My next killer

So even though I've been playing for about a year now I've stuck with the legion as my main but because I dont play killer to often I'm about to reach first prestige and dont know who to play next. If you have any suggestions feel free to tell me.


  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    This pokemon could evolve in several different ways.

    If speed stat is your favorite evolve into The Blight

    If control is your favorite evolve into The Ghostface

    If you're tired of people being out of range of your feral frenzy, evolve into Deathslinger or Huntress.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    Freddy and Pyramid Head are pretty great at map control, especially Freddy. But if you're looking for insta-down, then I'd recommend Bubba, as his recent rework has made him pretty deadly.

  • Do you have them all? Do you want to buy one? With shards or auric cells?

  • theneamain
    theneamain Member Posts: 11

    Thank you guys for the ideas but did forget to mention only dlcs I have are darkness and lullaby. Honestly it will probably huntress because I think the blight is not good because it is just a feral frenzy speed buff, but still thank you. Ps heartbound I like the pokemon reference.

  • Blight is actually incredibly fun. He is pretty difficult to play, but so is Huntress. 

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,114

    Thats what I thought at first but blight turned out to be super fun. He has strong perks, his rush is much faster than legion's and he has insane map pressure. Don't count him out just yet.

    You can use his rush in so many places like killer shack and so many other loops.

  • theneamain
    theneamain Member Posts: 11

    I guess you guys are right if I'm not mistaken, and correct me if I'm wrong but you can play anyone on the ptb so if I can I will try blight ( I say try because I play ps4) I was thinking off of my matches against blight with it being easy to dodge his lethal rush.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Both the Blight and Huntress have a learning curve. I call them gimmick killers because they do more than your basic attack. On the upside, once you get really good with them you're a nightmare (especially huntress) but you have to be ready to see a sharp drop in performance for now. They can be fun, but as you've seen in previous games you can look really silly while practicing.

    PTB usually takes forever to get matches, but I was under the impression PTB was PC only. Ah well.

    You could just go old school and play Trapper. He's add on dependent but I like him. He's my tried and true.

  • theneamain
    theneamain Member Posts: 11

    Heartbound that is a good idea. My friend plays alot of huntress and trapper and based on what they told me about huntress is mind the gravity. Trapper is also a good pick as the plays I have fell victim to were placing them in dark door frames l, like the game, if you dont have the add on to make them darker. I think it will be either blight, huntress or trapper. I will play a match as huntress and trapper, look at more comments people leave, and hopefully have my new killer by tomorrow night. Also what do you mean by that you were under the impression that ptb was PC only?

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I'm a PC player and you access the PTB through Steam by going through menus. It's mainly just me being ignorant of the console systems and what they can do. If consoles can access the PTB that's pretty cool.

  • theneamain
    theneamain Member Posts: 11

    As far as I know of ua on console dont have PTB