Favorite Myers meme build?

Member Posts: 832
in Off-topic
What's your favorite Myers build?
And why is this listed as off topic?
I have one of my own creation. It's called McMyers- Devour hope, Bbq and Chili, Play With Your Food, and Save The Best For Last.
Add ons are tombstone and Hair tuft.
The catch is while you can stalk, you have to completely drain the person you're stalking before you can stop.
This is the most Stupid build I could come up with.
Favorite Myers meme build? 3 votes
Burger King Myers
I now realize that most of these aren't even meme builds.
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"wHeRe Is ThE tOpLeSs MyErS bUiLd?!?!?!"
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Burger King Myers
Sorry Doc, my client won't speak to you right now.