So, i timed Blights destroy pallets stun:

It isnt really faster as the normal break animation, meaning Compound Thirty-Three probably still has the added effect of having a 1 sec faster stun and also not having to attack first or needing to activate lethal rush. I didnt time the stun of Compound Thirty-Three so i cant confirm it but it should work like that.

Also having "reduces Rush Fatigue time" add-ons seems to have no effect on the overall pallet destroy stun time, despite blight using his exhaustion syringe after the pallet break.

For anyone wondering from the Pallet destruction until you can move takes around 2.5 sec, a normal break should take around 2.9 sec on my timing, i read on the wiki something of breakable walls with 2.6 sec. Meaning if you add the Rush time and also the bounce and attack time on top of the 2.5 sec that you are probably just as fast as using the normal animation or even slower. BUT, if you get some distance to the pallet you will be faster. Overall it cant hurt to rush destroy pallets but the effect is pretty minimal or even negative if it takes you some time to rush bounce rush attack.
