i honestly don't know anymore

I want to keep playing this game but it gets boring nearly every match. You chased a survivor for more than thirty seconds because you are an m1 killer? unlucky now 3 gens are almost done and by the time you down them you are down to 2 gens. It also doesn't help when i have no one to help me improve so every one of my matches are just 4 man escapes. its boring as hell. Why do i need a ######### perk to band aid fix issues in this game. It doesn't even help im using a killer who starts off at 105% meaning if i go to the wrong gen i basically already lost. Literally idk how to ######### do anything and when i have no one to help it makes this game boring. Seriously how do you make a game where you need to dedicate so much time into it just to have a chance. Like i do not have anything to help me at all.

Fellow friends to help- no they are all survivor mains who complain when a killer plays efficiently

Perks- no because i didn't know this game was pay to win because almost all good killer perks are either behind pay wall or you need to spend a ######### ton amount of time trying to get 9k shards

Killers- same reason i gave for perks, only killers that are free (ps4) that i know of who can win without any dlc perks are huntress, and nurse.

I mean all i really want is infectious and corrupt to actually have a chance to use my skill and not a 3 minute game because i chose to play a killer that actually sounded cool. I wasted 30 ######### dollars on this ######### game that i regret massively and could've spent on other things that would positively impact my life.

And the community is so ######### toxic. Like god damn can yall stop ######### bickering at each other like dogs fighting over a bone so we can actually deal with real issues. It seems like this community is 2 children fighting while the devs in the form of parents try to please both sides. Its ridiculous. I might just delete this game because its not fun in its current state.

And survivor is not as tormenting on the mind but its still boring as hell. Especially when you have to deal with ######### teammates just to try to rank up. Its like if you threw an 8 year old in a group of babies and try to actually deal with it. Its nigh impossible.

So the non toxic part of this wonderful community, i ask 3 things

A- ######### am i supposed to do to "pressure" with myers without corrupt

B-why is this community so toxic

C-should i stop playing this game permanently



  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Try playing survivor. I personally think it's more fun to have others help you. I think Killer can get annoying cause people want to heckle you instead of be scared and just focus on escape. Lol, once guy was on a hill and other guy down below and lights flashing my face every direction cause now here comes some guy behind me with flashlight too in case I try to look away from those other fools and all I was trying to do was kick a generator. Why come at me like that?? 😕

    Survivor can be annoying too if survivors play against their team but that's not common for me to witness.

  • EntitledMyersMain
    EntitledMyersMain Member Posts: 832
    1. I feel your pain. Take advantage of being undetectable. DON'T CHASE SURVIVORS until you get tier 2.
    2. I have no clue.
    3. Depends. It's always better to persevere, maybe take a break, but if the feeling comes up again and again, if you feel relieved when you power off your ps4 or whatever you use to play the game on a day-to-day basis, then stopping for a while might be wise. And if the game is still absolute hell, then you might need to. Put don't just pull the plug immediately. Try to cool off.
  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    but then come the issue of low rank solo queue where everyone is braindead and it isn't fun

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    1- i don't thats a dumb idea to chase while moving as fast as survivors

    2- me neither

    3- i don't feel relieved i just feel like a failure. Like im that pitiful a game is making me upset. Doesn't help that i have 3 issues that make this game hell,

    1A- anger issues

    2B- stubborness

    3C- pride

    those three things just make playing and not playing this game hell.

    If i play i get really pissed off very quickly leading to me getting off

    If i get off i feel like a failure because im letting a game get under my skin

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    A... Check this link out, then read thru. Definitely scroll down to the bottom an read what Wesker suggests, that should be a good start to advancing your Myers.

    B... I really don’t have all the details behind Behaviour or each DBD player to make a fact based argument.

    Watch the first Avengers movie. There’s this powerful cube called the Tesseract that after while, causes regular people (also friends an allies) who spend too much time around it to begin lashing out against one another, even becoming hostile toward each other, out of nowhere. It’s almost resembling a darkly influenced object similar the one true ring in LOtR an the effects thereof on anyone who gets near it. While DBD May or may not have a dark influence in or around it, it certainly seems to have a spirit of aggression or toxicity that flows through it which affects all players to some extent, whether extremely or mildly could be up to the psychological make up of each individual person. That could be said for most multiplayer pvps, or jus video games in general, tho.

