Survivors crying about Undying Hex Combos... yet slow to adjust

ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

So without a doubt Hex:Undying is a powerful perk just being paired with a single other Hex like Ruin, DH, even Retribution. It's becoming pretty popular in my survivor games and I've run it a few times in my 40 or so killer games since patch day (below is only half those games though). I've adjusted to it and started running perks that benefit from clearing more totems or helping the team to clear them... Detective's Hunch, Small Game, Inner Strength, Leader. I completely restarted my Survivor's perk meta tracker to add keys and outcomes to it and noticed... there is literally no noticeable increase in any of these perks being run as of yet.

Here's a snapshot here for R1 Killer in the last 2 days.

20 Games, 80 Tracked Survivors, 320 Perks (0 Empty so far), 65 Red Ranks, 14 Purple, 0 Green, 1 Yellow

2 DCs

49 Sacrificed

23 Gate Escaped

5 Hatch Escaped

1 Key Hatch Escaped (Out of 4 Keys brought in)

This is still an abysmally small sample size for now but just seems like more or less the same results as my last two snapshots with over 100~150 games.


  • DeathBeam
    DeathBeam Member Posts: 259

    Do Bones. Also there are plenty of strong Survivor perk combinations that are headaches for killers.

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    Honestly always see Soul Guard being played alongside Unbreakable (Even in examples above) - think people never read the last line that they can recover from Dying States as long as they are Cursed by a Hex

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    I just tried it with Devour Hope for the first time. Both totems gone within first minute lol money well spent.

    That said it does protect Ruin most games. Well actually 90% of the time Undying goes first but the Ruin totem gets a much better spot and manages to stay for a long time so I guess I can’t complain.

    Had a couple of games where Ruin kept respawning. Inner strength should be meta by now. Its a good perk. 2 totems to start with, 2 more ruin spawns thats 4 totems total used before they took out both perks.

    I’ve always hated the “do bones” excuse but if just two survivors did 1 dull totem each then Ruin could only ever respawn once.

    Its one of those perk combos thats good on Clown as it buys him map pressure and has a counter, but is probably hard to deal with on a Nurse/Billy as they will be applying so much pressure to the survivor team.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Beside this I haven’t seen one single thread of anyone complaining about Hex: Undying.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Exactly. I haven't seen ANYONE complaining...I think killer mains just want something to complain about survivors for.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Devour Hope actually isn't that good totem to pair with Hex: Undying because it loses all its tokens when it's cleansed and it need to have 3 tokens built up to get you an Exposed hit. So for instance you could end up hooking twice, getting two tokens on it, then the totem is cleansed and reappears with no tokens and you have to hook two more times just to get back to where you were. And that's out of a maximum of 8 possible hooks that can generate tokens on Devour Hope.

    Ruin and Haunted Ground work great with Hex Undying though because those Hexes don't use tokens.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I hear a LOT of complaining about it and yet I see very few people bothering to do the Bones in the games where the Survivors get slaughtered. In the games I play where they do the Bones it isn't one-sided at all. Again, they just want to whine and have it go back to Gen-Rush without any other objectives that matter.


  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641

    @BabyDweetMain I'll link a thread here but it's more from actual replies in various threads and not threads themselves. Post game lobby and other places like reddit have similar threads or replies

    There are still situations where DH gets cleansed immediately and moved to a safer spot before even your 2nd hook. I'll concede and say Retribution or Thrill of the Hunt are other options to guard it if you're worried about when they cleanse it to reset it after you already got it to 3 tokens.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah, that's the way I usually go with Devour Hope. I either run it on its own and just hope it isn't spotted in time or I run Thrill of the Hunt so that it takes longer to cleanse and I get an alert if they start.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698
    edited September 2020

    I'm actually happy to see Hex: Undying and Hex: Ruin. Beats PGTW/Corrupt Intervention for the 100th time in a row.

    Edit: Cool stats btw.

