Unpopular opinion about terror radius bug.

Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Let me start off by saying i play 54% survivor. And 46% killer. I do play in a swf of one person, who is newish at the game.

Now that back story is over with, i feel like the terror radius bug is the best bug we ever had. It makes me really focus on around me, and adds a depth to just doing gens. The depth im talking about is not knowing the killer is there. The since of dread. Is the killer near by? No? Lets push gens. It makes me legit fear the killer vs "oh is that a terror radius. Im finna get my pallet loops".

Now i do know this is a nerf to survivors in general. So a lot of you are going to tell me to shove it. I still feel like this could be a fun change to both sides if done right.