    C... Um, like eventually, maybs. I kno that I absolutely won’t be hanging out gaming DBD when I’m like 80yrs old or anywhere close to that long a timeframe. Thinking of how much $$$ goes into gaming, in general, an you pretty much summed up a good reason why when you said,

    ”I wasted 30 dollars on this game that i regret massively and could've spent on other things that would positively impact my life.“

    It’s not jus the $$$ as much as it is the time spent gaming that ppl (myself especially) could be utilizing more effectively elsewhere.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    I feel like so many players are struggling to find a reason to keep playing right now, so know you're not alone!

    I know you recently questioned whether to enter red ranks or not, do you think rank change has created more headaches? If so, let red ranks go. I know I personally am comfy in green ranks- I don't sweat but still feel productive. If ppl want to say I'm a ######### player, fine, but mental health is infinitely more important than rank in a game.

    I dunno what system you play on (I'm PS4), but you could play some KYF matches to practice some of the things bothering you during Killer matches. If you're on console I'm happy to volunteer!

    All that said, taking a break can be healthy. It's not a weakness, it's not throwing in the towel- it's just stepping aside to gain some perspective. What you find is for you alone, and no one can judge your feelings.

    Sending you struggle snuggles through the ether, friend!

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    If I had to suggest something I'd say take a break except for KYF matches, that works for me when I'm feeling down. Sorry you gotta deal with that man.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Idk, he posted that 9 mths ago an all of what he does an others do suggest in that discussion is still effective.

    Myers really hasn’t changed very much, if at all, in that time, tbh, an SWFs are still pretty much the same SWFs they were then, minus the hefty tool box blows they used to deal out to killers, too.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    im on ps4 for one, yeah i was in red ranks but every game was just a race on who could do the most gens the fastest. So i went to purple but they act the same way there. Im down to practice looping and maybe practice some other killers i was wanting to play IE (billy, huntress, nurse etc) but about the break stuff i know damn well it isn't a weak point but i still feel like "god dammit myers, you have failed your bloodline once again"

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    My psn is JungleYautja- if you wanna do kyf although its late for me now i can't use my mic but i can message very quickly

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Maybs @Kilmeran can give you some special tips to help you out, as he is well versed in DBD, especially all things Myers related. Never hurts to message him an ask. If he gets a chance, I’m sure he will give you some good pointers.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    You just need to get better. If you lose 3 gens that fast then you aren't playing effectively. Myers is still viable without corrupt, just a little weaker.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    thats the issue with myers, first you have to get out of tier 1, which is basically almost like a full chase. Then you can do that. But if you go to the wrong gen or don't get out of tier 1 fast enough you get the result i stated above. I heard that stuff over and over and it doesn't help. Sure it helps when im playing billy but not when im playing my favorite stalky boi

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2020

    A. Myers can be efficient without corrupt. I played yesterday on Mother's Dwelling as Myers and I got 4k at red ranks without any slow down perks. Use his power. For using his power you better have more detection perks in your build. Discordance helps to find multiple survivors on gens. Monitor and Abuse helps to be sneaky. Whispers help to not waste time searching in areas without survivors.

    B. Community is fine. You just met some stupid people. Just don't be toxic yourself. If you will be toxic some other person will see this and start thinking the whole community is toxic. Like it happen to you.

    С. This should be your own decision.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    like i pointed out in the original post, that would require me to have 9000 shards or use money, which is kinda pay to win. also not everyone has the time nor money to go get those perks.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    It's play to win. All of this perks are unlockable or free. So if you don't want to spend time playing game why are you even playing?

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Let me explain. I do not have 24 hours every day to dedicate to this game. Along with the fact that its aggravating as hell decreases my free time for it even more. Currently i have about 4200 shards and have gotten about 20k over the time i played this game. Which it took me about 500 matches to get to that point. Thats a lot. And considering i have other things in my life besides this game and the fact i play some other games doesn't help here. This is my point, i do not want to have to spend a ######### ton of hours in this game or use cash to stand a chance in this game. Why am i even playing you ask? I already have stated but its because of pride and hardheadedness. I feel like ######### if i stop playing because i feel like a failure. So i come back and experience frustrating match after frustrating match after frustrating match for maybe one semi chill game. Thats why i play and thats the dilemma i made this entire thread for.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    No one have 24 hours to dedicate this game. I play 1-2 hours a day at best. When I bored I may try different killer or change side. And I often make a big break from game for days and weeks until new challenges or chapter released.

