Europe, CEST 15:09,
Every match, i'm playing either i'm playing as killer or as survivor, a survivor rage quits.
20% of the times when someone gets caught immediately rage quits, or 15% or less someone rage quits mid match or after the first hook.
I DARE saying that 1 match out of 2 a person quits. either the killer of a teammate.
Most time russians, that go clicky clicky as killer and when get caught immediately because their bulling fails rage quit, or as survivors where they go for flashlight saves don't do anything and just play toxic.
And this with cross-play DEACTIVATED, so I'm playing only pc right now.
I don't wanna imagine what would happen with it activated, seriously.
Devs you gotta do something, TONS OF PEOPLE ARE RAGE QUITTING ALWAYS
What killer are you playing as? I have cross play on and I really haven't found many rage quitters. Behaviour also disabled for the moment the DC ban so survivors will probably take some advantage with it.
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I'm playing as survivor right now to finish my challenges
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I don't see what crossplay has to do with it. It's not like console has the monopoly on whiners.
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I had a 3-man SWF quit on me because they all got slugged trying to go for flashlight saves. Now here I am depipping no matter what because I got a garbage team.
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Oh, not really sure then, only real reason could be that the DC ban is not activated so if people get annoyed by killers play style or some other dumb excuse they DC and search for another game quickly. My advice maybe try activating the cross play, que waiting time is much faster and like I said, I really haven't found any rage quitters on the survivors side, though from the killers side I did had a few.
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64% of all statistics are made up
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I played my first survivor match in a week last night. Had a daily to escape. First match, tunneled for a four gen run and then face camped to death. Second match was fun for the first couple minutes. Billy was everywhere. Then 2 DCs at the same time. If you look at the circumstances, they were both Megs with the same outfit and complimentary names. Likely a 2-person SWF. One was about to unhook me and just stopped. Likely lost connection. I died when the 4th person came for the hook and Billy grabbed him. 3rd match looked like the one I would finally get this done on. It was a back and forth match with GF. He had several hooks, but only one of us on death hook. Last gen popped and he DC'd. Fourth match started with a DC. 5th Match was another face camper who ran NOED. I destroyed 4 totems, but there was obviously a 5th. Bubba got me as the last gen popped and NOED kicked in. Face camped again. I gave up. I hate survivor role. I hate solo survivor. It is just ridiculous trying to play solo survivor right now.
DC's suck. I see one every 5 matches as killer.
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at least 20% of times a person rage quits, no doubt, especially if the are from the east somehow...
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as killer IT SEEMS EVERY ######### MATCH.
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Me too..🤔
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Playing Leatherface yesterday and ummm. I had 4 people quit in the same match not a single gen done. Mind you without add-ons
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1-2 / 10 games is a suicid or dc in solo. So you have to deal with it, you can not change that behaviour.
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yes you can, reintroduce dc penalties
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I hope they add bots soon.
reintroduce dc penalties not going to help dc penalties only hurt killers who don't dc as much but when they do don't hurt the game because survivors keep all points and it like a escape and I feel like survivors try get the killer to dc how they bully them.survivors will just kill them self's on first hook to by pass the penalties best thing to do now it the bot replacement for tho who dc.
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Honestly maybe crossplay off has something to do with it, for me its common, but not every game. Remember you are playing with people that also have crossplay off, so the survivors you are getting are probably salty little b*tches that think all their teammates suck and that they are the hottest sh*t.
Still, I'm not denying the problem. dc penalties HAVE to come back, the difference is massive.
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I wouldn't mind bots as long as they get a cool entity veiny effect on their while skin. Probably play better then the immersive players waiting out for the hatch with a key opposed to playing then intentionally trying to show where I am.
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I believe the solution is to STOP MAKING SURVIVORS WEAKER. It’s way too easy for killers to take advantage of camping tunneling and Mori’s. All too often I’m seeing Chases end too quickly and just not enough ways to defend yourself. I understand in a game like this asymmetrical you’re not supposed to 1v1 the killer. But I think there are quite a few things that don’t let survivors really stand a chance once they get caught. Particularly when it comes to hit detection. Constantly killers are snagging undeserved hits through pallets and vault points. Some Killers have insane Mobility that don’t really give survivors a chance to get chased really. Gens don’t get done. It’s just boring and doesn’t feel worth trying to get 5 long noisy gens done. Every game you constantly feel pressure to be glued to the gens otherwise you won’t escape. The killer finds people way too easily to do ANYTHING else. So when somebody actually gets to do something heart pounding such as getting chased by the killer, you’re at too much of a disadvantage that it doesn’t feel fun for survivors. Plus a lot of them only get caught once and never get to play. As soon as they get off the hook, they go right back down because killers are just that fast to Be able to leave and come back to down you and then Mori you or throw you back on the hook. It’s frustrating. There needs to be better hit detection. There needs to be better survivability in a chase.
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So what are you doing as survivor that they just give up and rage quit?
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What exactly prevents survivors just to go for suiciding instead? Nothing and they can't do anything about it.
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I sure a bot would be better then the dc survivor
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If they had bots my reasons for rage quits would kinda lose their bite. The entire point is that I don't like how they're playing and I'd rather gift my team 600 sweet points a piece than give the killer the hook.
I don't rage quit often, but personally I don't think it's a bad thing. See, they went with the time out method for rage quitting, but what if it cost like 5k bloodpoints to quit the match? (or bring you down to zero if you can't afford it) You wouldn't be able to progress your characters until you started toughing matches out.
I'd still definitely pay the penalty because some people deserve to suffer for being jerks but I'd probably be more sparing about it. Is this 5k bloodpoints worth of angy or is this just minor angy?