So tired of unfair matchups
It would be %$&!'n amazing to have a remotely fair match once in awhile. Not a killer who counters my build 1000%. Not a map offering counter. No ebony mori. Teammates that have a single f'n clue.
Sure. Would. Be. Nice.
Same. I want to learn more killers but I'm always put against red ranks who bully me the whole time. I'm rank 14 killer. I can't learn how to play the killer against people who are masters at countering it. I'm only good with legion, doctor and spirit, but that's because I was able to actually learn them. Now I'm put in matches that end in 2 minutes.
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You will learn. I did. My goal last cycle (prior to recent reset) was to go from zero to hero with Michael Myers. I wanted to break into the Red Ranks as a Killer with him. I managed to get to Rank-4 just two days before the Reset. From the time I hit Green Rank I was playing against groups of Purple spotted with Red. By the time I hit Purple I fought MOSTLY if not all Red. It wasn't fair, but it did make me a better killer. You just can't let the adversity get to you. Embrace it. Own it. I would not have made it to Rank-4 if I hadn't been playing all those sharks.
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This is pretty much my experience too.
I’m EU PS4 and from around rank 10 Killer I was facing a majority of red rank teams, usually 2 or 3 in a lot of matches. I have loads of score screen photos from last few weeks alone.
It’s frustrating that the rank discrepancy isn’t even taken into account by the ranking system, so every game I win against players of my own rank I lose a couple of pips by getting outplayed by people 6-9 ranks higher out of 20 ranks.
Other games you would gain more for a win and lose less for a loss against such odds stacked against you; though I would just prefer to play against people much closer to my rank.