Stop DC’ing!!

LemonDabb Member Posts: 4
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

I don’t know if anybody else has been noticing this, but I see people DC’ing so much lately. They get hooked and the first thing they do is try to get off the hook, which obviously rarely happens, and when they can’t they just let themselves die! Half the time, one of us is going to save you and you let yourself die right when we get there, which wastes precious time. If you’re upset about de-pipping, then practice is what you need. De-pipping is also part of the game and the fun and what gives you a challenge. It’s not supposed to just be handed out. When people DC and just kill them selves off it ruins the game for everyone and makes it incredibly difficult for us to keep our rank. I’m a level 10, btw. Seriously, don’t be toxic. Everyone wants to have fun.
