So, i timed Blights destroy pallets stun:

It isnt really faster as the normal break animation, meaning Compound Thirty-Three probably still has the added effect of having a 1 sec faster stun and also not having to attack first or needing to activate lethal rush. I didnt time the stun of Compound Thirty-Three so i cant confirm it but it should work like that.
Also having "reduces Rush Fatigue time" add-ons seems to have no effect on the overall pallet destroy stun time, despite blight using his exhaustion syringe after the pallet break.
For anyone wondering from the Pallet destruction until you can move takes around 2.5 sec, a normal break should take around 2.9 sec on my timing, i read on the wiki something of breakable walls with 2.6 sec. Meaning if you add the Rush time and also the bounce and attack time on top of the 2.5 sec that you are probably just as fast as using the normal animation or even slower. BUT, if you get some distance to the pallet you will be faster. Overall it cant hurt to rush destroy pallets but the effect is pretty minimal or even negative if it takes you some time to rush bounce rush attack.
"Also having "reduces Rush Fatigue time" add-ons seems to have no effect on the overall pallet destroy stun time, despite blight using his exhaustion syringe after the pallet break."
It's been tested, the Fatigue time reduction add-ons only work when you let the rush time out, or don't use another token to continue rushing after a slam. Attacking at all while rushing, whether successful or not, deactivates the add-ons effect and you get no benefit from the combined 0.75 seconds they reduce your fatigue time. They're basically useless.
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Still a good addition to the blight imo. I think he needs a little more but theyre on the right track
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Wat did u expect when they nerfed compound 21 into crap, an actual buff to make up for his lackluster power? No
They did a bird-brain buff to blight to make him effectively no different than he is and destroyed his best addon that was nearly fundamental to his playstyle.
Now hes just a crappy m1 killer who can pray survivors are stupid enough to not get blight rushed when their working on a gen.
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You can benefit from them by ending a rush near survivor since you recover very fast
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Most of the time I rush at a survivor, I'ma swinging. So yeah, if I can control the urge to take a swing at them, then I can benefit from the add-ons, but for the sake of the OP, I was merely pointing out that equipping them won't give any time benefit when using his lethal rush to break pallets, because you attack, which cancels out the add-on(s) effect.
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Ah thanks for that info, i noticed aswell, that these addons seem to be a little inconsistent under some conditions but i wasnt sure if it just was on every attack or only some.
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If thats the case, the addons have a little flaw that basically makes them pretty redundant: if you end your rush with a attack you dont get the slowdown of running out of your rush. Its generally faster to stop your rush with a swing. Meaning the reduced fatigue time gets canceled out by slowing down to a stop and than getting stunned.
Btw. am i right that Unrelenting doesnt work on these attacks ? I think i remember that it didnt work on the PTB since its not a basic attack, didnt stop many people from using it since they didnt knew. So i wasnt sure if it does work or doesnt.
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I mean it should probably still be faster if you have those addons to let your rush run out instead of attacking at the end but these addons loose some of their time benefit since it isnt as effective to let it run out. You also get less distance. But it should be true that you can get some good time value if you use it correctly.
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FYI The patch notes say that a "Lethal Rush" breaks a pallet, but the red add-on lets you break pallets with a Rush as well (i.e. with the add-on you don't have to bounce off something first to break a pallet)
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Exactly, thats also what i wanted to say with: "meaning Compound Thirty-Three probably still has the added effect of having a 1 sec faster stun and also not having to attack first or needing to activate lethal rush."
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Also a leathal rush isnt enough to break a pallet, you have to attack aswell.
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Mind you, I think the red add-on is maybe a bit "meh" now that some of its effect it innate to Blight's Lethal Rushes. As a red add-on in particular it's not really adding anything exciting to how you play Blight like many of the red add-ons do. They may want to look at tweaking or revamping it to do something a bit more unique.
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The only thing blight needs is for the camera to be above his crotch. He's plenty strong.
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That does make it harder to use (I haven't seen a video of it yet or had a chance to try it out though so I'm just guessing).
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Thanks for the info I now know not to waste bp on these addons
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Compound 33 is actually really good. Not only do you break a pallet and recover in only 1.5 seconds, you also slow down any nearby survivors for 3 seconds, which gives you ample time to recharge a token you lost without giving the survivors as much distance. It's like having having Enduring + Spirit Fury + AoE Hindered effect, which is a far cry better than the new "Attacking while lethal rushing breaks pallets" which apparently only speeds up the pallet breaking by 0.6 seconds as long as you were already lethal rushing when you attack the pallet. If you weren't, then bouncing once to enter lethal rush, and attacking the pallet takes 2.6 seconds, which is the same time as the standard pallet break animation.
To be fair...
Most of the other killers chasing survivors are too tall to really appreciate the detail the devs put into them. With Blight's PoV though, I have discovered a new appreciation for them: I literally feel like Jane's booty is close to engulfing my whole head right before I slap it, Feng's cute little derriere defiantly bouncing in my face is begging for a good spanking, and David's rock hard buttocks just challenge me to see if I can bounce more than a quarter off them. The only times other killers get to see the devs fine work on survivor posteriors is when they are vaulting through windows, which is too brief to soak it all in, but our resident creeper Blight gets it all the time as part of his hunched over base kit. If anything's gonna make me want to play as a drooling maniac, so worked up he's literally bouncing off the walls while mindlessly charging at a tempting gaggle of college age co-eds, its definitely gonna be a face full of those sweet, sumptous, sculpted mounds of jiggling flesh, playfully bounding away from me.
Face it, Blight's an ass man! Instead of bemoaning his PoV choice, lets just admire the lengths he's gone to for achieving his dreams, you can't honestly fault the guys pursuit of happiness, can you?. 🤪
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Only if they are exactly where you end your rush and you don't have to cancel it by swinging. Which isn't exactly a common occurrence.