    If this is too much time for you maybe it is not your type of game.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    its not. My point the amount of shards you need for getting all the perks you would usually need at red ranks is extraordinary.BBQ? paywall. Discord? 9k shards. Corrupt? 9k shards. Undying? 9k shards. Pop? 9k shards. Do you see my point. one devotion (1-100) only gives you 25k meaning unless you bought the dlc most of those perks you ain't getting until later. and thats my issue. I like call of duty because i do not feel like i need to buy something to win in the game or spend crazy hours grinding for something. Even if i wanted to level a weapon to max at least the gameplay isn't as aggravating as this game. Its way too grindy and way too aggravating. But thats not what i asked. I asked for tips and answers to my question. Anything else is off topic for this thread

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Learn Hag. She's free on PS4 as well I think. It's not hard to be a nasty hag, and she has Ruin.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    i got ruin from the shrine so i don't have any levels on her

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    but i want tips for myers not being forced to pick another killer

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I ######### drunkenly prestiged my pc nurse...

    this is my meta build 😂😂😂😂

    I'm a baby nurse on PC, but i keep gping against RROOO....

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Thanks for the build but I want tips for playing myers not another killer

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    i was unable to create a new post so i used your post 😂. i'm currently facing my 3rd OOOswf match

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    Oh I can help with that. Go to the main menu if the forums then create a discussion. For some reason you can't make a discussion about a category you are currently viewing so go to the main menu and select the category from there.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Hating to grind is a problem here. I see why you hate it. Not everyone likes it because it feels like you making slow progress when you playing it feels like eternity. But when you get your 9000 shards to unlock a character it feels like an achievement. It feels great. You finally get what you want. 1M BP is just enough to upgrade character to level 38-40 to get all the teachables.

    I'm personally ok with grind in dbd because I like dbd gameplay. I'm just playing and shards coming by itself.

    If you don't like to play without certain perks, perks not gonna help you to enjoy the gameplay. When you get all the perks you will find that almost every perk is counterable by smart survivors and not guarantee you win. And then you quit this game frustrated for wasted time.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    A) Take a break or make a smurf to drop rank. They're free on console, and it's working well for me.

    B) It's probably to do with the asymmetrical nature of the game and modern entitled attitudes to everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.

    C) Not at all. Just take a small break, focus on Archives and try a new killer.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Could you list us the perks you got, so we can figure out what would be the best choice in your situation? Esp. which teachable perks do you have outside of the general perks and Myers ones.

    I also would like to give you some advise about stalking and stuff, but I've got to delay that until I have more time, sorry. I guess I can comment again this evening.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596


    So let me try to give you some advise, starting with the basics you likely already know, but maybe there's some small info you did not know yet.

    EW1 Myers is really slow, only 105% of the survivors running speed, he does not have any noticeable lunge and does not gain bloodlust. So chasing survivors pretty much useless, since they can loop you around pretty much everything without you having a chance to get a hit. On the pro-side, he is undetectable, so no terror radius and no red stain. You have to use that to sneak near survivors and stalk them without being seen, obviously. Maybe you can get a grab from time to time, but the attempt might work against you, either bc you get dedicated and only hit instead of grabbing, or bc it delays you getting out of tier one. Rarely you can use your missing red stain to mind game a survivor at los blockers to get a hit. But don't try to chase / down them after the hit, unlike they screw up badly and you get the down fast. Getting out of EW1 is always the priority.

    EW2 Myers has normal speed (115%), normal lunge, gains bloodlust and has a small TR of 16 meters. In this mode he's pretty much a M1 killer, so can be looped easily. But, since you want to tier up to EW3, you can stalk looping survivors pretty easily given there are not so many los blockers. It might be best to respect pallets, since you will get a good amount of stalk if they throw the pallet before you. You want to 99 your stalk meter and do not waste a EW3 activation on an injured one. So either chase the injured down or switch targets.

    EW3 Myers had normal speed, extended lunge, vaults considerably faster and of course has instadown. His TR is massive (48 meter is guess). He is still loopable, but at least windows are not safe for the survivors in this tier. You always should try to pop tier 3 on an out-positioned survivor, so you can down them quickly, hook them and move on, trying to get someone else to down. You can try to slug as well, but I think that works best with infectious, which you currently don't have. Only if you see multiple survivors when you pop it you should try to slug and get the other(s), but do not overcommit, you want the downed hanging. Sometimes you might not get anything out of your EW3, bc the survivor has to much defenses against you. In this case, at least try to destroy as many as possible. Do not really bother to loop around pallets (only if they are weak) and just break them.

