Countering the uncounterable

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Ok, here are some basic counters to things people find anoying or uncounterable, hope this helps someone.


  • NOED: Do totems, help yourself with Small Game if you're having that much trouble with this perk, if it pops, just leave, don't play hero unless you don't care if you die in the process (I play hero all the time, hehehe)
  • PGTW: Repressed Alliance, you can't repair the gen for 30 seconds but the killer can't kick it either and get the progress down.


  • Spirit: Fixated, as soon as she phases walk TOWARDS her, she'll lose you 9/10 times.
  • Freddy: Fixated, if he teleports to your gen, Fixate into cover, don't run
  • Trapper: Small Game (hope it gets a buff to see auras of abjects detected someday) can help you detect traps
  • Bubba: Keep running, they have the "mental glitch" of starting the chainsaw close to a pallet cause they know you're dropping it (I'll share a vid of how to do so as a comment)
  • Legion: Learn to 360, when in sprint, cause of his speed, it's easier to dodge
  • Huntress: Crouch when she throws the Axe, it works more if there's a structure between you both. Don't run in a straight line.
  • Plague: CLEANSE, if she grabs corrupt HIDE, those are long but easy games if you do this
  • Myers: There's no counter, you're doomed (nah, he's my nemesis, I always die to him, I can't give advice against him). Spine Chill maybe? I say "maybe" cause once he changes tiers it's practically a wasted perk
  • Ghost Face: Spine Chill
  • Pig: Spine Chill
  • Billie: He's dead now, but I'd say SPLIT, don't let him get multiple downs by staying close to each other
  • Pyramid Head: Crouch, if you crouch through his marks it doesn't affect you. NEVER run in a straight line.

Share any tip you'd like others to know, lets help each other.



  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    This is the Bubba vid, in a short loop, you can see the Bubba's "mind glitch" where he's used to survivors early dropping pallets, which makes him rev the chainsaw, use that at your advantage to get the most proffit from loops.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    a sinple counter to pop would be to just spread out on gens.

    the killer can only regress one with pop, so if there are 2 others pushing 2 more gens, he cant pressure the team as much as he would when everyone was only focussing on a singular generator.

    for Myers, since you were struggeling yourself, there are a couple of things:

    1) spine chill is a good perk, even outside of tier 1. generally you will want to keep him in tier 1 for as long as possible, though once in tier 2 its not uncommon for him to have a very small TR aswell (Dead Rabbit + M&A = 8m TR on a NORMAL killer, thats frightening) - and in tier 3, especially with Dead Rabbit and M&A his TR is so huge that spinechill might be a good indicator of when he is actually getting close to you.

    2) basic looping skills are a good way of avoiding him, as he has very little to fight that. he relies on ambushes and catching people off guard, once you reach a good setup as a survivor he will be struggeling to keep up. yes, tier 3 grants him slightly faster vaults and a slightly longer range, but if you just take it safe there and dont get greedy for that one additional loop he wont catch you in the 60 seconds he has.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I can loop him for hours, the problem I have with Myers is completely mental, he always ends up killing me, even when the other 3 escaped, hehehe

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    You're telling me I haven't faced a single good spirit as a rank 1 survivor? Cause the Fixated thing has ALWAYS worked for me against almos EVERY spirit, my whole team gets decimated and I'm the last one standing and I usually get the hatch or open a gate in those games

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    I ain't gonna use always the same 4 perks just in case one helps me

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    Ok... you NEED to know, that actual GOOD players can loop and dominate ANY killer with the same usual perks, BUT, those GOOD players usually have a Nemesis, meaning a specific killer they die against, someone who they have trouble with. So... If you can't spare a single perk slot to use it against something or someone you actually have trouble against... You're NOT a good player.

    Let me give you a personal example, I can loop and own, as a rank 1 survivor, almost any killer with NO PERKS. BUT, put me against a Myers... I'm doomed...

    Do you get what I'm saying?

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    The same 4 perks cause 1 helps me? Ahm... No, I'm not advicing you to use the 4 perks I'm talking about, I'm telling you to use 1 out of 4 perk slots to counter whatever you think annoys you the most, for example, you have trouble with Spirit? Add Fixated and chose whatever other 3 perks you please, if you can't dominate a killer with 3 perks and leave 1 for a mechanic you actually have problems with... Ahm... what can I say...

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Now, someone help me counter a Pyramid Head or Deathslinger in the chase. "Run Spine Chill and hide" or "hope they're bad" are not really the options I'm looking for.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    Yeah I have to agree that the Spirit "counter" is good against baby Spirits; however, more advanced measures need to be taken against more experienced Spirits.

