Training mode for main game?

Is there any chance that training mode will ever come to the main game? It's a cool feature on the mobile version but I'd love to see it on the main game for people that want to practice in a stress free environment.
It'd also be cool if we can still get rewards but at a reduced rate just like the mobile version.
I would also like to add that it would be cool to see an addition to the mode that lets us tweak it. So we can get modifiers like difficulty selector, how many survivors, what perks the survivors and killer is using, the map, choose what survivors there are, choose what killer there is etc.
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This would be SO helpful for both killer and survivor. There's a lot of things that the only way to get better at is to practice and a lot of the times you don't have the opportunity to do it in a public match.
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Exactly! It'll definitely help people get better at certain situations and adept to certain perks if they can tweak how the match plays out too.