    About stalking:

    The stalking of Mikey has some limitations compared to GF, which can be really aggravating. You can only stalk one person at a time, so even when multiple survivor do a gen and are highlighted when you stalk, you are not filling your meter faster. Furthermore, Myers stalk gets weaker with distance, keep that in mind when stalking faraway survivors. It might be better to search for targets closer to you.

    In EW1 you have got to be sneaky to stalk them without them noticing. To achieve this, try to go to gens from unexpected angles. Sometimes you can stalk through small cracks, e.g. of the shack, use this whenever possible since the survs won't expect that. Elevated points are also really good for stalking, esp. on corn fields. If you have clear view to stalk and they are unaware, do not move to much, that could give you away, if they spotted you they will run away, don't chase after them until you are nearly at EW2. Esp at the start, chances are there are multiple survs on the first gen, so when one runs away, there may be others nearby. If the first gen pops and you are not nearby, try to predict where they will run to to stalk them there. You should expect to lose a gen for getting to tier 2. If you are losing more, it's gonna be rough match you'll likely lose. But sometimes you just cannot help it, with being unlucky and / or facing advanced survivors who know how to avoid your stalk. Myers is just to slow from time to time.

    In EW2, your aim is of course to get the meter filled so you can pop EW3 on an out-positioned survivor, but don't hesitate to much to use it. Sometimes it's better to just go EW3 and apply pressure this way than waiting for the perfect opportunity. You have got at least three EW3 activations, use them. Do not get obsessed with the stalking either, sometimes its better to hit a nearby survivor instead of stalking him to max your meter. Remember that you cannot get all 12 downs with your power alone, on average you will maybe down one person with the power, the rest has to follow with "conventional" killer play. Try to leave some stalk in the survivors for you to pop an EW3 on them later. If there's a survivor already fully stalked, and they know it, they can be a pain in the a$$. You can also keep your nearly built up EW3 do pop it on an unhooker. Ideally you should activate EW3 the first time when no more than two gens were done. You can be fine with more, since Myers can snowball hard in EW3, but it gets more difficult, of course.

    In EW3, stalking is disabled since some patch ago. It could be used for tracking, but that somehow does not work anymore.


    Maybe the most powerful ones are Myers memorial & Memorial flower, which increase your stalking rate. You cannot go wrong with using them, esp. since you will et out of EW1 way faster. Dead rabbit works great for sneaking up on survivors even in EW2, since it reduces your TR to mere 8 meters, together with Monitor and Abuse (from Doc, you might not have it) the TR is nearly non-existant. The Hair bow is really nice since it increases your EW3 duration from 60 secs to 90 secs, which only "slightly" more stalk required. The aura addons may be useful, but not as strong at the other already mentionend.

    Try to keep away from the purple / red addons for now. Mirror games can be really fun, but you need dedicated builds and a map for making them work. Infinite EW3 is really strong, but you needs too much time, which you currently don't have. Tombstone builds require certain perks as well, and they are usually not worth it BP / pip-wise. Also skip on Stalking speed addons, they are useless.


    Thats the tough one, right? Since Myers is slow at the start, detection perks would likely be the most needed. Stalling / gen control perks would come next. Something helping in chases is also nice, but not so important like the other. One hit perks on Myers are a meme, don't use that. I understood you only have the general perks and Myers perks, plus Ruin from the Shrine, but no other teachables (trapper, billy)? That would leave us with the following:

    Detection: Bitter murmur, Spies, Whispers

    Stalling & Gen control: Sloppy, Dying Light, Ruin

    Chase: Unrelenting, STBFL, PWYF

    Questionable perks: Deerstalker, Thrill, Iron Grasp

    Useless / Not helpful: Distressing, NoeD, Insidious, Monstrous Shrine

    For detection, I think Whispers is the best pick. You want to find them when they are still busy doing gens so you can stalk them, Bitter murmurs effect is to late. Spies can be really strong on some maps, but totally useless on others. It is just not consistent enough. If you happen to have tinkerer from Billy, that would probably be better than whispers.

    For stalling, Sloppy should be a no brainer. You do only have M1 attacks, so every hit will apply it. Ruin would be good as well, although you would have to shy them away from the gens (Tinkerer would help there), which can be difficult since you do not have extra mobility. And it's a hex, so it can be cleansed and the perk is lost. Undying would be really nice, but you need Blight for it. Dying light likely takes to much time to grant a noticable effect. You have to perform well enough to get enough out of the perk, but thats exactly the issue right now, right.