    Running and then Fixating towards her husk is probably the most predictable move once your tracks stop. I personally find Houdini build to be a better counter to her phasing mechanic.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    NEVER run in a straight line, short loops work better against them cause long loops help them predict your movements, hope this helps

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Breaking line of sight, gaining distance and placing objects/terrain between you are the best for Deathslinger I find, running spine chill helps you be more alert but I dont run it all to often myself and still tend to do quite well.

    I've not played against or as Pyramid Head much so I cant give as much advice on that front.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    Yes, please walk towards me as a Spirit. That's my favorite thing in the whole game. I'm totally forrealzies using my phase.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
    edited September 2020

    I mean any killer specific or specific perk counters gambles are just on average a bad tradeoff if it doesn't have anything else going for it. Calm Spirit is underused (while strong vs Infectious fright and Doctor) because it's just a feels bad when you get neither for 10 matches in a row.

    Spine Chill is good against a majority of stealth killers BUT also helpful in a lot of loops - experienced killers start moonwalking or canting their camera when approaching generators to partially counter it. It's still in the top of the Meta alongside Iron Will even if complained about less since every whiner is fixated on DS and Unbreakable when talking about survivors.

    Fixated and Urban evasion hasn't really bothered me if I'm playing Stridor Spirit but I've seen plenty of spirits ridiculous misses coming out of phase walk especially when im on the survivor side. Sweaty Spirits (like myself) just crank their volume up so they can hear "Healthy" survivor breathing not to mention footsteps.

    • @Carlosylu "Pyramid Head: Crouch, if you crouch through his marks it doesn't affect you. NEVER run in a straight line.

    This is usually just wrong against good Pyramid Heads - running straight until the exact moment you hear and see the Punishment (if ping was perfect) is usually the best way to gain distance and make him miss it. Over-greeding on Pallets and Windows will usually result in a good PH hitting you... sadly like most other killers, you can waste more time in a majority of chases by holding Shift+W than actually trying to be fancy.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    I've had people complain about people suggesting running spine chill to help them against certain killers because they dont want to run perks that help them in a chase, so while I do think most the advice you give is good, some people won't take it for one reason or another.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Pop is actually useless against good SWF. Split gens and deny him hooks as long as possible. Against a solid team the best any killer can hope before all the gens pop is something like 3-4 hooks.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,798

    Breaking line of sight and gaining distance aren't really possible against a good M&A Deathslinger until you take a hit, and even then they'll just follow you for a little bit like any killer can. If they lose you when you break LOS after a hit then they're just bad lol.

    Spine Chill is a great counter and it's a great perk against any killer, but I don't love running it because it makes the game feel less scary.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Breaking line of sight can be quite map dependent ill give you that but you can definitely do it, you dont need to lose him you just need to reduce his opportunity to get a shot off, and if you get hit use it to make distance rather than trying to break line of sight, his gun has a maximum range that you can easily get out of from the hit speed boost so long as hes not running stbfl. Even if they stick it out and get you in the end the prolonging of the chase will help your team greatly.

    I have a similar view on spine chill, it's a great perk but it takes the suspense from the game in a way, hence why I dont run it much.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Is that an old Bubba video? With new movement speed, this loop is simply not long enough to go for. You get one lap, then you need to drop the pallet or get downed, and the pallet is gone because 3 stacks is enough to get around the loop and destroy it. And until you reach the next pallet, normally 2 stacks have recovered

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    So based on this post your survival build is Spine chill, small game, repressed alliance, and fixated? Kind of a weird build, TBH.

    Nah, kidding. You do you, beratnas.

    I see that this thread has already devolved into people whinging about Deathslinger. That's nice. He's not even that good, folks! I mean, sure, he can catch you kinda quickly if you're out of position or a complete potato, but half the time he shoots you he can't even get a hit off it. Then even if he catches you he's gotta slow-walk his way across the map to defend gens. Do some cardio, Slinger! Your movement speed is embarrassing!

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    This Bubba is clearly new at killer because I would walk through that pallet with my chainsaw revved and down survivors. This "mind glitch" only works on bad/new killers. Hell, every counter for killer that you mentioned only works on bad killers.

    Bringing a perk to counter a killer you don't know you're facing is a bit pepega. Let's say you don't have that perk equipped, you're just doomed? Hell no. You should be able to counter any killer without a specific perk and there are counters to those killers you listed without using specific perks.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I'm down to try and beat your spirit or at least have a meaningful chase. Granted I dont think she has any real chase counterplay I'd like to test my skills.

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    If you think Myers has no real counterplay and is high tier, then you probably are not that experienced, because he's a pretty bad killer.

    And of course, some perks work against some killers better, but you can't predict who the killer is. I won't waste a perk slot on Calm Spirit just in case I get a doctor, nor will I use small game just in a tiny case I will get Trapper.

