Compound 21 is the latest proof that the dev team has no clue how their game is played.



  • GeordieKiller
    GeordieKiller Member Posts: 409

    Thing is you do have to balance around swf but they should be buffing solo survivors aswell which they have done like kindred but could do alot more.

    i dont think personally it need nerfing it just need bumping up on rarity thats all. and the add on does encourage strategic play as you have to decide what to do with the information it gives you and can i point out how you saying how its unfair that a add on gives such free information but it fine for swf to have that such information arguely more free information?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited September 2020

    I don't see it becoming an ultra but I definitely see it probably getting turned into a very rare.

    Probably just like Bubba's add-on as they serve a similar function

  • Shiartu
    Shiartu Member Posts: 45

    I think the Devs, do this on purpose, make the killer very viable to start with, so people buy him, then nerf this addon to the ground. I like to play with him, but he is very broken. He is even worse than doctor, once he found you, you dont escape, as you just Slam your head into the wall to get another 6 seconds auraread. Its fun, just not for the survivors I think.

  • TatsuyaSuo
    TatsuyaSuo Member Posts: 24

    The problem with this addon is that blight has a steep learning curve, once you get good with him you can dominate without this addon, and having this means literally no one can juke you at a loop, the duration of the aura reading is too long and the notification even if someone is in a locker is broken, basically a player that has no idea how to play him and just keeps hitting walls will never lose chase because he can constantly see you therefore he gets rewarded for sucking at the game, though i love the anti blendette potential it brings because useless bush-dwellers need to burn in hell, it needs to be toned down a bit but i think blight needs to be buffed in order for this addon to get nerfed, then again there's lots of things i'd rather see getting fixed like getting hit through dead hard or hit detection being centered around the killer hosting the game and never getting changed once dedicated servers came around, i almost always play killer because solo q survivor is nearly unplayable and the broken hit detection gives me a pretty nice advantage which isn't good once you become used to the game giving you free hits and once it gets patched(if it ever happens) you find that you actually suck at killer, it rewards killers with bad connection and vpn users, connection on consoles is also inherently worse because lots of people will use wifi on their consoles therefore adding to this problem with lag, they allegedly implemented an experimental fix but in my experience it has gotten worse, i keep getting hits i should not be getting when i play killer, a survivor can be 5 mts away from a window and i could still hit them through it even though i have good connection 99% of the time. TL;DR this addon is busted but there's other things that really break the game and need to be looked at much more thoroughly, don't forget keys and super common ebony mori's are still a thing and 1 out of 3 games you will find the typical ps4 bubba that moris you off first hook and will chase you for an hour just to be a dick, or the meg or claudette that stop playing the game after two gens have been repaired because they brought a key and just crouch in a corner of the map and hide in lockers everytime someone is about to get hooked untill they find the hatch, there's so many ways to be toxic in this game as survivor as well, in my opinion a busted addon is not that much of a big deal considering the other things that really ruin the game for most people. It makes sense that people will use what's busted, winning is fun, plain and simple so people will do whatever they can to win, and will often trashtalk you in post game chat especially if they choose to play dirty, also the weird recent influx of hackers worries me, it's still uncommon but i see one at least every few days, instead of relying on the community to report they should implement a decent anti-cheat because eac sucks, there's cheats that have been around literally since the game came out and the only reason these people get banned is because there's lots of people recording and streaming, players shouldn't be the anti-cheat.