why do survivors call every other play camping/tunneling?

Survivors who do that just want excuses for their loss.It´s kinda like Killers who blame everything on Maps and SWF, same thing.
This is something that plagues dbd pretty badly. No one wants to admit when they messed up or didn´t play as well as they could have.
Don´t let it get to ya, they would have said it regardless of what you did.
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There are several things in this game that happen, but are unlikely.
- You're fighting a top tier sweat squad
- You're fighting a cheater
- You're fighting somebody who is so hell-bent on ruining your day in particular that they will gladly lose the game for it, even though you did nothing to spite them
But there is one thing in this game that is so rare... so MYTHICAL... that some say it impossible.
- You lost a game and it was your fault.
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i can accept that i do make dumb calls from time to time but im pretty certain i dont camp or tunnel but the survivors i go against would say otherwise
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It feels like if you don't let them sit and heal directly under the hook, they call you a camper and/or tunneler. Like you're expected to just ignore the unhook notification entirely.
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Because they only like the game when they win and call it out everytime when they don't do
Especially tunneling is yelled always when a survivor just doesn't feel like going down right now. Heard someone call someone tunneler because he dommited to a chase, first hook. Also if survivor go almost insta unhook, the killer is blamed camper if he dares returning.
Also (and I find myself do that as well sometimes) many people are confident to be able to read situations but know **** about what just happened. Like getting downed and seeing a survivor aura for 5 sec knowing "THIS survivor is useless!" just because he is not sitting on a gen right now. Had that on an injured Kate in the corner for example and turned out that one got most BP of all (like 28k). So maybe just tabbed out for a second or whatever reason caused it. The match lasts like 12 minutes, some seconds is not a good timeframe to judge the whole match
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It's the same mentality as killers calling every team a bunch of filthy genrushers. They think they are the best, most honourable players and that the only way someone could have beaten them is via scummy tactics. So, in order to keep this fantasy alive, they twist everything to suit their narrative.
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You either blame your team or the Killer (i wonder how many survivor complaining about camping / tunneling never sneak or play around BBQ and have zero looping skills).
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Because it's way easier to blame someone else for your mistakes than own up to them.
If you run into me after being dehooked, as I patrol by - I didn't tunnel you. You messed up.
If you run in to unhook someone when I've barely just left and I kill you - I didn't camp. You messed up.
If you have a key and I tunnel you to death...well, you brought that on yourself :).
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Idk, why do killers constantly cry about our good perks and say that we're being toxic for escaping? It's not just survivors that are crybabies.
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It's easier to blame the Killer while completely ignoring the other survivors.
Like Hookrushers that don't Block or don't have BT. Yeah you got farmed. Not the Killers fault.
Or getting called a tunneler after they take a BT-Hit for the unhooker. Don't make yourself a Target if you don't want to get "tunneled".
My favorite is still getting called a Camper while another survivor is looping with me near the hook.
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It´s a two-way street with perks. Ever read someones post crying rivers about NOED, BBQ, Ruin, Stridor, Undying...?
What this post is referring to is badmouthing killers for allegedly "scummy" (translate: efficient) choices during the match even when the Killer didn´t do it as a means to avoid any responsibility for their own bad decision making. It´s widespread in the community, and it´s not exclusive to survivors.
Note that in my opinion the only true scummy things a killer could do would be hard camping as leatherface, slugging but not hooking anybody, repeatedly hitting people on the hook, post game chat abuse. Everything else is fair game. Same goes for Survivors, you won´t see me accuse anyone of being scummy for doing gens, running tiles or going for saves. It´s neither side´s job to make the game as easy as possible for their opponents.
Going for a recently unhooked survivor could only be considered scummy if you actually tunnel them. This term is thrown around so much I think most people can´t remember the actual meaning anymore though.
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I'm probably the guy people would call out for having scummy tactics lol since I always stack it to my favour and play against a teams playstyle case in point today I had a sacrifice all 4 in the basement challenge.
so I put on my iridescent heads my infintry belt iron grasp deerstalker warden and noed just in case it got to endgame and if the basement was in shack near a gate and low and behold they stick me on the asylum map and the basement in dead center map.
and they kept rushing it for saves and even had a Claudette who had a suspicious save with a flashlight when I was looking at a wall rage kill on the hook because I got them and I was camping the stairs via proxy and kicking gens near it and I will gladly admit that game I was tunnling and camping the basement steps.
But that's the point at time's it pays to play scummy and a bit campy and stack it in your favour because it works.
Though my most hilarious moment of being called a camper carrying guy to a hook a Lauri rushes me and I slug hear near the hook and I spent the entire hook time for the guy looking for her on the ground and I got called a camper like dude was you not watching your teamate rush near the hook
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You say that it's a wide spread issue for both sides but the op is specifically calling out survivors.
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You are precisely the kind of player that breeds the hate and toxicity in this community.
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To be fair it's not unique to DbD. I remember quite a few salty people blaming everybody else and the game when they lost. It's human nature not to blame yourself when you don't win. Coincidentally Scott Jund just did a video on learning to be self-critical where he went back and reviewed his own game that he didn't do too well in to show to his followers that it wasn't "swfs" or "gen rush" or whatever but was him making mistakes. His main point was that, yes, the game has some imbalances, but unless you actually played perfectly it's really your own mistakes that probably cost you the match and very few people play matches consistently perfectly, or at least so close to perfectly that they can't point to something they did wrong if they lose.
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Get bored and decide to fish a little bit?
Very good bait.
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Sometimes map and SWF does screw you over more than you think.
Playing as nurse, and you get hawkins? Probably should DC immediately. (Just a joke about DC)
Playing as myers or clown against SWF with OoO in midwich? There's little you can do besides doing the best you can, and hope they mess up so badly.
I don't really complain, but some rng in this game can really have a huge impact.
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Camping is just standing near a hook survivor non stop and tunneling is chasing same survivor non stop all game.
I only do this things if there is a toxic survivor T bagging every second but besides that nada
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Of course the game can be stacked against a Killer, I agree. I have a feeling though that too many players use it as a convenient excuse when it was actually themselves that were responsible for their loss.
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If u hook 2 times a survivor is tunneling if u are in the map when a survivivor is un hook u are camping.
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The reason for the complaints is because that's exactly what every single killer does.
We can confirm this by consulting the official DbD survivor rulebook and looking up their definitions...
CAMPING - A killer, that upon hooking a survivor, refuses to go stand in a corner of the map and face a wall.
TUNNELING - A killer who hits the same survivor more then once in a single match.
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I think it's just that a lot of players don't know what those terms really are, and they tend to throw them around very loosely. Camping and tunneling do exist, but not to the degree everyone claims- at least not in high ranks. (In purple and below, yes, there is a ton more camping and tunneling- less experienced killers seem to do it more often.) People tend to mistake the killer being lead back to hook by the other survivor they were chasing to be camping, or being farmed off hook by a teammate and downed immediately by the killer to be tunneling, when in reality, it's just the killer making a smart play. I wouldn't take it too personally, people just have a hard time accepting that they made mistakes. You see it in every game.
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Did you get the fact I only played so scummy and campy legit for a challenge and nothing else