Von's street. Windenburg. Map concet

simon9072015 Member Posts: 80

create another map in the sims 4 representing for the game dead by daylight. with a lot of affection and love

 move sims stuff to game objects

 gray scientific machine with red or yellow: generators.

 yellow locker: pallets

 red wardrobe: lockers

 white bird feeder: hooks

 semi wall and wooden window: jumping windows

 mint door: destructible walls

 Von street. Windenburg.

 how curious life comes to be, it seems that fate likes to laugh at coincidences ...

 If Von Street came to be remembered by history, it was not for its beautiful houses that have been preserved in splendid condition since 1928. It was because, being as large as the land in New Orleans could be, that just 2 very atypical families for the time they lived in these houses face to face; the Mccain´s and the Smith´s ...

 one, being a family of ultra-conservative right-wing whites who kept Afro-descendant people in slavery, the others, a family of French immigrants who did everything they could to fight against racism and achieve the freedom of these people. They even built a large basement to hide these refugees ... but with neighbors like the Mccains it was only a matter of time, as if it were a time bomb, for the whole ruse to be discovered and both families ended up dead one fateful night between shootings ...