Can some PlayStation bois confirm this for me

So I can’t get on until the weekend currently and I have heard mixed responses. Are the frames and game smoother or did it get worse.
Super smooth. Best it’s ever been. But I’ve only played survivor so far.
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I honnestly felt it was better. Plus the news graphics are pretty nice. Legion and Pyramid head still boring.
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Ok thank you for your response. It is good to hear I have something to look forward to
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Good to hear. I will have to ask you how PH is boring but not in this topic
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I still need to try all the killers, so it would be difficult to say, but for what I've tried as killer it got worse or, at best, stayed the same.
BASE PS4 - apparently people on ps4 pro are having a good time though.
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I'm on regular ps4. I'm having same fps drops as before with new ones popping up as survivor - new frame drops when thanatophobia is activated, when near Freddy hitting someone and putting them in Dreamworld, and when Blight uses his power. Haven't played killer yet but not looking forward to it with the hooking and kicking gen/pallets issues. Ping is fine. Internet is good, plugged in with wire not wifi.
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I am base PS4 and a survivor main so hopefully this stuff works fine
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Remember when wraith used sloppy butcher 2 years ago? It's the same thing but more frequent now
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Has anyone else had issues with the audio, or is it just me? If it's my headphones, it only does it for this game.
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There are new audio issues such as heartbeat being almost non existent
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Not sure if I've gotten that yet, but the audio kind of crackles and is static for me.
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Very smooth. No problems for me.
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And I'm on the regular ps4.
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I'm on base PS4 and it's running better than it ever has
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Hopefully I share the same experience as you two
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I should clarify I have the slim. Not sure if that matters though?
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I'm on base PS4 and have only played three matches so far, all of them as the Blight. I get random frame drops while using his power, but only occasionally. Everything else seems smoother, with the exception that frames almost always seem to drop when bloodlust activates.
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For me it's great!
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So far it’s been super nice! Way better and just feels overall much smoother. I’m on the pro, though I don’t think it’ll make a difference
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I have a ps4 pro my son has a ps4 slim the new maps are awful. I went against Wraith and Doctor. Kicking pallets, or gens if nearby, bloodlust or cloaking frames drop. I need one of these consoles that make this game run smooth on top of this new patch we got more bugs. Killer with faint to no terror radius, ds stun time reduced, totem on the redone preschool map can't be cleansed. Enjoy the break till the weekend.
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Not sure if also ps4 related but having some issue with attempting to hook someone wiggling about 50% of the time since patch.
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I don't see the difference when playing survivor, but killer frames are worse then ever
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i had, playing as surv i could hear gens being done SO MUCH FAR, my biggest problem is the new red stain being less visible
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I kinda love that even if it is a bug
Hearing heartbeats in games makes my own heart race faster.
(Which often makes me take a break)
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I'm on base PS4 and play survivor exclusively and I can tell you that there is a lot of stutter during certain actions (some Killers Lunging for one), random frame drops and no Heartbeat/very quiet heartbeat.
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super smooth, but certain maps are still pretty dogshit to play on (ive only seen Hawkins and the fps was still bad)
not too sure about others maps and certain killers, though
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I played my ps4 was making humming sound it scaring me.
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LOL just loaded in to a match on mount ormond resort and no one can move. BHVR should be ashamed of this update if they had any dignity left.
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Played for 3hrs earlier, everything was fine. Still a small bug at the end of a match when you see your pipping going up but other than that it felt good.