    And no, people don't complain about Pyramid Head's trenches, people complain about how faking his special attack always guarantees him a hit. And there is no real counterplay to that.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Fixated is such a underrated perk

    Learn to stealth is also good advice. I know some find it boring but it's part of the game and learning to avoid getting chased or dissapearing from a chase helps massivly against the strong "no counter" chasers

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    That Bubba isn't very good, and that also looks like old Bubba but I could be wrong. New Bubba would absolutely catch up to you and you'd have to drop the pallet which is fine because that's what new Bubba does. That only makes a bad killer player rev their chainsaw, a good killer absolutely wouldn't do this (Instead they'd probably not even play because they picked Bubba and they got The Game which is one of the worst maps for him and Billy.)

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Tbh fixated sprint burst against Spirit is really good. She's BS in a chase so don't give her one and hide. It's boring but it works.

    Against Legion and Huntress that isn't 100% guaranteed to work and I'm guessing you play console which is why they probably work more than they should (Not so much anymore with crossplay but ya know lmao). A Huntress will just aim for the lower half of your body, or keep her hatchet out so you keep crouching and losing distance, and the Legion will wait for you to stop spinning if they're not confident with lunging, something that everyone should try and do if they get spun easily, especially on console.

    Against Myers you want to block LoS while he's in Tier 1 as much as possible, and in Tier 2 if you know he wants to stalk you also block LoS, and start running super early. Spine chill is absolutely not a wasted perk when he tiers up, he gets countered by it the most out of every killer in the game except maybe Pig which is why he's so pathetic and why I've stopped playing him because so many survivors are running spine chill now. I also find it weird you can never get out against a Myers. What do you generally do against him? The moment you hear his TR music is the moment you should start running if you're not using spine chill, and you shouldn't greed pallets as much against him in Tier 3. You will get yeeted on by a 99'd t3 every now and then and there's not much you can do about that but hey that's just Myers for ya. Pray that your team is at least decent and doesn't feed him or gets downed by him too quickly when he's in Tier 3 and he should be a cakewalk.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I agree with most of this - except Spirit (if she has Stridor - fixated does nothing for you, even if you have iron will).

    Pop as well - I don't consider Pop OP, but repressed alliance stopping them from kicking the gen sounds great, but blocked for 30 seconds? You'd be better off letting the killer Pop the generator, cause you'll get that progress back, and likely finish the gen in that 30 seconds or less.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Fixated isn't even required against Spirit. Playing both sides, I get how the scratch marks appear and imagine in my head what pattern they make. Alongside listening for that eeiry sound when she's close you can avoid her without.

    Cannot say it's 100% survival, obviously. But with so many possible versions of outcomes to a single action that's to be expected.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Bubba: trees, doorpost (game map for example) run around that like the old days and there's a big chance that he hits something.

    When he's sweeping and you're close to a locker, jump in and wait till the very last sec to jump back out.

    When he's right on your ass reving his chainsaw and you are at a pallet, just drop in and keep running.

    Pig: when you have a bear trap on your head an d not active, just do gens if possible.

    Unless you're right next to a box ofcourse.

    Spirit: easier than a lot of people think.

    When in chase, run back to her over your own tracks, or stop running and walk a different way.

    When in chase near a pallet, mix things up here.

    Drop the pallet while you're on the other side, and slow vault back over.

    Drop the pallet while you're on the side where you came from (she expects you on the other side).

    Plague: personally I would say, see what the rest of the team does.

    If you're good at looping, I'd say don't cleanse.

    But mind you, as soon as you notice she has blood echo that cleanse.

    If the rest of your team don't cleanse than don't screw them over by giving her more pools for corrupt.

    Just try to avoid her as much as possible than.

    Legion: they are pretty easy.

    When in frenzy and you hear their heartbeat start running away from them.

    The chances are low they will get you with frenzy then, cause big chance they run out of the ability.

    At a window or dropped pallet, vault and pretend to run to a side.

    When they slide over you run and vault back over.

    It wastes their time and cost him part of his ability meter.

    Myers: what someone else also said, try to keep him in tier 1 as long as possible.

    Use objects to zig zag trough so you constantly break line of side.

    Scratch mirror myers: yeah you might forget this one.

    Sounds are everything here, you can hear him breath before he's even close to you.

    Start running as soon as you hear him.

    Depanding on the map, don't start throwing down pallets early.

    Remember, he has to be on your ass to get a hit cause it is very short, even with the add on.

    Also remember he is very slow, so you can easily run in a straith line.

    By the time he catches up, you're allready on the other side of the map.

    Just some things that pop into my mind as there are a lot more.

