Other Spirit World killers?

coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

It's something we've seen next to zero usage out of since Nurse came out.

How would they incorporate it into new killers?


  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    What if there was a killer that could enter the ground but not like a mole man but be a shadow on the ground to go through, walls,pallets etc.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318
  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    The wraith when he make himself invisible, enter in the spirit world, that's why he cant touch any survivor.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Yes but he was released before Nurse, so Nurse is the last killer to have any interaction with the Spirit World. (That's why she screams, piercing it is agonizing to her)

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Isn't spirit supposed to exist in between the Spirit and Dream World? Its called "The Ethereal Plane" and takes elements from both of them.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    For all intents and purposes I guess we have to consider it another, separate realm from the Entities and the Spirit World.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I've always wanted a ghost similar to Wraith but a far more western-styled ghost and when invisible, it still casts a shadow behind it's body but nothing else. I think that would be cool.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Pyramid Head and Freddy also exist between the Real World and Ethereal plane,but Spirit can traverse through it to.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Well, Freddy exists in the dream world, I know that much. Where did you see PH? I always just assumed he was in the real world.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Well the dream world is another form of an ethereal plain ,in silent hill lore the town has 3 plains of existence there's the real world, the fog world, and the other world. Valtiel controls the fog world and other world he's a towalk through any plain of existence even the dream world to some extent, in the description of the blood soaked Pyramid it says he tormented Cheryl with nightmare visions of gore.I want to use home coming as an example but I believe Alex Sherpard was trapped in the Fog world of Silent Hill.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I always saw the Dream world as its own separate dimension. With the ethereal plane bridging the gap between it and the spirit world. As for Silent Hill, we know the other world is only present in Midwich, and the real world is the real world, PHs power makes no mention of the fog world so I just assumed the entity left him there. Its not entirely clear if PH tormenting Cheryl was before or after the Entity snagged them to my knowledge. We know he at least goes through the real world as thats how he acts in game.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited September 2020

    When I say real world for this game I mean the ethereal plain thats The Entities Realm, Pyramid Head is currently residing in The Entities realm, but there or it seems other pockets of dimension some killer's can use Like Freddy, he can Snare people in the Dream World but for only a short time, also The Spirit can use this ethereal plain probably why she leaves behind a husk because she can only exist between the two for a short duration,Yes can consider Midwich the Other World because of how messed up it is from the actual Real World version from SH1 but I'm sure if Spirit was to traverse around Freddy and Pyramid Head she would still be able to see them as the would be able to see her,Nurse also because she's using this pocket dimension All four of them exist in the realm of The Entity but there able to access this Spirit World, Pyramid Head has never been in the Real World of Silent Hil.I don't know about that if this was before The Entity pulled Cheryl in but this sounds more like a before thing,do survivor's sleep? If not this manifested in her dreams before she was pulled in.

    *Walter Sullivan also was torment by vision's of Pyramid Head, but was never attacked by him Physically.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    The ethereal plane of the Entity and Silent Hills real world are not the same thing. These "Worlds" act as layers rather than pocket dimensions.

    Take Freddy for example, he exists in the dream world and survivors can't see him, his influence travels across the layer and survivors are lulled to sleep, making them visible in both the real world and the dream world. Or wraith, when he goes invisible he travels into Spirit realm he appears see through in the real world.

    PH shows no effects of the ethereal plane, as you mentioned spirit leaves a husk behind when she travels through, this doesn't happen with PH meaning he can't exist in that sub realm, we know its impossible for them to be in the ethereal plane because they can see blood pools, which spirit can not unless the entity grants her the ability with addons.

    Since we haven't been given any indication that Silent Hills dimensions extend outside of Midwich we can assume the Entity moved PH to the real world.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264
    edited September 2020

    He does show signs of accessing this other world maybe not in the fashion as a full body transition but through his cages he's clearly able to access this ethereal plain.He is a manifestation after all but in a physical form and much like Freddy if he's in the fog world I don't believe he can hurt you in the real world, this is why The Entity realm is the playing field where they can be in psychical contact outside of there own dimension.

    Where does it say Wraiths power allows him access to the ethereal plain, because you can still see him visible I believe that's only a power .You cannot see Spirit, Nurse and but Freddy only behe was changed now ,but at a distance he's completely invisible.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Okay, I'm gonna explain this to you as best as possible.

    The ethereal plane is just a sub realm. Like a layer on top of the map. First it goes the real map, where everything physically is, then goes the dream plane on top, this is only relevant to freddy. Up next come the ethereal plane layered in between, Spirit uses this to traverse the map in phase shift, then on top comes the spirit world, this is where Nurse and Wraith get they're power from. Finally comes the upside down, where only the space between portals exist, can only be used by demogorgon.

    You can tell Nurse and Wraith are in the spirit world because they are the only to killers with lightburn. Dbds wiki specifically mentions this https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Lightburn

    PH can cage people because he calls upon the forces of Silent Hill, it has nothing to do with the plane he resides in. This was stated in his spotlight. The fog world does not extend past Silent Hill and since PH can appear outside of Silent Hill he is not tied to the fog world in any after the being snagged by the Entity.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Hey man you don't have to go there with that tone as if I'm just some idiot, I simply don't know, the connection with Wraith and Nurse with the spirit world. Now far as I know the Dream World yeah is only a thin line between the realm of The Entity.

