Stop DC’ing!!

I don’t know if anybody else has been noticing this, but I see people DC’ing so much lately. They get hooked and the first thing they do is try to get off the hook, which obviously rarely happens, and when they can’t they just let themselves die! Half the time, one of us is going to save you and you let yourself die right when we get there, which wastes precious time. If you’re upset about de-pipping, then practice is what you need. De-pipping is also part of the game and the fun and what gives you a challenge. It’s not supposed to just be handed out. When people DC and just kill them selves off it ruins the game for everyone and makes it incredibly difficult for us to keep our rank. I’m a level 10, btw. Seriously, don’t be toxic. Everyone wants to have fun.
I get that and my sole focus is to have fun too. However, I try to be respectful of everyone else and it’s nice to rank up too. I definitely understand camping killers, playing against or with people that just exploit the game and stuff like that but some people just dc because they don’t like that they’re hooked. It gets annoying and it’s hard to have a fun game ourselves when that happens.
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"Lately", This has been the norm for a what seems like a couple of years.
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Ok I seen this argument plenty of time... but honestly why should they care about some strangers on the internet and their game? They still can get bloodpoints, they can still pip. The emblem system is so broken and its so easy to "win" without escaping anyway. Just do a gen, cleanse some totems and go for 1 or 2 unhooks. If people dont enjoy themself then they should be free to leave. In the end of the day we all play to have fun and enjoy ourself but is it worth pushing out a game if you do neither of those?
Before you whine that I am some survivor main that DCs on first down then you are wrong, personally I never DCs cause I like my points and trying to hard grind the rift challenges if I DC it will just cost me everything + time.
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It’s more prevalent now after crossplay. Either way it’s annoying. And if it has been this way for years surely there needs to be a heftier penalty added.
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By that logic i should just d/c against any swf with OoO and toolbox stack.
I personaly think its better to stay and try to improve against such build rather than dodge a hard match.
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I dont care about your fun. Its my honest opinion.
If you dont like the option to suicide, remove it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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I think it's much better to learn playing as survivor by playing regular, balanced matches, and not ones where the killer demolishes your entire team in 2 minutes and after you get placed on the hook you are practically dead because you will get moried as soon as someone unhooks you.
And I definietly see dcing against a 4 man SWF with OoO as ok as well.
As killer, you have a much easier way to "dc", though. Lobby dodging.
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Some people are losing keys!! What else is there to do but DC??? Lol☺
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This is a team game. It's alright if you want to DC if you're in a game by yourself but you're on a team of 4. If you don't give a ######### about the other people on the team, why the ######### are you playing a team game? Why queue up and put the trust of others onto you if you're just gonna DC at the slightest bit of difficulty?
Oh, is it that these people want easy game? They don't want to be the first person hooked? They don't even want to try against certain killers? What ######### babies.
Oh this football match I'm in? Lol I missed this pass ######### it I'm out ######### these other guys on the team, they're on their own in an unfair match against the other guys now. Even though I told them I'd play with them and that the game isn't gonna work without me there too, ######### them.
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lol. chill
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Yes. Especially if its on Midwich. If you don't, then well you're a better person than I am.
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This kind of thread falls upon the deaf, but whatever. I saw a red level two guy kill himself on first hook today as I was running down the stairs to the basement to save him. Afterwards I saw that he wasted a 4th year anniversary cake and a purple item with a couple of decent items. It wasn’t a d/c but probably even more non sensical. He only earned about 1500 points.
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On console we don't get a ptb so I really want to play against blight. He's so cool. If killers are gonna keep playing spirit or Deathslinger when I wanna go against the new killer, I'll dc. I'm not wasting my time with sweaty try hards.
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DC penalties aren't the answer. FIxing the ######### that makes people want to DC is.
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How do you go about fixing a person’s sense of entitlement?
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If you think the only reason people DC is entitlement, you're seriously out of touch with the community.
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Did I say that was the only reason? No, I didn’t, so don’t jump to stupid conclusions. But clearly if people are going to rage quit the first time they go down then they must think they deserve to have the round go there own way. There are legitimate reasons to disconnect. Just because the killer caught you isn’t one of them.
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Did i say DCing for illegitimate reasons? No.
See? two can play at the "don't put words in my mouth" game.
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Seriously, if the “community” is as pedantic as you are, then ######### you all. Jesus, it’s like some of you just look for fights.
And honestly? I don’t give a rat’s ass if that comment gets me banned.