Killers Teleporting Through Pallets

golightheros Member Posts: 3
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Can anyone explain to me why killers just seemingly teleport to the other side of the pallet? Like there better be a good reason for it cause its complete and utter bullshit. Especially when the killer also hits you through a pallet stun like it is the most infuriating thing to deal with. Like they could just barely start their lunge and I'll stun them and then BAM right on the same side as me and gets the hit like what the hell is that?


  • golightheros
    golightheros Member Posts: 3

    At least with nurse its her power but I've had this happen with every single killer and its so infuriating

  • troublprone
    troublprone Member Posts: 13

    I can second this. Ever since the patch I randomly teleport through pallets and walls...not playing nurse. It’s stupid, and it’s screws with your chases as killer. It’s never been a good thing for me, with the low FPS I have trouble with my killer jumping around randomly. I think it has to do with the lack of optimization on certain platforms, especially consoles like Switch.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Latency. On the killers screen, it probably looks like they hit you and then they randomly get pallet stunned.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I have seen a hack or two in the wild recently, with survivors teleporting through exit games. It could be something along those lines.

    However, it could also well just be latency.

  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    I'm used to it by now lol, then I get hooked shortly after the pallet stun that made them phase through time and space

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    It's happening a lot on PS4. Playing Killer I find myself randomly teleported to a different portion of the map in the middle of a chase. As a survivor, yeah I've been hit after stunning a Killer or leaping through a window and literally 3 steps later I'm hit and the killer isn't in the same room as me. And it's not gunslinger nor huntress.

    But at least the heart beat is back.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Yeah, I’ve experienced this on PS4 playing Both sides. On the survivor side, I wish devs would’ve given pallet dropping an increase when they added the killer’s lunge mechanic. Not sure what the time calculation is during the pallet drop animation. Jus be nice if there would’ve been a slight increase in the speed at which survivors drop pallets to give a small compensation there.

    If you pause the screen during a replay of the killer’s swing on a survivor, the in-game distance between the weapon and the survivor’s body can be well over a foot apart at times. Hit boxes. Feels natural as a killer, but you can still see the distance; that it was far off from actually hitting close to the survivor’s body. Survivor side, jus smh every time.

    Hits during Pallet stuns and especially window vaults (survivor’s literally 3+ feet out of the window when hit, smh) are absolutely the worst feelings of hitbox unfairness I’ve experienced in game while playing survivor.

    When playing killer, I see it happen an I still feel it’s ridiculous unfairness that could be tightened up a bit an wish it would be.