Please learn what a "Gen Rush" is before crying about it everywhere



  • Dwigtht
    Dwigtht Member Posts: 462
    edited September 2020

    Long, long time ago, with 3-gen left and hex build with survived Ruin and 5 stack Lullaby. Playing Plague vs 3 immersive survivors... oh yes, that match was around 40 minutes long

  • iTsJustTooEasy
    iTsJustTooEasy Member Posts: 10

    It pisses me off people complaining about gen rush when survivors are definitely capable of dying just as fast. Chases end really quickly against experienced killers. Almost to the point it’s not really fun to even play survivor. People say oh you get so many chances. No... not really. 3 hooks aren’t always guaranteed and then you add camping and killer mobility with gen regression perks you will have games where you can’t get much done on the survivor side.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184
    edited September 2020

    @BananaBlooD95 nah, man. As legion I was able to keep them off the gens that spread the map. Kicking the gen doesnt do squat. And my point is, you are saying something is something when it's not. Saying that survivors doing gens rq is gen rushing is inaccurate as it is literally their job. If they outsmart you and finish it quickly, then you should play better and not allow them to outsmart you. Plain and simple. I mostly get 4k/3k in my matches because I ALWAYS go for the farthest gen because I know for a FACT that that is where they are. That first gen sets the game.

    @Rac if the game ends for you in 5 mins, there is something completely wrong with your playstyle. Try adding in Corruption. It'll save your game since that's the problem. Not to offend you or anything. It's just odd to see somebody's game end 5 mins in.

    Edit:I forgot to legitimately say that gen rushing is not a thing

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    I'm rank 1 both side and main Clown and Legion but ok mate. Legion have decent pressure but is horrible vs survivor who know how to loop because he will struggle to down them. Clown is Clown; Dog ######### for pressure but if played well you can end chase quickly.

    If you trust your ability at looping your so called "gen camping" do nothing, gen will get done eventually. On the other hand it's quite easy for survivor to do 2-3gen in 4min or so when the killer only manage to get one hook because the survivor knew how to run each tiles.

  • Kisagi1990
    Kisagi1990 Member Posts: 184

    Again. I created "gen camping" to prove a point. Neither exist. It's just killers patrolling LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO and survivors completing gens LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO. Gen Rushing is an imaginary thing created by ######### killers who want an easier win. Gen Camping doesnt exist because I made it up. Plain and simple.

  • BananaBlooD95
    BananaBlooD95 Member Posts: 555

    If you get a down before 2gen it's because survivor are potato and you outplayed in the first chase but whatever man.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited September 2020
  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    Gens just go way too fast. I can understand why its hard to tell the difference when its like "ok, gens took 20 more seconds they weren't rushing" lol.

  • Leovanni
    Leovanni Member Posts: 52
    edited September 2020

    Even as a 4 man swf group doing an attempted gen rush, they still have to get one of those last 1-2 gens and I've seen games as both killer and survivor where it just never happened.

    Games with flashlights and looping gods all around feel much more gen rushy. Its not always how fast, but how effective they are at objectives.

    Still, the entire idea of rushing the only objective is kinda funny. Maybe we should have a term for killers to, like hook rushing. "They just double tapped me and hooked me in the first 40 seconds! Total hook rusher!"

    Edit: I've been informed this is exactly what an ebony mori does and it's true.

  • Write_By_Daylight
    Write_By_Daylight Member Posts: 126

    You can deny that "Gen Rush" exist.

    Doesn't make it true.


  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    i think you fail to see that if your being genrushed its based on your mistakes not the survivors

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    genrushing is just a term thrown around to warrant your mkstakes to make it seem that you performed well and couldnt do anything

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Not necessarily, you could be in one chase and end it in 60 seconds and still loose two gens, while you go pressure one survivor kick the the other survivor's are going to still get that gen even if you come back over and over the gen going to get done especially if you down that survivor and the other 3 hop right on the gen,I don't really care about gen speeds anymore it is what it is. It's not a problem for me no longer.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    then its on you for allowing that survivor to hold a chase for that long, get pressure by slugging dont regress gens

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    it exists but it is your fault if you get genrushed, people throw this term around to justify their mistakes and people like this will never improve at the game because they say their was nothing they can do and believe they played flawlessly

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    slug to draw multiple people off gens quickly against comp teams you cant get 12 hook games unless your spirit or nurse

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    yeah you are completely right about this one, i played super bad in a match and before i even got 2 downs all the gens where done, hell i didn't even notice most of the gens popping

  • Purr
    Purr Member Posts: 83

    agreed genrushing is just survivors doing their objective effectivly and as stated the super extreme version is when they pop 3 gens in under a min

    and the other side of that coin...

    tunneling is just killers doing their objective effectivly

    extreme tunneling is killers doing their job effectivly... with a mori

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    I am genuinely curious as to what genrush means to most Killers.

    As far as survivors have explained me, it's basically using purple Toolboxes with multiple add-ons and perks to increase the speed of fixing generators and finishing them as soon as possible.

    I was once accused of being a gen-rusher in a match when I did none of those things and just worked in the first generator I found. I don't think having a coordinated effort (without SWF) should be considered a genrush, but merely some sort of luck. Like, it really has nothing to do with playing effectively or not from either side. There are some games where literally not a single generator pops through the entire trial.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    for ending chases in less than a minute? yea im so amazing at dbd for not being a complete potatoe

  • Jill10230
    Jill10230 Member Posts: 475

    When you approach the generator, tapping = losing a hunt.

    If you start the hunt; 1 you are not sure to have the looper, 2; you are sure to have a generator made by a hidden survivor .

    5 generators on a big map, with this kind of teams it's almost impossible ! Youtubers like Monto, Talent, etc. show you videos of successes but rarely of defeats, and in these defeats there are survivors who take advantage of having one or two good loopers to make the generators (worse when everyone knows how to looper)... Gen rush is not rare, on Xbox in clubs there are people looking for this kind of game, they are very numerous!

    It's even harder to get the whole team, because of perks like Cheryl, Dave, Laurie, Bill... 4 survivors who benefit from the same advantages = impossible to counter! You have to either camp or tunnel or you lose the game.

    You think you are stronger than this kind of team? One day you will have this kind of team and I assure you that it will play a trick on you!🤣

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    It seems like you only know the truth. If they're running BNP and they have three strong members on the team then you've pretty much lost. I've had survivor's who won without BPN but I think they hack .

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    First you have to find a survivor clock starts ticking, you chase the survivor to a loop that's 30s already you hit the survivor's that's 50 seconds, survivor runs to next pallet and continously loops you that's over 60 my friend.

  • campedbydaylight
    campedbydaylight Member Posts: 1

    Killers definitely jave the advantage when it comes to the game itself.(thanataphobia,hex ruin,unnerving presence,thrilling tremors..etc) all those combined with keeping pressure on survivors can make it almost impossible to get things done.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The mistake you're making is that you think the survivors are to blame for the genrush. It's not that we don't want survivors to do gens. it's that when they do them efficiently that the gens pop faster then the killer can gain momentum. It's the numbers that are to blame not the survivors. If the gens took 1 second to complete it would also just be the survivors doing their objective. but i hope you can see why that would be problematic.

    I do agree with op that it's not something that happens often and is often used as an excuse. and it often stems forth from a mistake a killer made at the start. People also have a tendancy to go nuts about the first gens. They need to learn they don't matter.

    The whole games revolves around momentum and generally once the killer get's the rhytme going of hooking injuring and chasing survivors the gens slow down and once a player goes the gens grind to a halt. It's just that when played optimally by the survivors it's difficult to reach that turn of momentum that makes for great games