry, "swf is op I cant get my one kill, nerf swf!"

    Killers like this create more swfs by playing this way. Smh.

  • GorgonDorgon
    GorgonDorgon Member Posts: 94

    I had a game where all the gens were done so he was camping and shocking to prevent the unhook. We still had the other 2 people alive so they baited him into walking closer to the hooked person and I waited out the shock and got her after. Obviously it all depends on how the person is playing cause if he wouldn’t have walked closer I couldn’t have pulled it off.