What Are Your Favorite and Least Favorite Add-ons to Use/See?

As in: Favorite add-ons to use and Least-Favorite add-ons to have used against you.

Anything goes, from killer powers to survivor items. All add-ons are fair game. You can list one for both categories too if you love to use it but hate to play against it.

If a particular add-on is part of a group of add-ons that do the same thing at different levels, feel free to list it individually or as a "set" (such as with Trapper's Trap-Bags or Huntress's Hatchet Belts).

Anyway, for me personally:


  • Windstorm Set (Wraith): Satisfies my need for speed. Wraith has lots of fun and funny add-ons, but Windstorm is arguably his best.
  • Scalped Topknot (Oni): Same reason as with Windstorm; gotta go fast. Plus this lets Oni play around some loops in Blood Fury that he might otherwise have trouble with. Probably should have been a higher rarity than green, but whatever.
  • Iridescent Queen (Doctor): Possibly the most hilarious add-on in the game. Pretty useful overall and absolutely mandatory when you want to make the survivors scream as much as possible in a trial.
  • Class Photo (Nightmare): Probably one of Freddy's weaker add-ons, but it can be funny for spooking survivors who are near ANY generator (even if you get locked into the Dream Projection).
  • Redhead's Pinky Finger (Clown): I usually find Clown kind of dull to play, but this adds a little extra technical challenge to his power. Of course I sometimes accidentally throw matches when going exclusively for the bottle-downs with this.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Flower Babushka / Oak Haft (Huntress's Wind-up Reduction set)
  • "Boots" Set (Hillbilly's Chainsaw-Turning boosters)
  • OG Light Chassis / Depth Gauge Rake (Leatherface's original Tantrum Reduction) - Two words: Bump Bubba
  • Styptic Agent (Med-Kit) - Probably the most enjoyable rework to a survivor add-on I've ever seen. Having this briefly apply Endurance feels more fair than the old insta-heals did while still offering some dynamic choices in how/when to use this.


  • Iridescent Head (Huntress): BOOM HEADSHOT. I wouldn't be surprised if this add-on made most peoples' lists of stuff they don't want to play against.
  • Brand New Part (Toolbox): Still pretty strong and basically uncounterable (plus it was the original survivor counterpart to Mori's before we all started complaining about Keys). Maybe it's just me, but I always wonder if this is really an add-on that we still need in DbD.
  • Red Paint Brush (Nightmare): Probably brought as part of "Forever Freddy". Time well spent...
  • Tombstone Set (Shape): Terrifying and in-character for Myers, but usually means fewer chases, less altruism, and potential insta-death. I'd argue that Tombstone Piece is probably actually OP as well.
  • Chewed Pen / Address Book / Walleyes Matchbook (Ghost Face's Power Recovery Set): It's annoying enough to get the Shroud/Reveal mechanics to work consistently with GF, I don't need him getting back into Shroud faster too.

Dishonorable Mentions:

  • OG Prayer Beads (Spirit) - "Now you can't see me OR hear me coming! Nyah!" - The Spirit (probably).
  • OG & Current Order Set (Doctor) - Before we had Forever Freddy, we had Hostage Doc. Now he presumably just wears thick wooly socks to build up that Static faster.
  • Tampered Timer (Pig) - RBT's are a neat mechanic, but it's not super fun to die just because the map was huge and I didn't have enough time to actually reach all of the Jigsaw Boxes.
  • OG Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe - Back when insta-heals were instant, this was annoyingly good. Hugs not drugs.

But how about you? What add-ons regularly bring you the most joy or the greatest frustration?


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,164

    For Myers I love J. Myers memorial and the memorial flower for speedy stalking. Hair bow and hair brush are nice for extended tier 3 duration. Dead rabbit is great for lowering that tier 2 terror radius. And of course scratched mirror for the fun spooky Mikey build.

    Dislike vanity mirror and the mirror shards. Pretty worthless. Don't like using tombstone because it ends matches quick with less points.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    I dislike all the insta-down addons

    And like addons that add effects

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I was really close to including Scratched Mirror on the original post. I like how drastically it shakes up how Myers is played.

    Whenever Myers gets his add-ons adjusted, I'm hoping they'll keep Scratched Mirror and make it his Common "BP Add-on" (as it's basically his equivalent to Speed Limiter or Padded Jaws).

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Iridescent head is pretty cringe but ALL ultra rare things in this game are no fun imo. Who even asked for super saiyens in dbd in the first place?

    I like going up against anything Billy and Bubba want to use. I like playing doc calm notes builds but Myers quick stalk is fun too.