Changes I would like to see

Before I start, I am new to the forums and I am just voicing my opinion so please no one be toxic. I am a survivor main and I am a decent player, in the purple ranks. I find that the majority of killers I play against use 4 perks that when put together create a pretty overpowered build. This, of course, depends on which killer is running the perks. I find that if it is a one hit down killer, these perk builds can be extremely strong. As a sub note, I think that maybe Bubba's one hit down should deactivate into a cooldown after downing one survivor. This prevents all 4 survivors from being downed in under a minute. Some of the stronger killer perks imo include Ruin, BBQ, NOED, Nurse's Calling, Thanataphobia and Devour Hope if it is a good killer. Obviously there are other powerful perks as well. For example, imo a killer should not be able to run thanatophobia with ruin as they both make gens hard to do, especially with a solo survivor team. These two perks work extremely well for a killer with good map control such as Hillbilly or Oni. I also believe that Moris need a significant nerf alongside keys. I think that only 2 moris should be allowed in one game and in order to activate them you must hook all survivors at least once. One hit down killers should not be allowed moris as they will simply tunnel and killers like oni have one hit down that can be difficult to counter, especially for less experienced players. Moving on to spirit. I personally think that the spirit should be slower than she currently is. I don't think she should necessarily be slower than survivors but she is too fast seeing as she has teleporting as well. Last thing. If you are the last survivor in the game and the killer has closed the hatch, certain perks and abilities should be unavailable. Oni and Hillbilly should not be able to go from gate to gate in 5 seconds. The survivor should have a chance to open the gate. Remember me should deactivate otherwise it is almost impossible for the survivor to escape. Noed and any other one hit down should be deactivated. Spirit should also no longer be able to teleport however maybe some killers can get some extra speed to still make it fair. Otherwise, if that seems too survivor sided, once the hatch has been closed a key should spawn in the basement. The survivor can then reopen the hatch and escape. Then it is up to the killer to guard the exits and the basement/hatch. The killer should be alerted when the survivor picks up the key. Therefore hillbilly and oni abilities won't seem too op for the last survivor as they will have to guard more things than just the gates. If you disagree with these ideas that is totally fine but please don't be toxic as I am just sharing my opinion. Thanks and have a great day.