The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Perk Limit System?

Greetings people.

I have been thinking about this for months, and I wanted to know what you think about the idea:

In my opinion, DbD is a game that is fun between ranks 20 to 5 since the low skill on the part of many players and the mixture of different builds of both killer and survivors, make the games more enjoyable and fun. But once you reach the red rank (both as a survivor and as an assassin) the game becomes very tedious, frustrating and repetitive. This can be assured by the large number of players on both sides, but to give an example:

Survivors of the red ranks always have the same: "Decisive Strike", "Unbreakable", "Borrow Time" and "Dead Hard". It is practically the base build of all red rank survivors, and makes the game frustrating for the assassin, reaching the point of toxicity on the part of the survivors (teabaggin, flashlight click-click, etc).

Red rank assassins vary a bit more depending on the assassin they use at the time, but abilities that are repeated a lot are "Ruin" (or "Pop"), "NOED"," Barbecue and Chilli" and some generator supervision abilities such as "Surveillance" or "Discordance". And with the recent update, practically "Undying+Ruin" is always active and makes the games hyper tedious. As if that were not enough, on top of that the ability reveals you when you are near a totem.

For this reason, and without distracting you more, I wanted to know what you think of a system where the selection of skills is a little more limited to be able to vary the games a little more and that they are not all the same.

For example, my idea was to revamp the colors of the abilities (which currently do absolutely no function) and make it possible, for example, to equip 1 single purple perk, 2 green perk, 3 yellow perk, or something similar to that.

As limiting as it may sound in words, I think it would really make the game much more dynamic and each game more unique. It would prevent all the red ranks from carrying those same 4 abilities mentioned above. Assassins would be prevented from wearing abilities that are being revealed to players all the time. It would prevent all the games from being as repetitive as they currently are, and would be able to create more balanced builds on both sides and make the game much more fair for both experienced players and those who do not have as much skill.

I honestly don't think this will be implemented, but I wanted to know your opinion, or if there is anything you would like to add or modify to the idea. Or maybe some completely different idea that serves the same purpose, to balance the game more.

PS: If there is something misspelled, I apologize. English is not my native language and I still have a hard time writing it.


  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    I believe the devs already said they have no plans to limit people’s choices from running whatever they want