    For chase, Unrelenting is forgetable and PWYF is too unrelieable. STBFL is generally a good perk for M1 killers, although Myers does not normally hit people left and right, so gaining stacks is rather slow. Enduring from billy or Brutal Strength from trapper could be useful here, although you should try to avoid stuns to get more stalks, so brutal strength might be the better pick of these two.

    Deerstalker could help you when you want to slug in EW3, but you would need Infectious Fright to better decide when to slug and when not. Thrill maybe if you play Ruin, but I'm not sure if that really plays out.

    So all in all, I would say the following four perks are the best picks, given these constraints:

    Whispers for detection, Ruin for Gen regression, Sloppy for slight stalling and STBFL for quicker chases. If you have tinkerer, you could use it in place of whispers.

    If you have enough shards for getting a new killer, I would advise to fetch Plague, so you can get Corrupt and Infectious Fright. Both perks are good picks for Mikey. So maybe Whispers/Tinkerer, Corrupt, Sloppy and Infectious.

    That concludes my great wall of text. Hope it helps a little bit.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    You should record a really hard match you had as another discussion.

    This way we could help you to find all the mistakes you made in this match and give you better tips based on what mistakes were made.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    A - I was a Myers main for a long time. Before the change last year, ruin was my go-to early stall. Since corrupt took it´s place...this is a tough one. I don´t know which DLC/Perks you have access to. Otz has a neat recommended Myers build (surveillance, surge, pop, corrupt). See a pattern? It´s all gen control. So until you have what you want, work with what you got. Maybe you have some of these available or some form of substitution.

    I agree, Myers early game is the worst of any Killer. And you´re right, if you check the wrong gen at the start you can forget about the 4k unless you happen to be matched with very bad survivors. Rumor has it he´s on their list for upcoming changes, hopefully he won´t get Nurse´d or Billy´d, but recieve his much needed buffs. I recommend you adjust your expectations accordingly though, as of right now Myers unfortunately is way down there with the other really weak Killers. This sucks of course, I reckon you´re a huge fan too.

    B) For years DBD was (rightfully) notorious for being extremely unbalanced in favor of Survivors. I haven´t come across a game that gets even close to the level of imbalance from back then.

    This has led to two things :

    There is a certain number of oldschool survivor mains that became used to being able to beat every Killer effortlessly, every match. Now that DBD is moving towards better balance they feel robbed of their super easy, unfair experience and act as if they were entitled to still win every match with eyes blindfolded and using the keyboard only with their nose.

    These times has also bred a certain number of hardcore Killer mains. They are wary of everything the DEVs do because they were humiliated and abused for YEARS. Some of those are out to avenge the Killers that had to suffer so much back then.

    Some of them developed incredible skill, and now with improving balance often have a field day against most survivors.

    Add an army of streamer-parotting mediocre casuals and you get what we have with the community discussions so often....makes you appreciate the cool and reasonable people of the community.

    C) Depends on whether you are willing to put the time and effort into making it work or if your life circumstances don´t allow it. It is rewarding having everything and having solid gameplay down, but it comes at a rather heavy time cost.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295

    I have monitor, pop, ruin, bbq, brutal,agitation,distressing, nurses, thana and all the base perks and mikey's teachables

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811
    edited September 2020

    This is great! I run BBQ, Pop, Brutal and yeah, corrupt as my go-to basic myers build at red ranks. Maybe throw sloppy,monitor or STBFL on top of those. (STBFL can be a bit tricky on Myers, the idea is of course to preserve stacks by popping EW3 on the Obsession).

    Edit: Or whispers, a perk I generally highly recommend on almost any Killer. Helps a lot in the early game, and decently throughout.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    1) M&A, Ruin, Surveillance, BBQ or Thrill; +/- dead rabbit add on

    2) Corrupt, brutal, pop, infectious

    Two builds on any Myers I like to run.

    I’d recommend you watch this. He has like 8k+ hours btw

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I run, whether I play Spooky or Maniac Myers...

    Hex: Undying

    Hex: Ruin

    Hex: Thrill of the Hunt\

    Play With Your Food

    *This is the most common Build I run, and while I play with others, I always find myself coming back to this one. If I am putting in a Map offering to make sure it is a small, indoor Map and I am doing Spooky I will swap out PWYF for Sloppy Butcher. If I am playing Maniac Myers I swap out PWYF for Barbecue & Chili. I've gotten consistent results and made it to Rank-4 (Red) right before the reset, and I was ONLY Playing Myers as my Killer. I am hoping to hit Rank-1 before the next Reset.

  • Kleer_mi1k
    Kleer_mi1k Member Posts: 46

    B, and with that being said.. C