Why do I believe adrenaline should be changed?

Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Hello How's everybody with this bad situation going on in the world? I hope everyone is taking care of yourself and your beloved ones.

Well, I know you're going to read the title and say "OMG, another person whinning about adrenaline" but that's not quite true.

Now to the subject. Why do I believe adrenaline should be changed? First, every perk in-game rewards you with a single thing, adrenaline gives you two rewards.

Now most people says "it's ok, it rewards you for doing your objetive" and that's not true, there are a few examples where it doesn't.

Let's suppose a killer manages to kill everyone before even the first or second generator pop up and proceed to slug the fourth because he wants to search and close the hatch, and what happens, adrenaline will work as unbreakable in that time and give the survivor a 5 second boost. Now you will tell me "it's the killer fault" and here I will tell you "No, because adrenaline rewards you from doing your objetive, and said objetive was not fullfiled. So Why you should be rewarded from not doing anything?" and look I am a main survivor but I do believe it's unfair because as I said, the reward of adrenaline should be given to you just because you fullfiled your objetive and you didn't fullfil it. It's not about something like "the killer had 3k, that's a win for me" so please, don't derail the thread with those comments.

Now, the second example, let's suppose I am a Claudette with Iron Will, the killer managed to injure me one time but since I am too scared about it, I spend the whole match in the basement from locker to locker. My teammates doing gens, dying and progressing in the match. My whole team completed the five generators and I am rewarded by adrenaline. Why? I had nothing to do with the match, I didn't help my teammates with a single gen, I didn't help them while they were on hook. Why should I be rewarded to be fully healed and running faster for a while?

The third example might be a bit tricky, since you technically helped your team. Let's suppose you're a good survivor, you know how to loop and run tiles (it's not that hard to achieve but some people like to brag saying it's the hardest thing in-game and that not everyone can do it). So you manage to drag the killer's attention for five gens, now let's suppose you mess up a little and end injured but you have dead hard so you're able to avoid a fatal hit.

I guess that you know where I am coming from with this one. Right? Now, you will tell me "again, it's the killer's fault" but that's not entirely true, since as I said running tiles it's not a hard thing to achieve so if you're against a killer and there is another survivor who knows how to run tiles, you can manage to distract a killer for 5 gens (if the other survivors are not total potatoes or blendettes and actually do gens). Of course, you can mindgame survivors but that's not the point. Now as I said this one is tricky because even if you didn't really fix gens you still helped your team by dragging the killer's attention... anyway from my point of view, you still didn't fixed gens so you didn't help with the objetive and you shouldn't be rewarded by adrenaline because you didn't help to the main objetive but again, this is a tricky one.

How do I think adrenaline should work to avoid those that doesn't help in-match to avoid receiving a reward for a work that they haven't done?

With a token system. Like this one, in example: If you fix a 25 of a generator progress (the number might change) you win a token up to 5, for each token you receive a second of sprint burst. If you get 5 tokens, you also receive a health state. What do you think? Would it help to reward those who did something to help in making progress?