My dbd tier list (with the blight)

I thought he’d be higher but after playing without his aura addon it’s clear besides map pressure he’s pretty lack luster if his 30 degree turning is upgraded he’d be better this list was hard to make especially the hill billy but remember he’s no longer second (this is my personal tier list) but people might think differently
Is the Pig that bad? Why?
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Her abilities rarely help her in chasing survivors.
Her ambush is a worse version of Ghostface ability.
Her traps are not interactive and doesn't give anything to her exept game stalling.
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Why is Billy on B? He has one of the best mobility and a one-shot skill, there is no way he is in the same level as Doctor and Myers.
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Of the whole 2 Billy's I've faced since the Overheat was added, neither of them did very well at all. He just isn't the same.
He no longer has the same add-ons so I, personally, agree with OP and don;t think he is nearly as good as he once was.
But my sample size is basically nonexistant so I don't really know what I'm talking about. lol
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Yes! I just tried playing 'Boop the Snoot' with them and got a Mori for my friendliness 😭
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I still think he is pretty good, just not as before because there is no more insta-chainsaw addons so it's actually more fair to go against. Those 2 people you faced were probably just trying the character. The overheat mechanic is not even a big deal, unless you like to rev your chainsaw forever.
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At the moment blight is definitly A-tier in my eyes, but the devs will see killer players improve with him and nerf his addons to the ground and give him three charges at base.
Heard it here first.
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I feel the blight has a really high skill cap but he is also a bit map depended.
I think someone who is really good at the blight will make him high B or low A.
For the average he is probaly staying in your spot on the tier list.