  • Hex: Undying is actually nuts. I am using it together with Ruin and Retribution and it works just amazing. Way better than I would have thought.

  • Captain_AAhab
    Captain_AAhab Member Posts: 37

    Your mastery of Microsoft Excel is impressive.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2020

    When a survivor gets salty about my perk choices, I make sure I add a winky face after I say "gg".

    Mine is a terrible vengeance.

  • endexxon
    endexxon Member Posts: 7

    I knew soon survivors would complain but that's natural since the crutch perks won't work rn.

    A lot of people have been running undying and noed and I haven't been in a game where people are destroying totems

    I'm pretty sure those same people are complaining about how it's too strong when they just too lazy to do anything.

    I personally like going against that since it makes you do more things instead of just gen, gate, gone.

    PS love the chart I've never seen one for dbd like that

  • greekfire774
    greekfire774 Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2020

    Im curious, does hex: undying have synergy with haunted grounds? Like will it keep replacing haunted grounds and effectively give you 4 exposed states or no?

  • ZCerebrate
    ZCerebrate Member Posts: 641
    edited September 2020

    It works that way sort of but Haunted Grounds spawns 2 hexes by default and AT least one has to be dull for the other to get moved to it (maintaining the first one) but if the survivors are thinking at all then Haunted Grounds should at most activate twice during a match (with the meghead possibility of activating 3 times).

    Undying + Haunted means 3 Hex Totems and 2 Dull Totems.

    1st Situation BOOM Undying breaks first. Meaning 2 Hexes + 2 Dulls on map. When either are broken it's a single Haunted Grounds for the match.

    2nd Situation BOOM Haunted breaks first and exposes everyone. Meaning 3 Hex Totems + 1 Dull Totem left on map.

    BOOM Undying now Breaks, leaving 2 Hex and 1 Dull on the map. Breaking either does the 2nd Haunted Grounds for the match.

    Instead... BOOM Haunted breaks again and exposes everyone. Meaning 3 Hex Totems left on the map (Undying and Haunted Ground Totems)... A survivor (regardless of solo or swf) should not be breaking any more totems as you have been exposed twice already proving the existence of Hex:Undying and Haunted Grounds combo WITHOUT any other hexes mixed in. If they break Undying after the 1st Haunted Grounds - there is a small chance they have to expose one more time just incase the below strategy is in play to protect a final hex perk but still in that scenario 2 exposes should be the max you get hit with.


    But what if it's Hex Undying, Haunted Grounds, AND a 3rd Hex like Ruin, Lullaby, Third Eye or Blood Favor (These are all exposed as a curse unlike Devour Hope immediately). So as a Survivor you know they are out there even if you haven't see the hex yet AND when they deactivate after breaking them through the status symbol.

    So in this scenario it's 4 Hexes + 1 Dull Totem

    If Haunted Activates first - it's 4 Hexes with no Dulls.

    If Haunted Activates a second time again it will not respawn as there isn't enough Dull totems left. Meaning it converts the unused Haunted into a Dull totem like normal (as Haunted Requires 2 totems to be hexes at once). It's now 2 Hexes with a Dull totem so the survivors know to keep breaking totems (Ideally the dull one first to prevent a Ruin respawn for example). If they break Undying first then Ruin - their Cursed Status will disappear, knowing they are good to go even while leaving that last dull totem out there.

    This is THE ONLY scenario where a completely hidden Devour Hope can completely ruin that dream if the RNGods bless that killer since the cursed status doesn't show up until you get exposed at 3+ tokens. It's still a very high risk combo considering it resets tokens if destroyed so could potentially null the DH's effect even if it respawns


    TLDR: If you get into a scenario where you get Haunted Grounds twice then pay attention to your screen to see if you are still "Cursed" on the HUD near where your Exhaustion symbol will be. If you aren't then don't cleanse any more hexes and it will maximum expose you twice as long as survivors don't make the mistake to continue cleansing. If you are still cursed after 2 Curses then there are no more haunted grounds on the map so it's safe to cleanse everything.