This survivors Karens is ridiculous

They expect that killer need to be friendly and lose and let they win and if they do any mistake and one person is stuck on hill or even all 3 person die and I gave last person a change to get points then I kill him then I get called that I trolled which it my choice of what I wanna do as killer and im going to show what the Karen say.

U weren't gen rushed they played fair you just garbage and tbh i piped so really I dont care that u won it's the fact that you trolled the last survivor

Me: I forgot to say you a Karen thank you.

Nope but you’re a troll that’s slimy and has moles all over and so ugly nit even your mother can stand the look of you and she can’t believe she gave birth to such a simple minded ugly troll good bye 

Me: So why you take dbd too serious why Karen it sad that there a lot of karens like you in this community and if you don't believe me find it your self.

Honest it sad that this community is making survivors becoming a karens and make killers not do their job and admit that they made mistakes but all they do is disrespect killers when they lose.