    The spotlight trailer doesn't say Pyramid Head calls upon the forces of Silent Hill ,and from lore we know the Entity takes the license characters and changes there abilities and give them new ones or enhances them. Pyramid Head put victims in cages in a workshop not by sending them through a dimension, The Entity honed his abilities. The Demogorgon ability was honed allowing him to put down multiple portal's and I'm aware that all of these place's are different from The Entities realm, but now that there all there in it's dimension, what I'm saying is I'm sure they all are apart of the same realm now, I'm not sure who's telling you that Pyramid Head can be outside of Silent Hill because what would be the point of the Entity of Silent Hill to call anyone to the town, it would just send a monster or an Executioner to where ever.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Sorry if my tone came off as condescending, that was not my intention.

    The devs stated he calls upon the sources of Silent Hill in the 4th anniversary live stream, my bad. As for him not sending survivors through a dimension, I know, thats kinda my point. These places aren't different from the Entitys dimension, they make it up. Realms are maps, they can't all be apart of one realm. PH can absolutely be outside of Silent Hill, in game he can go to any map. If killers couldn't leave they're realm where do Ghostface ,Leatherface, and Blight hunt people? How did Nurse and Wraith fall in love? Does that make sense?

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Yeah, I guess it does ,but I still think the ethereal plain is home to alot of monster's and not specifically tied to one being ,Though these realms are different but because of their supernatural ties to one another their able to travel back and forth through our existence,except pyramid head and freddy unless they were brought there, also apology excepted.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Oh yeah, its very possible other creatures could use the ethereal plane, but the realm has certain characteristics within it. Like no blood pools and invisible survivors for instance. PH and Freddy were both brought here by the Entity. Freddy in the middle of chasing Quentin. And PH a few years after SH2, his bio described it as "An Unspoken Agreement" Between him and the Entity.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    So there's some rules thier bound by you're saying, because living beings wouldn't be able to see the ethereal plane this is why they would be invisible and why freddy is invisible now at a certain range ,all we can do is work off of head cannon but I really want to know word for word what that agreement was ,I could say obviously since he's allowed to execute right on the spot that's all,but it must be more ,I personally like to think that he gets to keep the Silent Hill cast for himself rather than executing the DBD main survivor's.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Yeah, some realms have rules for stuff. My personal head cannon for it was that he didn't have to be bound by the entitys rules, like he'll follow the Entity unless he deems it necessary to disobey.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Ah yeah that's definitely part of the deal to. What SCP we talking about here who do you want to come to DBD? Those are definitely creatures from beyond.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    If I had to pick just one it'd have to be 106, I think he would fit in perfectly. Though my concept chapter included them all.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I could very easily reframe this Killer idea I made awhile ago as using the Spirit World:

    Currently I have it say he's using the "dark world", but I didn't HAVE to do that.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    The Nightwatchman.

    He installs up to 10 eyeballs around the map that act as cameras. When he activates his power, he wraps himself in a dark shadow shroud (imagine the black curtains that old-time cameramen would drape over their heads and backs.)

    To a survivor, he looks like a dark un-moving curtained lump. From the killer’s perspective, the play field goes dark and he sees 10 black and white cctv monitors, one for each eyeball in play. (If there are less than 10 eyeballs installed, then the excess screens will show static.)

    The killer can use these screens to surveil various areas on the map. If he sees something of interest, he walks toward a screen until it fills the whole view. At this point it transitions from black and white to color and the view is a normal game again. He essentially crawls out through the eyeball camera, The dark shroud from the other area of the map is sucked into oblivion.

    • Eyeball cameras can be destroyed by survivors.
    • The killer can exit the shroud without teleporting.
    • There is a cooldown between uses
    • Add-ons affects color, clarity, and aura-reading from the cctv screens, as well as cooldown and teleport times.
    • Choosing a static screen will take him to a random location and installs an eyeball when he emerges.
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    There is still some opportunity for Supernatural Killers. Here's a few very brief and basic ideas:

    The Poltergeist: Known as the "noisy ghost", this could be a stealth Killers whose terror radius is an increasing cacophony of bangs, smashes, etc. It could have an ability which starts off weak, but as more gens are done it gets much more powerful (their hauntings start weak, then become more devastating, according to stories). Could be a projectile type Killer?

    DPHE (Demonic Possessed Human Entity): This ghost could be the answer to an imposter-type Killer, except it has the ability to teleport through survivors (granting the survivor it teleported from some invincibility), or having a survivor which it sees as its "possessed", and can teleport within a radius of that survivor. That power would need limitations. Maybe it can use "Sight" (like Forbidden Siren) to see through survivor eyes?

    Demons: Known to attach to objects, this could be a "Prop Hunt" creature that can become an object such as a chest or hook or pallets, amd able to move around the map.

    Shadow People: A creature that could go through any objects and become invisible for a set period of time, providing it's looked at by survivors within a certain field of view (in tales, Shadow People would disappear if looked at directly, and only appear in the corner of your eye.

    Doppelganger: These ghosts are known for looking like people, but lesser known is that they can appear in multiple places at the same time. This could have a power which disguises them, but also as in Identity V there's a Killer that creates a mirror image of itself, which moves in the same ways but at a distance, allowing the Killer to be in 2 places at once. Add-ons could increase the number. Also looks like the survivor it's nearest to, with some discernable differences.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    @NuclearBurrito I like this idea it's pretty cool and I like the idea of a realm without interaction except hooks. Pretty neat.