    A lot of people find certain killers hard/unfun/broken, give it a name, while all it requires is a tiny adaptation.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    you should do a stream where you just do 1v1s with people who say they can counter spirit, but you would probably die of boredom

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794
    edited September 2020

    PLEASE do not jump into a locker against Bubba. People try that against me all the time. It doesn't work unless you have Head On.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    That is the problem a lot of people make, it's a 4v1 not a 1v1.

    Yes in a 1v1 you will eventually get that person but that is to be expected.

    If you play any killer as a 1v1 the game is over in no time.

    I have vs many spirits (good and bad ones) and still get a long chase and escape.

    Just a side note, I never run Iron will, unless it's a tombe challenge, I will never run this.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Been there, done that.

    It works when he's allready sweeping his chainsaw, otherwise he just cancels his rev and grabs you.

    It works for me 99%of the time unlesss I ######### up

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    If locker plays work for you against Bubba 99% of the time then you are going against some low-rent Bubbas. Even if you time things perfectly and jump out of the locker as soon as my chainsaw ends I'm just going to start revving it again in your face. And then what do you do?

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    the problem with spirit is the 1v1 having no interaction and the fact that it its so boring, your making the statement "just genrush to counter" which you can do for any killer and is so incredibly boring for survivors, chase interaction is the only reason people play survivor long term

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    When did I make the statement to genrush against her?

    Don't know where you're coming from, but i never said that.

    Al you need to do is a little out of the box thinking and mixing up some tactics.

    When she's phasing she sees you as clearly as you see her.

    So use it to your advantage, I gave several examples on how you can keep her guessing what you are doing.

    Again (and that is my opinion and experience) I don't have any problems facing her.

    Good and bad ones.

    Just finished a game vs him just now, did the same thing.

    I was out positioned and the locker was the best option, jumped in and waited for his sweep to finish.

    Jumped out, he starts revving his chainsaw again and I run to a pallet and throw it down.

    By the time I got there I had no other option, otherwise I would have either just ran or used a tree.

    Was on MC millan Estate btw.

    But even if there wasn't a pallet, at least I have waisted time on him for my team.

    And that is what it is all about

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    let me say this your versing console killers, console killers are braindead

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Thank you very much dear sir for the insult.

    Let me say you this then, if I'm an braindead console killer and I get a 4k against pc survivors, what does it make them then?

    And 1 other thing I also faced spirits from pc just as nurse and still get them for a walk around the map.

    So please don't talk ######### about different platforms, cause there are good and bad killers and survivors on all platform.

    Talk like that makes you look really stupid imo. ✌️

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Guessing becomes a counter when you make her think you do 1 thing but do the opposite.

    If you get into the mind of a killer you are allready countering them.

    Yes it sounds weird but it is.

    If she doesn't know what you are going to do because you're staying unpredictable and mix things up, sounds to me you are countering her.

    Mind games is what it's all about against spirit 😉

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    I'd like too add some survivor perks, like Unbreakable + Soul Guard and DS.

    DS: just eat it. 9/10 the survivor would of wanted it later so the sooner you eat it the less options they have.

    Soul Guard + Unbreakable: Wait 8 seconds then hit them.

    Adrenalin: Run NOED. Honestly a 4 man Adrenalin doesn't matter when you insta down everyone.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Yeah honestly there is no real counter to the soul guard, ds, unbreakable combo.

    Hope they going to rework something from those 3 so they can't have that sinergy (or however you write it) anymore.

    And personally I think they should because they also did it with the ruin/pop combo.

    Eating ds might work in the lower ranks but not as good in the higher ranks.

    It cost you to much as killer when you eat the ds.

    It can cost you the game as killer, which it will most likely do anyway with that combo.

    Leave them on the ground the get up and you need to find them again.

    Eat the ds and you get stunned and you need to chase that survivor once again.

    So yeah not really something good come out of any decision you make as killer then.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    If there's only been 1-2 gens done then eating DS is a good strat. If exit gates are powered then yeah don't but it def isn't bad too eat DS early and leave the survivor down a perk. And I agree Soul Guard + Unbreakable + DS is bs and needs heavy nerfs. I thought the devs learned their lesson with MoM but clearly not. Endurance is too strong a power for perks.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Sure it early game it might.

    But even than it can cost you badly.

    Hahaha don't get me wrong here, but the devs learning?

    Nah that will never happen, they do things without thinking and hardly ever listening to the community.

    Mark my words, whenever this combo is nerfed,they will bring out other perks which are again to strong with others.

    It's an endless circle they're in.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    I know some people aren't gonna think every counter on this list is gonna work, but they should at least accept them as "as close to a counter as you can get". Think of it like that and you'll at least know you're doing all you can do.

  • As a spirit main, I try to fake/mind game a phase walk to every survivor at least once. 70% of the time, they fall for it and just walk towards me. This is kinda dangerous advice to give to people,