My new gen rush build (tested in many games) I play solo

This build is actually really strong I’ve been testing it a lot and this could really be annoying in a swf group
This with a commodious + double duration = pain
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Tested it and yup your right it’s insane it honestly makes me wonder if devs ever actually test there game lol
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wym? you're dedicating an entire build and items to one thing. Killer uses Franklin's and 2 of your perks are useless. Get a reverse beartrap and you can't use 3 perks and your item. its pretty risky, if it wasn't strong it would be useless.
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even if they bring franklins the killer can only chase one guy by the end of that chase 2 gens should be done because of how good the build is besides you can just go back and get your items franklins might hurt this build but it doesn’t destroy it
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What will tell the killer to know to take Franklin's. Franklin's is a situational perk, and is slighting above low teir usage. Killer's only ever take the perk when they get a gut feeling the team all carying items are SWF. I am red rank 1 and never use Franklin's because I prefer top tier perks that have a broad usage for any game - while at the same time improving the killer I am playing. (And I don't pay attention to the screen in lobby)
You're whole argument is "because this one perk, or killer exists built specifically to counter a certain type of one off build. Therefore this build doesn't work". However if you if you throw this guy in 20 matches, how many is he going to see Franklin's demise or Pig? Give your head a shake. We are working with numbers here.